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Political Cartoons

<BGSOUND SRC="sound/Raider.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite HIDDEN=true> These are my political cartoons.

This political cartoon was illustrated by Kevin Sires and posted at Political   It is a liberal cartoon stating that Clinton leaving is a good thing because he wrongfully gave out presidental pardons before he left office.

This political cartoon was posted on political on Feb. 7th and illustrated by Mike Thompson. It is a liberal cartoon stating that Bush basically is a moron who can't do his own work.

Kevin Siers drew this cartoon to bash on congress shutting down napster. It is illustrated in a conservative point of view. The main message is if napster gets shut down, then the people who do not want to pay for their music, will just get it free other ways, like by stealing it form the stores. That is juet going to cause problems.

Kevin Siers Illustrated this cartoon and posted it at Political on February 21, 2001. Is is a liberal cartoon trashing capitalism. It suggests that Eminem appeared on the Grammys only to help them make a profite.

This is a cartoon drawn by Mike Thompson on March 6th. Is is a conservative cartoon complaining that it takes the state to long to fix the roads, and do road construction.

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