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Page updated on 06/18/00





My interest in black ops (Men In Black) began while doing research into their activites, which were closely associated with UFO sightings and people who had seen UFOs. THE TRUTH ABOUT MEN IN BLACK is a good book to read, and I recommend it for anyone who has an interest in the subject of MIBs and UFOs. They are connected, and this book goes into great lengths to uncover some of the more bizarre cases involving MIB and covert, US Government operations. I also included some of that research in my last book UFOs: A SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY. It is available by clicking on the line link entitled "publications" on our home page. You can also find the latest !HOT ufo audio and video's by Billy Dee, Bill Bean, Christopher Montgomery to name a few. Found exclusively at UFORCE ON-LINE STORE; Go there now by clicking on the link below. (AOL users copy and paste this URL into your browser window and hit "return" ) Click on the line-link "Publications," @

CHEMTRAILS: I was a USRA Medical Corpsman during the Vietnam Era, and I am a Vietnam era veteran...I never saw any action, but most of the men in my unit did. I was with Delta Company, Battalion Aid Station, US CORP OF ENGINEERS. During my tour of the Army, I learned alot about NBC warfare (nuclear, biological and chemical). Chemtrail materials fall somewhere in that category. FIRST AID: Prevention is the best remedy. If you happen to see a black military aircraft spewing a thick, chemical cloud, followed by fog settling towards you or the ground, seek shelter immediately. If you have heard stories and/or rumors of chem-trails in your area, it would be wise to carry a plastic poncho with you at all times. You can purchase them at most retail stores, and are really inexpensive. The objective is to protect yourself from any type of exposure to this chemical substance. Since no one really understands the content of this material, or why it is being sprayed, we must assume the worst and protect ourselves accordingly. Breathing of this material is unadvisable, and protecting your eyes, ears, nose and throat from ingestion of this material is advisable. A simple dust mask would help, but once again, this may not be sufficient. Everyone should carry a bug-out kit with them at all times. This whould consist of anything and everything that could aid you or your loved ones in the event of a disaster. Given the fact that disasters can happen at any given time, it wouldn't be a bad idea to carry one in your automobile, home or pack in the event of a real emergency. Your kit should include food, potable water, a source of heat and/or fire and gear to last you a minimum of three days. Add to your kit a respirator, goggles and a poncho, and you're now equipped for chemtrails and NBC warfare. credit: Paul Anderson If shelter is nearby, go inside and if possible, close all doors and windows, chimney flue. Turn off your exhaust fans from kitchen or bathroom, AS THIS COULD DRAW IN AIR FROM THE OUTSIDE ENVIRONMENT. Go into the basement or if there isn't one, a central room in the house. Stay put until the wind and nature has had time to clear the air and/or allowed the mist from the chemtrail to settle to the ground. We have have received confirmed reports that birds and small animals have died as a result of chemtrail spraying. We have unconfirmed reports that the number of deaths following a chemtrail attack will rise. Whether this is true or false is unknown at this time. We have also read reports that there is an increased patient load at local area hospitals following a chemtrail sighting. The elderly are the worst affected, and are the first to succumb to the chemical action of the fog produced by the spray. My current hypothesis is that chemtrails, is that are unwanted materials from military labs. Spraying these chemicals in the form of a fine, aerosolized mist would disperse the chemical agent(s). Nature would break them down.

Delivered-To: From: "Billy Dee" ( To: "(Special News Release)" Date sent:Sat, 3 Jun 2000 23:16:52 -0500 Subject: UFOSSI Urgent Announcement! Chem-Trails! Priority: urgent


There has been enough posts, reports, eye witness's, from hundreds, if not thousands of people on the Internet in regards to the present "Chem-Trail" crisis!

Yes, it is a crisis, and should be handled as one! And being a crisis, it is definately time to wage a letter writting campaign to any of our representatives in our goverment, as well as a phone calling campaign to our representatives, as well as an e-mail writting campaign to our representatives. Now is the time for action!

Our goverment and military have failed to inform the public about the "chem-trails". Doesn't everyone think, in the view with all the witness's, and chem-trail photo's, not to mention the many confirming analysis reports of the contents of the chem-trails, that it is time to MARCH?

We are going to get no where, by just reading about this crisis, and either venting our anger to one another, or sitting at home, and hoping the whole situation will go away!

WE NEED ANSWERS! WE ARE ENTITLED TO ANSWERS! AND WE ARE NOT GETTING ANSWERS, from those that can very well get us the answers the public needs.

If it is true, that the citizens of the U.S. health is at risk and at stake here, then ACT NOW!

If it is true, that these chem-trails, contain deadly virus, and other bacteria, as well as noxious chemicals, then we need to start asking questions and demanding answers, NOW!

If it is true, that all those that have been sprayed, and are now suffering from many types of malady's, then we need to STAND UP NOW!

If it is true, that the government and or military is holding back vital information and facts about the "alleged" chem-trails, then we as citizens of the U.S. have the legal right to know and DEMAND ANSWERS!

If it is true, that the U.S. constitution and the Bill Of Rights still promises human rights and freedoms, then we need to contact those in the government that are supposed to insure these rights, and DEMAND answers to why we are being sprayed with chemicals, and impress upon them, they must abide by the LAW!

TIME IS RUNNING OUT! If it is true, that many more people will suffer from the noxious and infective fallout of the chem-trails, than we have NO RIGHT to sit at home, and idly stand by, as we are supposedly GASSED! If all that I said is true, then we as American citizens of the U.S. must unite and begin to STAND UP and DEMAND ACTION, ANSWERS, AND HELP in this "alleged" chem-trail CRISIS! Over the past year or so, I have been watching not only the UFOSSI mail list, and its growing number of chem-trail reports, and photo's, but also, many other lists that also are sounding the alarm. What was merely a trickle of one or two posts per week on the chem-trail crisis, has given way to a literal flood of posts from concerned citizens demanding answers. Very few answers have come forward. Along with that, there are at least two congressmen that have feverishly tried to gain information from the government on the chem-trail crisis, and have not been able to learn a thing about it!

We here no news about the chem-trails in the main line TV news programs. Not a word! But yet, all one has to do, is look up in the sky's, and easily see the chem-trails that often streak and even criss cross the skys, over many or most U.S. States. I do not feel that I am over reacting in this situation. I have prayed on this, I have researched, I have investigated, and then spent months debating with myself and my wife, if I should jump in with both feet and proclaim a potential and looming crisis. If, the chem-trails are harmless, and we are being sprayed with some sort of new innoculations against a possible threat of bio warfare that may be foreseen being released into the air from some foreign country, or for some other environmental concern, then the citizens of the U.S. are still legally entitled to know what is going on!

Our government or military, or those parts in it involved with and in the chem-trail spraying, have a legal obligation to inform the citizens of this country, of what they are being sprayed with. Under a certain law, which was passed within the past 30 years, the law stipulates that the government has to legally inform the public about, if and when there is any plans to test any chemicals on the American public via the air! Well, there has not been any such forewarning. And under that law, that is part of the law to inform the public, "before" any chemical tests can be carried out on the American public. The legal mandates under that certain law, has not been carried out, and those that are involved in spraying chemicals into the air, across the U.S. are in violation of that law.



I sent out a URL to a website that people can find their representatives in each state. NOW! Start writting, phone calling, and DEMANDING ANSWERS! Don't give up, if your e-mails, or snail mail letters fail to get any action, just keep repeating it. Try again, and again, and again! FLOOD our representatives with mail! Phone call the representatives, and DEMAND answers! Call your local TV stations, and inform them of the Chem-Trails, and let them know you want answers, and those that should know are not talking. CAll your local radio stations, and do the same thing! Write to your local newspapers, and inform them of the chem-trail crisis. Call the Sheriff's Department, and or the City Police Department, and report it when you see any chem-trails in the sky, and inform them what you know about it, and your concerns of wanting answers. The sheriff's department and police department keep records on all "complaint" calls coming in. The way I see it, eventually, something has to work, as eventually our representatives, are going to get tired of the flood of e-mail, phone calls, and snail mail. Eventually, the newspapers are also going to get concerned, when they see a flood of mail, and phone calls on the "Chem-Trails".

This is about as good as any place to start to DEMAND ANSWERS and ACTION!


Billy Dee

------- End of forwarded message -------



Chemtrail-1.jpg [Sample photo was sent as an attachment, TMP: CANADA (chemtrails.jpg) - Green Valley, Nevada,June 11, 1999, © Dr. Annette M. Patterson] photo was sent as an attachment, which was received from Paul Anderson TMP: CANADA THE MILLENNIUM FORUM The Millennium Forum Lecture Series: Chemtrails In Our Skies? February 25, 2000 Paul Anderson Founder The Millennium Project UFORCE LINK NO.


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