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The San Diego
Amateur Moviemakers Club

[ Home ] SDAMC - Who We Are ] SDAMC - Map to Meetings ] Multiple Sidosis ] In memory of Vic Brown ]

The club is in the process of disbanding.  All meetings are canceled.
This website is being kept alive for the purpose of sharing member videos and information.
Members who want to share their masterpieces with the world need to contact the webmaster.


High-speed Internet connection suggested.

Don't Go To France

Don't Go To France!

The "French Tourism Veterans for Truth" want you to do what's right!

Requires Windows Media Player


Gloria's Secret Life

Gloria's Secret Life

Find out what George's wife does in her spare time.

Requires Windows Media Player


Notice how he leans to the right?
BUSH 91/1

"Let's let the Iraqis suffer more.  To me sounds like a reasonable, balanced approach!"

Did our president really say that?  George Henderson has created this spoof of Michael Moore's documentary.  Presidents can say the darndest things when you digitally alter the interview.  Watch for surprise appearances by Captain Kirk and others!

Requires Windows Media Player


Leaving Venice

Leaving Venice

What's it like to sail away from Venice, Italy on a huge ocean liner.  Check out George Henderson's farewell to the city of canals.

Requires Windows Media Player




Do you remember last October's fires?  George Henderson's house was never in danger, but he filmed this clip of the orange sky and fallen ash in the driveway.
You can even see the ash on his bald head!

Requires Windows Media Player


Cute Penguin

Watch Out for This Penguin!

George Henderson captured this cute penguin chick on tape during a visit to Antarctica in 1998.  The video is old, but your kids will like it!

Requires Real Video Player.




The club has officially disbanded as of 10/29/04.





Webmaster:  Club members know George's e-mail address

AMPS (American Motion Picture Society)   
Buffalo Movie-Video Makers
North County Videomakers
San Diego Film Commission  (See our club listed under "Specialy Groups")
San Diego Film Festival
San Diego Metro Career Center (Free classes in multimedia including Premiere, web design, etc.)
AMMA  (Amateur Movie Makers Association,  formerly SAVAC)   
The Desk Top Video Handbook On Line (A commercial website, but lots of good information)
UCSD-TV ("Thought-Provoking Television")

Last revision on 10/29/04
©2002, 2003, 2004 San Diego Amateur Moviemakers Club (All Rights Reserved)