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The San Diego
Amateur Moviemakers Club

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The San Diego Amateur Moviemakers Club is a group of people of all ages and all walks of life who share a common interest in making movies for fun.  For over half a century the club has provided a place where members may learn more about the art of film making and have the opportunity to show their work to an understanding and constructively critical audience.  SDAMC also publishes a monthly membership newsletter, The Gadget Bag.


Nowadays, with film so expensive, more people are shooting in video.  The club has a high-lumen video projector, which enables members to show their work on a huge screen with an amplified sound system at our meetings.  There are local contests to create added interest and encourage members to enter national film competitions.


The club provides a social opportunity to meet new friends with common interests.  And of course,



Created by George "Webman" Henderson
Last revision on 05/09/2003 San Diego Amateur Moviemakers Club (All Rights Reserved)