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From Paul Anderson

PLEASE SELECT FROM THE MENU BELOW: UFORCE would like to offer a special thank you for keeping us updated on the crop circle phenomenon. Please give them your full support financially.

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 12:28:15 -0700
From: Paul Anderson 
Subject: CPR-Canada News: Research Assistance 2000

The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

July 3, 2000


Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, the Canadian affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International, is seeking the continued assistance of farmers, media, pilots, police / RCMP, scientists, the general public and other researchers in its investigative efforts.

Reporting Formations Reports of crop circles (or other formations, ie. circles / rings in grass, ice or snow), including additional supporting materials, may be submitted to the main office in BC (see below) or to the provincial / regional offices (BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec; contact information on the web site). Report forms are available on request or a copy can be downloaded from the web site. Please include as much detail as possible.

It is urgently requested that reports be forwarded as soon after discovery as possible so that a proper investigation may be initiated.

In Canada, most formations are reported between July and September, often around harvest, predominately in Saskatchewan and Alberta. 20 formations were reported across the country in 1999, in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island. Full reports are in the 1999 Report Archive on the web site and in the 1999 Summary Report. The first formation in 2000, a set of five rings and other patterns in pasture grass was found on June 19, near Willmar, Saskatchewan (report, images on web site).

Field Research

For those interested in assisting with on-site investigations, field research is conducted at circle locations as they are found, including photo and video documentation (both aerial and ground if possible), surveying and plant / soil sampling for lab analysis, as well as investigation of other possibly related phenomena. An excellent opportunity for hands-on experience with this phenomenon! Field investigations are conducted in coordination with the BLT Research Team and other research groups. Information on sampling protocols for lab analysis by the BLT Research Team is also available ( All applicable laws are strictly adhered to, and under no circumstance is a farmer's field or other property entered without expressed permission. Names and locations are kept confidential if requested and will not be released publicly without permission in those cases. Thank you for your cooperation.

Other Assistance

Additional volunteer assistance is also needed and welcomed, including provincial coordinators (for Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island) as well as additional regional representatives.

Extensive resources are available to all interested persons or groups. Free periodic e-mail updates are also available for those wanting to keep up to date on the latest news and developments (CPR-Canada News). For further information, to submit reports or to become more involved, please contact:


Main Office

Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4
Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522
Tel (Cell): 604.727.1454



See also the CPR-Canada web site for complete listings of news stories, reports and related information and links:


CPR-Canada News is the electronic news service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada (affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International), providing periodic updates with the latest news and reports, as well as information on CPR-Canada -related news and events. CPR-Canada News is edited by Paul Anderson and published by CPR-Canada, and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe CPR-Canada News" or "unsubscribe CPR-Canada News" and e-mail address to:

For further information, submissions or inquiries, forward all correspondence to:

Circles Phenomenon Research International

Main Office

Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6J 1J4
Tel / Fax (Office): 604.731.8522
Tel (Cell): 604.727.1454



© Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 2000


Delivered-To: Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 11:00:57 -0700 From: Paul Anderson Subject: CPR-Canada News: Circles in Manitoba CPR-CANADA NEWS The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada July 16, 2000 _____________________________ CIRCLES IN MANITOBA Ashern, Manitoba Mid-June, 2000 Preliminary Report - July 16, 2000 On July 8, while in St. Paul, Alberta I received word during the conference from Fern Belzil of some new circles reported on the CBC radio news the previous evening, near Ashern, Manitoba. I wasn't able to send out this report until after I returned home on the 13th, at which time I found I had received a confirming e-mail report from Chris Rutkowski of Ufology Research of Manitoba. Five doughnut shaped rings, including one "half-crescent", averaging about 15 feet diameter, in pasture vegetation (wild grass, bear berry and saskatoon bushes). First found by bird-watchers in mid-June, the rings appeared to be fairly old, perhaps 6 to 12 months, and appear as a darkening of the vegetation, not flattened as in typical crop circles, making them more like "old-style" UGMs (Unidentified Ground Markings). The circles are in a remote area east of Ashern, which is north of Winnipeg. A ground photo of one of the rings is attached

(ashern00a.jpg, © Chris Rutkowski). This report is similar to the Willmar, Saskatchewan rings reported June 19. On a perhaps related note, while in Alberta I visited the site of the large Edmonton #2 crop formation of last year with Judy Arndt, who did the ground surveys and sampling last September. The barley field, (still infested with thistles!), exhibited an interesting change in the colour and physical nature of the plants in the area where the formation had been several months before. The young barley plants in this area were of a pronounced lighter shade of green and stood straighter than those in the rest of the field. It was not clear whether these changes were simply caused by the plants in last year's crop having been flattened and "matted" in these areas, affecting available moisture and sunlight, or if there is another cause involved. Nancy Talbott of the BLT Research Team will also be going out to inspect this field this weekend, having just returned from a sidetrip to Saskatchewan. A beautiful canola field lies next to the barley field (the canola fields are in full flower right now), and while both driving around St. Paul and flying (to and from Edmonton) I had the chance to observe many such fields in the area, but no new circles yet to be seen (again, though most circles are not found here until later in the summer, in August / September). The canola field is also adjacent to a cemetary which Judy and I had to cut through to get to the other end of the unfenced part of the field (and yes, we had permission to enter the fields, which I advise everyone to do beforehand). Many good examples of fungus rings were seen on the cemetary grounds, averaging about 3 or 4 feet in diameter and filled with mushrooms, which helps in determining these from future crop circles (some previous cases had been initially reported by farmers to be crop circles, which then turned out to be fungus rings). While in St. Paul, I also had the opportunity, along with Nancy Talbott and others, to visit some of the other farmers in the area, who were quite open about the crop circle, cattle mutilation and UFO phenomena which are all quite common these days on the Canadian prairies. There is also a report of another farmer in southern Saskatchewan who found between twenty and thirty crop circles in his wheat field last year, which were not initially reported at the time. If confirmed, this would be the 21st (known) formation reported for 1999. Further details when available. Paul Anderson _____________________________ See also the CPR-Canada web site for complete listings of news stories, reports and related information and links: _____________________________ CPR-Canada News is the electronic news service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada (affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International), providing periodic updates with the latest news and reports, as well as information on CPR-Canada -related news and events. CPR-Canada News is edited by Paul Anderson and published by CPR-Canada, and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe CPR-Canada News" or "unsubscribe CPR-Canada News" and e-mail address to: For further information, submissions or inquiries, forward all correspondence to: CIRCLES PHENOMENON RESEARCH CANADA Circles Phenomenon Research International Main Office Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada Tel / Fax (Office): 604.731.8522 Tel (Cell): 604.727.1454 E-Mail: Web: REPORTING HOTLINE: 604.731.8522 _____________________________ © Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 2000


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