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American Government

<BGSOUND SRC="sound/MissionImpossible.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite HIDDEN=true>

This site is designed for two reasons. (1)To organize my government notes, and (2)To ensure that I pass the final exam. I plan to keep an updated list of all notes, and important terms from our reading.

**Updates** What is on here now is all there is going to be. This page is officially Finished!! The Year is almost over, and I have recorded all the notes and terms I need. Peace Out Mr. B!

These are the different parts of my Government sites.


General Notes

Political Cartoons

Credits and Sources

Mr. Belton's Home Page

Jon's Dream Car!!!

This is what the car I am buying this summer is going to look like.
It's a 1989 Chevy Camaro Rally Sport

Drop me a line: