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The Correllian Tradition

What makes the Correllian Tradition different from other Wiccan Traditions? Usually when people ask this they are expecting a liturgical answer of some special beliefs or ritual forms that are unique to Correllianism. Correllianism does put an unusually strong emphasis on the philosophical aspects of Wicca, and on the spirituality and inner mysteries of the Wiccan religion, but liturgically our beliefs do not especially differ from those of other Wiccan Traditions. Rather is is our attitudes toward the Pagan comminity and its future that thend to set us apart.

The Correllian Tradition is dedicated to the advancement of the Pagan people. We believe strongly in the need for increased communication and cooperation between Pagans everywhere from all Traditions.

They stress the importance of the Pagan Clergy as teachers and facilitators, and the need for a strong public presence. The Correllian Tradition emphasizes celebratory as well as initiatory Wicca, and is strongly committed to accessible public ritual.

The Correllium, symbol of the Correllian Tradition showing the vault of heaven with a double line representing Air and Light (Fire), the cross of the Four Directions representing Earth and a wave representing Water. The whole represents the Unity of Existence.


The sigil of the Sacred Circle of the Spiral Goddess Temple was designed with Mother Earth in mind. The outer circle of the sigil represents the sacredness of the Circle and all that it stands for. The leaves represent growth within the circle and the Spiral Goddess represents life.

This has been a very exciting year, first we were chartered as a Witan Shrine 3 April, Year 4 Aquarius and formalized a Temple on 13 March, Year 5 Aquarius. It has been hard work but worth every bit of it. The Temple is a beautiful place to worship the Goddess and God.

Currently I am holding classes for the members of the Temple on the New Moon of each month. Then on the third Wendsday of the month I have open classes for all who are interested in learning about Paganism, Wicca and the Correllian Tradition. I also offer First and Second Degree classes in the Correllian Wicca.

I am Rev. Demorae and I live in central Illinois. I have been studying with the Correllian Tradition through WitchSchool about 4 years now. I am currently studying for my Third Degree. I am currently a Second Degree Clergy and I can perform legal Handfastings, Funerals, and Rites of Passage under the imperium of Rev. Don Lewis. If you would like to get in touch with the Temple or myself please e-mail me at .


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