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Chemtrails - Facts, Plagiarism, And Propaganda

Due to the size of Cassani's post, we have had to break it into three parts. The first installment is featured here...and some ot the text is included in the next parts, II. Ditto for part III. We have done this to facilitate ease in reading. We want to insure that the story flows, like here writing. Links to part two and three are found below:


Chemtrails - Facts, Plagiarism, And Propaganda (Part I)

By Margareta-Erminia Cassani

I am a health and medicine journalist/author/editor for over 20 years. Since November 1998, I have been working on the health aspects of some biological material ejected from low-flying planes. These incidents involved houses splattered with a reddish-brown gel. After a friend had heard Will Thomas' initial interview on Art Bell's show in February 1999, we thought my investigation might be related to Mr. Thomas' investigation of unusual-appearing contrail activity, so I contacted him with information about what I was working on and we agreed to join forces as partners/colleagues and jointly publish our findings together. Since that time, I have contributed information to Will's investigation in the form of health/medical research into what possibly could be contained in the contrails that might be adversely affecting the health of people exposed to them. I also shared with Will the laboratory analysis of the samples I collected from these homes covered with the red-brown gel.

In April 1999, Will Thomas and I jointly authored an article, Sky Samples Analyzed for the Environmental News Service in which some details of our (then) current investigation were published. Subsequent to that, Will Thomas has also authored articles by himself, either on his website or other places, with contributions by myself regarding health/medical facts surrounding both the "high altitude" phenomenon, i.e. contrail/Chemtrails, and my own ongoing research into what we came to refer to as the "low level" aerial phenomenon, i.e., residential houses splattered by low-flying planes with the above-mentioned reddish gel material. However, since the publication of Sky Samples Analyzed et al, I have seen numerous Chemtrails-related articles created by a number of people appear on Sightings and other web sites across the Internet. More and more I am greatly disturbed by the "cut, paste and plagiarize" fashion of putting together these articles that take bits and pieces out of Will Thomas' and my articles and rearranging them into an incredible hodgepodge of confusing, and just plain wrong, information. To make matters worse, these "cut and paste" articles blur the facts with pure fantasy and agenda-pandering, and lately some very dangerous propaganda which I do not want my name or work associated with. I feel VERY responsible for the effect that the misappropriation of my information has had on an increasingly scared public who are looking for FACTS regarding what is happening in our skies, in our air, water and land. Unfortunately, when they read these "cut and paste" jobs they, for the most part, get only far-fetched anecdotes (how about worms small enough to crawl out of human skin pores yet have " visible teeth?) or agenda-selling rhetoric or downright propaganda. It is for this reason that I wrote this article for Sightings, to set straight the facts of the information I contributed to the Chemtrails research and to disentangle my work and name from those who want to peddle their own agendas, using the contrail issue as their vehicle to do so, and especially those who want to promote and distribute ancient, extremely inflammatory, White Supremacist propaganda using Chemtrails research as the signatory which I will discuss later in this article. I have stayed out of public view for the last 1-1/2 years because I preferred to work in relative anonymity while looking for the answers to the strange questions that this investigation posed very early on. As a writer/author, when the public spotlight is on you, many times "red herrings" get thrown into the mix by various people who either want to throw you off the correct path or tie your work into their specific agendas that they then want you to champion as a quasi-spokesperson. In addition, I simply did not want my research distorted and/or pre-emptively "borrowed" from other journalists looking for an interesting story to latch onto. It becomes immediately apparent to me, when reading these "cut and paste" articles and seeing my information turned around so badly, that the author/s of these creations understand very little of what they are conveying to an answer-seeking public. This is most apparent in the information regarding the laboratory samples that I personally collected and shared the results with Will Thomas which appeared in our joint article and his subsequent articles. Many times, I have seen a word-for-word plagiarism of our (Will Thomas' and mine) work, simply re-arranging words and sentences from our original text and creating wholly different contexts with their new arrangements while taking the liberty to add either their own misunderstanding, or just plain confabulation, resulting in gross distortions of the original facts. Not only do they misrepresent, massage and manipulate facts of the info the "borrow", but they never attribute any of the information contained in them as coming from either Will Thomas or myself. One would get the idea, from reading one of these "cut and paste'articles, that they were the author's original thoughts and ideas judging by the lack of documentation or attribution to any source. In these articles, for the most part, the reader generally gets beat over the head with the impression that United States citizens (even though other countries are experiencing this phenomenon as well) are being either chemically experimented on by the United States government/military and/or are being "culled", i.e. killed, by the United States government/military. It is very frustrating for me to see the laboratory samples that I had analyzed in a reputable environmental biology lab near where I live, which I hold the test results on, and know full well what disease entities they are capable of causing, be cited as the basis of this "cull" theory. These misconceptions, and distortion of the facts, I believe, stem, in part, from the idea that people apparently believe that the samples mentioned in Sky Samples Analyzed came out of contrail aerosol and that the "Chemtrails" are disease-producing bug and chemical sprays unleashed on the United States. Let me state, unequivically, for the record here, my samples referred to in Sky Samples Analyzed DID NOT come out of contrail aerosol. To date, no laboratory samples have been taken from contrail aerosol, although gathering sampling data from contrails is still trying to be done. It was stated in Sky Samples Analyzed that these laboratory samples were taken from material dropped or jettisoned from "low-flying planes", but apparently that terminology was too vague, and when the text of that article was printed it was wrapped around photographs of contrails, so it is at least understandable, however, wrong, that many people inferred that the samples spoken of in that article came out of contrails. This could not be further from the truth. The samples were taken from residential homes splattered with the aforementioned biological "goo. Since Sky Samples Analyzed and subsequent articles by Will Thomas that contained similar information regarding these lab samples, the "cut and paste" doctors have stretched and stressed the limits and capabilities of these God-made organisms to make their Procrustean bed arguments that our government has cooked up these bizarre biological concoctions in some research laboratory somewhere and are loading them into military jet fuel systems and "spraying" everyone, via contrails, with deadly bugs, viruses, and other cancer-causing chemicals, with the express purpose of killing people, specifically old people and ill people. Or, that these organisms are somehow used to "change around human DNA" which somehow shuts down our neurological systems, making us confused, dizzy, disoriented, dysphasic, and therefore more susceptible to New World Order takeover by United Nations factions. This occurs most frequently in the misunderstanding, hence, misuse of the term restriction enzyme - a term that appeared in the results of my early laboratory samples. See What is a Restriction Enzyme? further in this article for a detailed description of what these organisms are, and what they are biologically capable of. They have nothing to do with the Frankenstein's monster-type genetic manipulation that some of these cut and paste authors are proposing. I have to say, I feel like the farmer who came to the city when I read these way out in left field scenarios that people have fantasized using my laboratory information as proof. Interestingly, none of these "authors" explain how laying bug and chemical laden Chemtrails dispersed at high altitudes will accomplish a "cull" or a "mind-control" feat without affecting the rest of the population and/or the perpetrators themselves. Spraying bugs and chemicals at these high altitudes, how do you discern what type of citizen will get hit with what? How do you control the hit? They cite weakened immune systems that occur primarily in the aged and the ill which apparently will determine who lives and dies in this doomsday scenario. I have news for everyone - breathing in bugs and chemicals are going to weaken everyone's immune systems, even the people doing the spraying, and those doing the planning of said spraying, so that no one would escape a "cull" scenario such as the ones proposed by these authors. Or is this a Jonestown mass homicide/ suicide CIA mind control experiment on a grander scale? I don't think so. Most of us know by now that our United States government, along with some aiding and abetting by our United States Military, performed several open-air bacteriological, chemical and even LSD experiments on unsuspecting American citizens and soldiers. Our CIA also funded research on Canadian territory to do the same and worse, re the mind control experiments of Dr. Ewen Cameron at Ravenscroft, in Montreal. However, knowing that history should not automatically imply that this type of experimentation is necessarily, then, the basis of Chemtrails activity. If we were jurors in a trial, we would be convicting a case based on precedent and what could be the truth rather than what is the truth by examining the facts. To date, no facts support this theory. No CREDIBLE source has come forward to acknowledge that this type of experimental activity is at the core of Chemtrails activity. No one. If anyone out there has information to the contrary, please come forward. Besides, the "cull" theory is just plain illogical in a huge market economy such that the United States is - an economy that depends on lots of warm bodies, old, young, ill, and otherwise, to keep the wheels of Wall Street rolling along. Wall Street, et al, Bilderbergers would not tolerate this scenario, because even if they had no social conscience towards it, they would start losing money and none of them wants that. The stock market would suffer badly. I think all serious Chemtrail researchers should just forget this one and quit scaring the poor senior citizens and chronically ill into heart attacks or committing suicide or homicide out of depression and/or anger brought on by the public airing of these scenarios. It's a socially irresponsible idea to throw out there without any more evidence or data to back it up other than the lab samples I (and several other people) volunteered to Chemtrails research. Ironically, what is seriously affecting the health of our older people, the chronically ill, and the very young, in this country, which is getting pooh-pooh'd by many Chemtrail trackers and workers, is a growing environmental fungal infestation problem that can and will take hold of weakened immune systems and bring them down much faster, I would add, than any overhead aerial spraying program could. More on this in my Brief Conclusions later in this article. Several other theories proposed in these Chemtrails "cut and pastes" which use cite specific organisms found in my laboratory samples as some sort of empirical proof include: 1. The military is trying to "own" the weather. I have seen it stated many times in these articles that some of the organisms contained in the lab samples I collected from low flying planes, NOT contrail aerosol, are organisms that the US Military has hundreds of patents on, and therefore are proof that they are spraying these organisms in the air to facilitate defense-based weather modification programs. That's a big leap - to nowhere. The US Army stockpiles a lot of biological material for bioremediation purposes, specifically pseudomonas fluorescens and aureobasidium pullans (two of the organisms contained in my samples), one which eats fuel and oil spills and the other is used in creating certain vinyl products (amongst other things). We could not have cleaned up Exxon Valdez if not for the God-made organism pseudomonas fluorescens for it thrives on fuel and oil. In the numerous patents I researched that are listed on the DOD's website, regarding pseudomonas fluorescens, bioremediation was the objective of these patents, not weather modification, or even human illness. The Exxon Valdez oil spill, et al, are more toxic to the environment and the ecosystem than pseudomonas fluorescens would ever be. People seem to forget, these organisms are NOT manufactured in a laboratory somewhere, they exist in nature. Yes, they can be pathogens to man under certain conditions, but I do no believe they, specifically, are the culprits in the numerous upper respiratory, et al, illnesses people are suffering. Rather, I believe that, in synergy with the over-abundance of fungal organisms present in our environment for the last decade, and dramatically increasing over the last 18 months (a time factor of critical significance), the power of these organisms to cause more serious infections in the human population has strengthened. I have no doubt that the US Military and other governmental defense agencies are experimenting with weather modification to facilitate defense programs. The HAARP program is one such defense project which, basically stated, manipulates the ionosophere to become a shield that would deflect incoming missiles from entering our country if, suddenly, our global "trading buddies" decide they don't want to play Monopoly with us anymore and would rather just take us off the playing board completely. How these particular organisms I (or others) collected would function in a weather-mod scenario has never been explained in these cut and paste articles, but I can't see that they would contribute anything substantial to this effort. Perhaps, they might act as bioremediation agents in keeping the upper atmosphere "clean" of jet fuel combustion products that would further weaken the ozone layer and thus, perhaps affect the stability of the upper ionosphere, hence, affecting the stability of the "shield", but other than that, I think they would be of limited value. Granted, the argument could be made that these organisms sprayed in the air for purpose of defense-based weather modification are making people sick when they ultimately fall to Earth and into our breathing space. Could that account for the rise in respiratory flu, bronchitis, pneumonia? The chances of that are very slim as they would have to be some very hardy strains as the exposure to UV rays and cold temperatures at contrail appearing altitudes would render most, if not all, of these organisms harmless by the time they fell down far enough for us to breathe them in. Therefore, the fact that some laboratory samples of gel-material were taken from houses is a very weak foundation to support the idea that the US DOD is injecting organisms into the atmosphere to assist in weather modification and that is what is making people ill. I do not believe that weather modification, and the use of biological organisms to facilitate that goal, is the specific objective of the unusual contrail activity. It certainly could be an unintended by-product of it, or part of a two-fold program, which I will get to in my conclusions, but I do not feel it is its primary intention 2. Another theory I have seen taken in Chemtrails cut and paste articles making use of my lab samples analysis as evidence is the Alien Connection, i.e. aliens are procuring our atmosphere with biological materials to make it a habitable place for them to live as their planet is dying. Even The Star and The Globe rumor rags have run stories of how UFO's are responsible for splattering brownish-goo on residential roof-tops as far away as London, England. How any one on Earth knows this alien agenda is interesting to ponder and why these aliens would want to come to our environmentally damaged planet on the brink of disaster when they could find some pristine place in God's infinite universe is beyond me too. Or are they coming here to help us in a time of environmental crisis? In any case, I would wager that aliens would not be using US and/or UN military-type antiquated aerial machinery to accomplish their goal. Sorry, but this proposal is just a little out there - like past Pluto, and therefore I won't spend much time here. 3. The other less strange and even more credible theory is mass inoculation of American citizens against biological/chemical warfare via aerial dispersal of antigens that might protect us from anthrax , smallpox, or botox, or? Like the global defense theory, mass inoculation has one of the best motives in the world - the United States is totally unprepared on a medical, clinical level to deal with bioterrorism. If we were to be hit by an aviary flu such as the one that infected scores of chickens and other fowl in China not too long ago, and developed the ability to "cross vector" from bird to human, a lot of human life would be lost because we simply do not have either the antigens or the antidotes developed yet to deal with such a crisis. Or, how about another virus recently on the scene, the West Nile, which seems to be exhibiting a very scary propensity lately of "jumping vector" between mammalian (human) and avian (bird) hosts with no intermediary animal host (i.e. pigs, cattle etc). As recently as June 12, 2000, USA Today reported that several new deaths in the crow population have been confirmed to be from West Nile virus. This same virus had already killed 6 humans back in the fall of 1999, but had been responsible for hundreds of crow deaths at that time. These new crow deaths suggest that the West Nile virus did not die off, as was hoped, over the winter and may come back like a lion this summer when the temperatures start getting hotter and more humid. What does this scenario tell us? That the West Nile is, obviously, more devastating to birds than humans, for the time being. With six human deaths from this virus, the virus has already developed the capability to "jump vector". The question on every health official's mind should be will it now start mutating into a stronger species that can affect humans as devastatingly as it has the crows? If so, we are in big trouble and, quite frankly, could be in for an epidemic of a "flu-like" encephalitic syndrome the likes of the 1918 flu epidemic. And because it infects birds as well, disease containment would be very difficult, if not impossible, as birds could carry the virus hundreds of miles in all directions. Or, how about a new strain of an old killer, i.e., smallpox (both of which have been developed as biowarfare agents in Russia, China, and perhaps Iraq) - Americans would go down so fast we wouldn't know what hit us. There is only a very small store of smallpox vaccine in this country and some people necessarily would have to go without, i.e., not be inoculated. Possibly, you could take the existing stores of vaccine and dilute and then aerosolize them and disperse aerially to at least give cursory coverage to a greater group of people. However, in medical terms, cursory coverage equates to very weak coverage, although in an emergency it may be the best "shot" we have. Personally, I would rather have weak than none. In that scenario, an involuntary inhalational vaccine could be the answer, especially with a country of people now skeptical about any type of vaccinations and even military personnel refusing to take the traditional anthrax vaccinations. Even if Ted Koppel announced on ABC Nightly News that a biowarfare attack was imminent and it was imperative to their health to get one of these vaccines, there would simply be those in this country who would not volunteer for a traditional vaccine. These reluctant vaccinees would present an even bigger problem in disease containment control as one infected person can infect an entire community and the death toll could be devastating. The drawback to this method of inoculation is that unfortunately, to date, aerosol inhalational vaccinations have only successfully been developed to be directly sprayed into the nasal mucosal passages and thus function as a "first response" to incoming, inhaled bacterial/viral pathogens that can be caught and short- circuited in nasal cilia before they get to the lungs. Currently, this technology exists in the nasal flu vaccines that were put to use in the fall of 1999 at the outset of the flu season. Disseminating an inoculating antigen in the air, via mass spraying by airplanes, however, would most probably render the antigen/vaccine useless (especially in our polluted breathing air), unless certain protective polymer or protein coats were developed for the material to protect it from environmental damage on its way down. In the best case scenario, this method would still be highly unreliable and more than likely would be an incredible waste of time, money and resources. We do have the nanobomb technology now to greatly lessen the impact of biological attacks, but a nanobomb is only good where the agent is known to have been dropped. Nanobomb technology is progressing in development to being carried in a personal aerosol and sprayed directly into the nasal passages when the infecting agent is theorized or known to be inhaled. This could be very effective on the battlefield with soldiers in combat, but how many American citizens are going to know when they inhale a biological agent when going about their everyday routine? None, I would wager. The organisms contained in the samples I collected are not viruses and they are not capable of becoming antigens to any viral based disease. There are some bacteria contained in the samples, however, not of the type and caliber to create any type of bacteriological immunity against such killer attacks as anthrax. Besides, the size and volume of the dropped material is reason enough to know that these particular samples are not part of any mass inoculation program involving inhalational organisms - they were not of respirable size, i.e. too big to be breathed in by any human pulmonary system. There does, however, exist the possibility that spores could have formed from the mold and fungal organisms contained in the samples which would be of respirable size. Learning what I have, over the last 1-1/2 years while working on this project, about the sharp rise in mold and fungal based diseases in the United States, and basically the world, I have wondered if the molds and fungus contained in my samples could possibly be canceling agents for other types of fungal organisms proliferating in the environment.That is to say, is it possible that spores from the molds and fungus in my samples could provide some type of immunity to other more infectious, fungal-based organisms? In my more optimistic moments, I like to think that this is what is behind these residential plane drops, i.e., delivering a synergistic mixture of certain organisms into the environment to counteract other more aggressive ones. This theory has some validity to it as frequently "mycoherbicides" contain certain fungal organisms which act as natural predators on certain plant structures and other fungal organisms which allow those plants to proliferate. The United States DEA recently began testing fusarium oxysporum in Florida to see how effectively the fungal elements contained in that mycoherbicide cancel out certain plants and the other "fertilizing" fungal organisms which enable them to grow healthy. These tests are being conducted for the express purpose of using the mycoherbicides in an anti-coca plant program in South America and other places to kill cocaine sources at their root, so to speak. In dropping organisms on residential homes from low-flying planes, it seems more logical and beneficial, though, to open-space drop them where more people might better get the possible intended benefit of them, rather than seemingly "target" one home amongst many as has frequently appeared to be the case in the instances that I have researched. I frown on the accidental transport of biological organisms theory, for the most part, as once or twice an accident, perhaps, but I have documentation of these drops ocurring over 33 times since 1998 through May-June of 1999, many occurring in the same areas. These are either some awfully careless pilots or these drops are deliberate for some reason. I tend to believe the latter as that is the direction the evidence points. Calls and FOI request letters to the USDA, who could be the responsible federal department for such "pesticide" drops has yielded no answers at this date. LAB SAMPLES - JUST THE FACTS First and foremost, I will re-state this as clearly as possible to try and dispel this error once and for all: The laboratory samples that I collected, referred to in Will Thomas' and my joint articles as well as his solo articles, were taken from material that was ejected out of low-flying planes, one of which was positively identified as a C-130 Hercules, military issue transport plane, on residential property, i.e., houses and/or garages. They absolutely DID NOT come out of contrail aerosol. Where/What: 1. The first sample I collected was in November 1998, in Michigan. At the request of the homeowner, I have left their names and location of their residence out of any writings regarding the material taken from their home. This material was a reddish-brown gel-like substance that covered the garage, and was dropped from a low- flying, unidentified plane. The owner of the home did not see the drop occur. I learned of the drop through the local news. Being a health and medical writer, my curiousity was more than piqued at the strangeness of this occurrence and I was also concerned about the possible health hazards of this material, thinking at first it was airplane waste that had been jettisoned somehow on the plane's landing into the nearby airport. This was the first thought of choice as many people who lived near Detroit's Metropolitan Airport had previously reported having airplane toilet waste material splattered on their homes before. I called the homeowner and asked if I may come out and take a look at what she had on her garage. As soon as I saw the material, I knew immediately that it was not commercial airline toilet waste. It did not have the characteristic blue preservative agent that is poured into airline waste holding tanks that necessarily would have been present if it had been jettisoned from a commerical fly-over. Rather it had an ominous appearance, like splattered and dried blood. My second thought was a large, bird perhaps dripping blood from a wound flew over the house, but this was quickly ruled out after noting the splatter pattern on the garage which could only have been caused by a higher velocity spray. I videotaped the material, documenting it across the entire garage, driveway, and parts of the back of the house. It marked the garage in a pattern that made it obvious it had been dropped from a low flying plane, thick, wide gobs of material in a left to right, north to south pattern, that also ran across the driveway. Strangely, no one else's house in this area had any of the material on it, except for the next door neighbor's who had a few small drops on a door facing this house. I then proceeded to collect this material with saline soaked Q-tips and placed them in plastic Ziploc bags. I then called several local laboratories and none of them wanted to take the material. They simply were not interested. I then called a marine biologist at the University of Michigan, Dr. Peter Maier, who was a huge help to me and agreed to take a look at the material. An early analysis of the material revealed nothing until Dr. Maier turned up the magnification of the lenses which immediately revealed minute protozoan life-forms, i.e., algae, which were highly motile, something Dr. Maier found odd being that these samples had sat outside in cold weather for a while. They should not have been alive and yet were swimming on the slide quite vigorously. Dr. Maier then took this material and tried to grow it in typical lab Petri dishes and several colors blossomed on the cultures, meaning that several distinct organisms were present in this material. However, Dr. Maier did not have the capacity, nor the time, to further identify these distinct species and I then took the samples to an environmental biology lab (I had not yet received authorization to use the name of this lab at this writing and therefore it will not appear at this time). There, over the weekend, these lab samples blossomed floridly, i.e., they overgrew their Petri dishes rapidly as they were ripe with organisms. When I was asked by the lab's manager, where did you get these samples? I told her that I had collected the material off a house that had been splattered with it and she was very surprised. She offered her guess that the material must be some type of biohazard materials that accidentally fell out of a plane on its descent to Metropolitan Airport, as the combination of organisms indicated more a clinical setting rather than a natural, environmental setting.

These organisms were clinically identified as: (go to part II).

(CLICK HERE for Part II) (CLICK HERE for Part III)

This post was originally displayed on on 6-18-00. We have received special [uforce] permission to publish this article from Ms. Cassani. Contact information can be found in Part III.


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