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"da la Rete" From Italy

PLEASE SELECT FROM THE MENU BELOW: UPDATE: We have just received word from UFO Italy that another english translation has been sent in to our news group at ufonet by Scott Corrales. I have also included additional background on Alfredo Lissoni's research into UFOs and the Vatican which I thought may be of interest to all of you. I have deleted my original english translation, opting for the better one presented by Scott.

The Roman Catholic Church has held its position on many subjects over the centuries. For example, it hasn't changed its position on abortion or homosexuality. It probably never will.

Yet, some things have changed with the times, including their stance on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Giordano Bruno once wrote:
“Innumerable suns exist! Innumerable earths circle around their suns, no worse and no less inhabited than this globe of ours. For no reasonable mind can assume that heavenly bodies that may be far more magnificent than ours would not bear upon them creatures similar or even superior to those upon our human Earth.”
Giordano Bruno was "burned at the stake by Church Bishops for teachings against the Church" in February of 1600. This recent news from the Vatican reflects the magnitude of change since Giordano died in the name of science (see "Vatican priest"). It reflects an open-minded, honest approach to the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life; they've come along way since since the 17th century AD. (-Christopher Montgomery UFO, GOD AND DEVIL and Paul Schroeder, "Amnesia induced by aliens.")

E' on - line the n.246 de You Net. (It.)
The summary of this number:

The Pope believes in the alien ones - The mystery explodes on TV - Your life comes from space - Stages and lectures. To enter click on and then click on 'New number de le Rete'. You will find the last two numbers in progress. Regards from You 'Net

Original Text:[italiano]
E' on-line il n.246 de La Rete. Il sommario di questo numero: Il Papa crede agli alieni - Il mistero esplode in tv - La vita viene dallo spazio - Stages e conferenze. Per accedere clicca su e poi cliccare su 'Nuovo numero de La Rete'. Troverete gli ultimi due numeri in corso. Saluti da La Rete

----------OUR REPLY --------------

Dear friend;

Alfredo Lissoni;

Do you have this web site translated into English language? I would appreciate it if you went to my research about UFOs and the Holy Bible. Thank you Goodbye for now!

Thank you Alfredo RSVP;


Caro amico;

Alfredo Lissoni; Fa tradurre questo sito web in lingua inglese? Io l'apprezzerei se Lei andasse alla mia ricerca su UFOs e la Bibbia Santa. Grazie Ciao per ora!

Grazie Alfredo RSVP;



We went to the UFO Italy web site and found a recent article about the Pope's revelation concerning the UFO and life in space. We bring you a translation from that news article that was posted on the UFO Italy's web site. [References are found below.]A UFORCE EXCLUSIVE: US English Translation by Scott Corallesl; updated on June 18, 2000 (Father's Day in the United States.

"The guesita Jose' Funes in a conference of the university Gregoriana: But the evolved civilizations are distant from our solar system...

'The astrophysicist of the Vatican: The extraterrestrials exist and they are our brothers"

Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 10:55:07 -0700
From: Alfredo Lissoni
Subject: Re: da La Rete


>From Alfredo Lissoni - Italy
to UFOTruth 

Vatican priest:

Thanks to Scott Corrales:
Jesuit Astrophysicist Claims: "They Exist and are Our Brothers - Rome,
June13 --(EFE)-- Argentinean Jesuit Jose Funes, an astrophysicist and
theologian participating in an international congress on "galactic
spheres" being held in Rome, believes that "extraterrestrials exist and
are our brothers."
"In a typical galaxy there can exist a multiplicity of planets similar
to our Earth, and with living beings like ourselves. If 
it is as I beleive, they must be considered our brothers in creation,"
explains Funes, 36, and one of the youngest 
participants in the conference held by the Vatican Observatory. The
conference gathers over 250 specialists who are debating the galaxies
populating the universe at the Pontificial Gregorian University in the
Italian capital, and cover everything from the Big Bang and the eventual
existence of extraterrestrial cultures.
"I believe that there are only primitive life forms in the other planets
of our solar system, such as bacteria and viruses," 
explains Funes in the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera".
To the Argentinean Jesuit "evolved civilizations are more remote and
invisible and unattainable for now, such as angels, who are also our
brothers," he adds.


To Christopher Montgomery, Yogibear, R. Bolylan and others: here a brief
translation; I shall do another more extensive.

To Fred Dennis, ufonet. I’m not a priest; I’m an UFO researcher, one of
the most ruthless Vs cover up (f.e. Roswell); you can visit my personal
Home Page ~  about the
Russian-American-Italian Cover up, about the Stasi UFO files etc... I’m
not fanatic or paranoic and my studies are always pondered and
documented (for example, the Fascist UFO files, about a secret Italian
commission to study the UFO phenomenon in Italy in 1933; it proves that
Unofficial Ufology was borned in Italy, not in U.S.A... I’ve showed it
at recent International Ufological Simposyum in S.Marino.). 
 I was the general secretary of Italy’s National UFO Center
( the most serious ufological research group
in Italy, since 1965. I was a librarian and now I  work as journalist -
editor in chief of the misteries magazine ‘Oltre la conoscenza’ - Beyond
the knowledge -, the Italian version of spanish ‘Mas Alla’;
 I’m also editor of the most
widespread Italian ufological E-zine, ‘La Rete’,
 I’m not a priest, but I’ve
- as teacher -  permission to the teach Catholic Religion; and I study
all the connections between UFOs and Religions.
Best wishes
Alfredo Lissoni 
----------------Tanslated text follows "Skywatch"=====================

E' I activate the site Internet for the skywatch CUN 2000 - all it takes is connecting to the situated http://web.tisca (Guarino Editore is kindly thanked for the granted space). Regards from You Net

Original Text:

E' attivo il sito Internet per lo skywatch CUN 2000 - Basta collegarsi al sito http://web.tisca (si ringrazia Guarino Editore per lo spazio gentilmente concesso). Saluti da La Rete


From You Net 247
DATE: Friday June 16 th 2000
Informative bulletin in collaboration with the Center Ufologico Nazionale

Jesuit announces: E.T. exists and they're our brothers -
Bundles of light UFO in the comasco -
Him hacker against the system -
The UFOs of Lobsang Rampa -
the Arrives meteorite -
Discovered Egyptian city. -
Stages and lectures.

of Alfred Lissoni, publicist and teacher trained to the teaching of the religion - you/they can rejoyce ufologi and contattisti. The Thirsts vaticano recognizes existence of angels and alien! After the announcement of the Pope, brought by the Tg3 Leonardo, according to which the Church favorable e' to the idea of the existence of the extraterrestrial, e' father's time Jose' Luis, that surprises crowds with a burning affirmation. "Him extraterrestrials exist and they are our brothers", it has declared to the journalist scientific Franco Forest Martin (for the Messenger of the evening of 13-6-00, Father Funes, a Jesuit 36 year-old Argentinian, not it has only two degrees (one in astrophysics and one in theology), but e' above all narrow collaborator of father Coyne, the Jesuit that follows the project Thirsts vaticano. Funes does part of the VATT (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope), the section of the Group of Search of the observatory Vatican, of room to Tucson, Arizona, within the project Stargate' (not is made proud who misuses publishingly of this name), of which do part the Jesuit Richards Goyle, scientist and Chris Corbally, assistant manager of the Group. Fundamental his study on Disks galattici and disco' galaxies (theme of the conference organized in Rome by the Specola Vaticana in the Pontifical one Universita' Gregoriana from the 12 to June 16 together with father George V. Coyne, Henry Corsini and Francis Bertola of the Universita' in Padua, father's teacher Funes). "In a typical galaxy, a heap of one hundred billion stars, there you/they could be crowds of twin planets of the Earth, with living beings as us", it has declared the young Jesuit to the Messenger of the evening, expressing si' personal opinions, but of weight a great deal remarkable. "If, as I believe, them they exist, brothers of the creation can be considered. Me I think that in the other planets of the solar system very primitive forms as bacteria exist only or virus. The evolved civilta's are distant, for now invisible and unattainable, as the angels, also them brothers of the creation." Father Funes e' known for to have observed and photographed (together with Michael Cappellari) the galaxies S0 - he/she Knows in the May of 99. Sources: Messenger of the evening, to Happen 13-6-00; Tg3 Leonardo 9-6-00; Guy's Stargate Consolmagno 8-4-98; To Astra 11-98; Forthcoming Volumes of the ASP Conference Series; VATT 19-8-99.

*******************ORIGINAL TEXT******************

"'Il guesta Jose' Funes in un convegno dell'Universita Gregoriana: Ma le civilita evolute sono lontane dal nostro sistema solare

"'L'astrofisico del Vaticano: <<'Gli extraterrestri esistono e sono nostri fratelli>>

"'ROMA: Dalle galassie alle civilta extraterrestri il passo e' breve.'In una tipica galassia, un ammasso di almeno cento miliardi di stelle, ci potreberro essere moltitudini di pianeti gemelli della Terra, con esseri viventi come noi. Se, come io credo, essi esistono, possono essere considerati fratelli della creazione.' Detta da uno scienziato, una frase del genere non stupirebbe piu. Ma quando a sostenere la 'pluralita dei mondi e un gesuita con due lauree, in astrofisica e in teologia, allora si ha una misura del cambia- mento della. Chiesa respetto a idee fino a qualche secolol fa considerate eretiche. Padre Jose Funes, un gesuita argentino di 36 anni, e uno dei piu giovani partecipanti al convegno internazionale sui 'dischi galattica,' organizzato dalla Specola Vaticanna nella Pontificia Universita Gregoriana. Per cinque giorni, 250 astrofisici discutono come sono nate e si sono evolute queste isole stellari che popolano l'universo visibile. Ma, al di la del tema specifico del convegno, le discussioni spaziano dal Big Bang alle civilta extraterrestri.

Dove potrebbero albergare le forme di vita evolute? 'Io penso che negli altri pianeti del sistema solare esistono solo forme molto primitive, come batteri o virus. Le civilta evolute sono lontane, per ora invisibili e irraggiungibili , come gli angeli, anche essi fratelli della creazione.'

"Sul fronte dei progressi della ricerca scientifica, il professor Franceso Bertola, dell'universita di Padova, organizzatore del convegno e maestro di padre Funes, riferisce come stia cambiando la geografia del l'universo grazie ai risultati del telescopio spaziale. 'Prima potevamo osservare solo galassie fino a un miliardo di anni luce. Ora ci possiamo spingere fino a 12 miliardo di anni luce e sudiare quindi quelle piu giovani, che si sono formate poco dopo il Big Bang. Questo ci aiutera a capire come evolvono queste fondamentali strutture dell'universo e a risolvere alcuni problemi ancora asperti come quello della materia oscura.'" -Franco Foresta Martin


UFORCE thanks de le Rate and Alfredo Lissoni for this information. DA LA RETE is an Italian newsletter, a service of Rete, in Italy.
1. Il gesuita e astrofisico Josè Funes: gli extraterrestri esistono e sono nostri fratelli
2. dal Corriere della Sera di martedì 13 giugno 2000


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