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UFORCE Research Archives



Chupacabras struck again last week at two locked henhouses in Lebu Alto, a farm village on the outskirts of the city of Concepcion, which is 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of Santiago de Chile, the national capital. According to the Chilean newspaper Diario El Sur, "The attacks occurred in two different locations, and in both, witnesses claim having seen a beast with similar characteristics. The attacks on the henhouses in the Lebu commune by an unknown being bolsters the existence of the mythic 'Chupacabras' in the area, more specifically in the province of Arauco." "In the early morning hours yesterday (Saturday, May 13, 2000) in the Lebu Alto section, two families claimed to have been victims of strange events which caused the deaths of 24 hens." "The event, confirmed by the Lebu Carabineros (Chile's national police--J.T.) took place at 4 a.m. on Saturday morning.when an unidentified resident heard a noise in her henhouse. Getting out of bed and going outside, she found that her dogs were calm--even fearful-- despite the fact that something was going on in the henhouse. As she approached the gate, she told police, she managed to see a rounded figure jump away from the chicken coop and go around the base of a nearby hill," the Cerro La Cruz. "Upon entering the henhouse, the witness confirmed that 17 of her 19 hens were dead with visible signs of tearing." "Shortly afterward, the chicken coop of a neighboring farm was also attacked, and another resident gave a similar account. At 8 a.m., the Carabineros were notified of these events. Police elements reported to the scene and verified the animals' deaths. The carcasses were collected and sent to Concepcion for further analysis." In its May 15, 2000 edition, Cronica, the other newspaper of Concepcion, made the claim that three Chupacabras had been captured by the Chilean army near a local copper mine and turned over to the custody of agents of the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Cronica reported, "Radio Padahuel and (TV) Channel 13 transmitted news reports indicating that a family of strange creatures--possible 'Chupacabras'--had been found by military personnel in the vicinity of the Radomiro Tomic (copper) mine within the Second Region." "According to information provided by Radio Pudahuel, it was a female, a male and a cub--a story which has the ring of The X-Files around it--and were delivered to agents of the USA's FBI agency which arrived at Calama from Santiago (where the USA federal police have an office in their embassy) The creatures quietly would have been taken to the USA" "No further mention of the event was made, but police sources told Cronica that the capture of the specimens was real and that everything had transpired as was originally told" on Radio Pudahuel. (See Diario El Sur for May 14, 2000 and Cronica for May 15, 2000. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, autor de los libros, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries y Forbidden Mexico y tambien Gloria Coluchi para esas historias.) (Editor's Comment: If the report about the Radomiro Tomic mine is true, then this is the third report we've seen this year of a "secret team," either FBI or NASA, hunting for aliens in South America. See UFO Roundup,volume 5, number 5 and 20 for the earlier stories.)(References)


For the past five weeks, air traffic controllers at the O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois have been seeing images of "ghost planes" on their radar sets, usually in the skies of the Lake Michigan Triangle. The Triangle is an area of Lake Michigan which runs from Ludington, Michigan south to Benton Harbor, Mich., then across the lake to Manitowoc, Wisconsin and then back to Ludington. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, "False radar images have been popping up on the screens of O'Hare International Airport's air traffic controllers, forcing pilots to take sudden turns unnecessarily." "At least a dozen 'ghost planes' have been reported during the last few weeks, the newspaper said, citing documents from the Terminal Radar Approach Control Center in Elgin, Illinois (population 78,000)." "Controllers said that at least a few times they have ordered pilots to take sudden turns to avoid what appeared to be planes on their radar, potentially putting passengers at risk." "'The ghosting is a complete terror for air traffic controllers,' said Charles Bunting, president of the Elgin local the National Air Traffic Controllers Association." Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) spokesman Tony Molinaro "said there have been 13 ghost images in the last five weeks rather than the usual eight or nine the FA would normally expect in this time period., 'meaning we shall need to look into them.'" "But Mike Egan, vice president of the controller's union at Elgin, accused the FAA of playing down the problem. 'Maybe 130, but not 13,' Egan said Friday (May 19, 2000). 'We had a couple of them today, as a matter of fact. They know there's a problem.'" (See the Chicago Sun-Times for My 21, 2000. Many thanks to Steve Wilson Sr. for this newspaper article.) (Editor's Comment: It's possible that the recent upsurge in solar activity is behind this phenomenon. Either causing the "ghost plane" echoes themselves. Or by "opening the Triangle" and allowing the O'Hare radar sets to sweep the skies of the past...or the future.)


On Sunday, May 21, 2000, at 11:30 a.m., Sarah M. was at Sheffield Lake, Ohio (population 9,800), a town on the southern shore of Lake Erie, when she spotted a dazzling gleam in the sky. According to Sarah, the UFO approached from the north, over Lake Erie, and then shot away to the east. She described the object as "a shape about like an oval and a square. It was very bright. I practically had to use sunglasses. Was going slowly but not too slow. Really bright, almost like the sun's rays. It was about 15 feet tall and about 30 feet long, and was about 200 feet (60 meters) above the ground.," with an estimated speed of "about 30 miles per hour on approach and 60 miles per hour flying away." Sheffield Lake is on Ohio Route 6 approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers) west of Cleveland. (Email Form Report)


One of the strangest Highway Space Warp (HSW) cases took place in southeastern Utah near the railroad crossing of Modena, on the edge of the Escalante Desert. There's a slickrock canyon just north of Modena that bears the name of Gadianton. It's a name that brings a shudder to God-fearing Latter-Day Saints. "Among the freighters who hauled supplies to Pioche (Nevada) in the seventies (1870s--J.T.) there grew up a legend that a rocky gorge near the Nevada Line was haunted by the Gadianton robbers, a terroristic brotherhood which the Book of Mormon explains as having sprung up among the Nephites and Lamanites in the century before Christ." The Gadiantons were a mysterious sect of assassins quite similar to the Bruder Schweigen of Germany or the Crna Ruka of Yugoslavia. "Wide-eyed freighters told tales of rocks closing the way, and of the canyon folding up to entrap them." Eventually the old Gadianton tales were forgotten in Utah's Iron County. Until May of 1972, when four coeds from Southern Utah University (SUU) were driving back to their dorm in Cedar City after spending Saturday at a local rodeo in Pioche. (All names have been changed to protect the witnesses' confidentiality--J.T.) Janna North had the wheel of her father's 1971 Chevrolet Nova, and Carol Abbott was in the passenger seat. Sitting in the back seat were Lisa Rochefort and Bethany Gordon. It was after 10 p.m. when the girls crossed the Utah-Nevada state line nine miles (14 kilometers) east of Modena. And they were anxious to get back to the campus before their housemother, Mrs. Mortensen, locked the dorm doors. That stretch of Utah Highway 56 is pretty desolate, all sand and sagebrush and ocotillo and Spanish bayonet, with the red sandstone bluffs on the northern horizon. So the girls were pretty happy when they finally spotted the Union Pacific railroad crossing at Modena. But just past the rails, Janna noticed something strange. Two sets of blacktop highway headed off into the desert--one veered sharply to the southeast, the other shooting northeast toward the canyon country further north. "Which one do we take?" asked Carol. "Left," Janna said. She knew that Cedar City was 46 miles (73 kilometers) to the northeast, and she guessed that the canyon road would bring them home much sooner. Five minutes later, the Chevy entered the red-rock canyon. Janna, who had been chatting with her friends, suddenly noticed that the car's headlights were shining more brightly on the pavement. Looking closer, she let out a gasp. The white centerline was gone. Instead of black asphalt, they were driving on white cement.. "Janna, up ahead!" Carol exclaimed. Janna gasped. The highway ended abruptly at a rocky cliff face. Janna stepped down hard on the brake pedal. Fishtailing slightly, the Chevy screeched to a stop in front of the cliff. "Oh, great! A dead end!" Putting the gear into reverse, Janna swung the car's nose around. "You'd think they'd put up a few warning signs." "Now we've got to go all the way back to Modena," Bethany complained. "We're never going to make curfew," Lisa said. "We'll make good time once we're back on the state highway," Janna assured them. Tense minutes passed. Janna began to feel uneasy. They were still rolling along, hemmed in by red canyon walls. But they should have been back out in the open desert by this time. The canyon gradually gave way to open country. The girls gasped. Instead of moonlit desert, they saw grain fields on the right and a large like, with stands of ponderosa pine, on the left. Carol looked around in awe. "This sure ain't Modena!" "We must've gotten turned around back there," Janna said, her gaze darting back and forth. "Where the hell are we?" Up ahead Janna spied a roadhouse (tavern--J.T.) and an adjacent parking lot. It seemed to have a neon sign, but she couldn't red it. What should have been letters were brightly-lit squiggles and curlycues. Some men came out of the building. "There are some guys," Carol said. Bethany let out a giggle. "Are they cute?" "Let's find out." Lisa began rolling down the rear passenger window. "Lisa! We don't have time for this," Janna said. "Relax!" Hastily she touched up her lipstick. "I'm only going to ask them how to get back to the highway." As Janna slowed down, she noticed a good deal of consternation among the men. As if they'd been startled by some unknown animal. Sticking her head out the window, Lisa said, "Hi! We're--" And she let out a terrified scream. "Lisa! What--!?" Janna turned in her seat. "Get out of here!" the girl screamed, frantically rolling up the window. "Punch it, Jana!" Bethany shrieked, "Step on it!" Tires sitting sand, the Chevy zoomed away from the building. Janna stepped down hard on the gas pedal. The lake flew by on her left. "Oh, my God! They're coming after us!" Bethany shouted. "Janna, faster!" Janna glanced in her rear-view mirror, and what she saw turned her blood to ice. They were being chased, but not by any vehicle that had ever been built in Detroit. Four queer-looking automobiles followed in their wake. Egg-shaped vehicles mounted on tricycle wheels. That is, with two large wheels in the front and a smaller wheel in the rear. A single bright white headlight shone from the front of each pursuing "car." They made a strange whirring or buzzing sound as they rolled along. "Janna, go faster! They're gaining on us!" Ahead the road led back into a red-rock canyon. Janna's Chevy plunged into it at 80 miles per hour. The road was so narrow, it seemed to hem them in. The Chevy's tires kicked up a billowing cloud of dust. They could no longer see their pursuers. Minutes later, they roared out of the canyon, back into the familiar desert. All at once, the road vanished. The headlights showed nothing but sagebrush and ocotillo. The Chevy bucked and jostled like a wild bronc. Janna hit the brakes. Too late! The car sideskidded down an arroyo and came to rest at the bottom. Shaking uncontrollably, the girls emerged from the car. Miraculously they were unhurt. The Chevy took the worst of it, with three flat tires, numerous dings in the front bumper and a missing hubcap. Jenna took one look and clapped both hands to her forehead. "Oh, no-no-no! My dad's going to kill me!" Lisa, however, was near-hysterical. She sat on the ground, hugging the knees of her bell- bottom blue jeans, weeping and moaning, She kept mumbling, "They-they weren't human..." The girls stayed with the car until sunrise. Then they walked a couple of miles due south. Boy, were they glad when they found the familiar blacktop of Highway 56. An hour later, they flagged down a cruiser of the Utah Highway Patrol and told their story. Trooper Vic Lundquist, who investigated the case, noted several circumstances that were never adequately explained. (1) There were no tire tracks showing where the Chevy had left Highway 56 in Modena. (2) Tire tracks from the wrecked Chevy extended only 200 yards back into the desert and ended abruptly. (3) No one could explain how the Chevy had gotten nearly two miles north of Highway 56 without leaving any physical trace of its passage through the rough desert terrain. (4) Although volunteers searched diligently, no trace of the Chevy's right front hubcap was ever found. If Utah's Gadianton Canyon is, as some people claim, a gateway to another dimension, then perhaps Janna's missing hubcap is a prime exhibit--an "alien artifact"--on display in a museum on that parallel Earth. (See the book Utah: A Guide to the State by Hastings House Publishers, New York, N.Y., 1945, page 298.) Today's Quote: "If God had wanted me to exercise, he would have put diamonds on the ground." Joan Rivers. We'll be back in seven days with more UFO and paranormal news from around the planet Earth, brought to you by "the paper that goes home-- UFO Roundup." See you then. UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2000 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared.

_____________________________ REFERENCES: UFO ROUNDUP, UFOnet Digest Number 183
Subject: UFOnet: Digest Number 483
Date: 27 May 2000 11:11:51 -0000
Status: Normal

Message: 2 Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 15:39:46 +0200
From: Frits Westra "
Subject: Fwd = UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5 Number 21


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