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Included in the following article, are transcripts of conversations between MUFO Director Mike V and UFORCE Director Christopher Montgomery


K sava Bud! Say I do a better job at clarifying Photo's than *snip*

(Reference #1)


Yes, Mike,

Your good, no doubt about it. Say, do you think this would qualify for a mufo? Did you find this image on your own? If you did, then you are free to use it as your own, providing you give Hoagland the credit for the initial discovery. How do we know that he didn't plant it there, hoping that we would make the connection. Remember I faxed him with those links to your mufo!

Pure speculation at this point. Did you get my last posts?

(Reference #2)

Little did I know that those could be prophetic words. We have received information from fuzzy, our contact in the UK who has forwarded images of what he calls "bugs," which appear directly to the left of the following image. -CHRISTOPHER


It's done from the original NASA Image and then I found a little trick to use for making the contrast better than the original. Here again NASA is giving us doctored (images), which can be easily salvaged now that I know how. MUFO? More like an entity of some sort, like a Martian Sandworm or better yet a Martian sand Slug. I'll send you another one which is even "more better" he he, you should see the original, it's (garbage). - MIKE


SETI vs THE ENTERPRISEMISSION: The debate rages on!

From: Dennis and Rebecca Gramm
Date: Wed Jul 5, 2000 6:04am
Subject: Scientific Debate between Hoagland and Seth S.(SETI)

Hello, Here is a fascinating debate going on via email between Richard Hoagland and Seth Shostak of SETI. It started when I sent a picturefrom The Enterprisemission's web site of the NASA/Malin photo of theunusual looking object setting up top of the mountain, that lookslike a flying saucer. I e-mailed Seth to ask him his opinion, and got this...then to my surprise, Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara emailed me back with their thoughts on this object. Anyone who wishes to see this object, can go to the Enterprismission's web site. Immediately after posting this correspondance of the two, I will post the act= ualpicture so you can see what they are debating over: Enjoy, it isfascinating! take care,
-Dennis (Reference #3)

Here are the two emails:

Credit: EnterprisemissionMessage From: (Mike Bara)
Date: Wed, Jul5, 2000, 6:46am (PDT+2)
To: seth@s...g (Seth Shostak)
Cc:DennisGramm@w.(Dennis Gramm),,
Subject:Re: Mars Spacecraft?

And Mr. Hoagland would like to add his two cents worth ... "The sun angle at which this image was acquired (determined from the context data for this image, the other shadows in the image, as well as the larger-scale context image -- M03-07458 -- acquired for a companion arrow-angle frame) unequivocally determines the true geometricnature of this object: a convex, prolate spheroid. "In other words, no matter whether we 'like' it or not, it's a 3000ft Martian 'saucer' sitting on a cliff in Ophir Chasma ... complete with a fluted rim!"

RCH Seth Shostak wrote: Saucer on Mars? Is someone awaiting afternoon tea? I recommend that anyone interested in this feature simply flip it 180degrees. That will change the "optical illusion" that it's convex,and it will then look like what I believe it is: a partially ruinedcrater.
Seth ShostakSETI Institute


From: Dennis and Rebecca Gramm
Date: Wed Jul 5, 2000 6:09am
Subject: Photo NASA/Malin...possible saucer on Mars?

Here is the photo of the possible Mars Saucer, that the hot debate is over: what do you all think?


From: (
Date: Wed Jul 5, 2000 4:51pm
Subject: Re: Scientific Debate between Hoagland and Seth S.(SETI)

I totally Disagree with Seth on this comment, ...I recommend that anyone interested in this feature simply flip it 180 degrees. That will change the "optical illusion" that it's convex, and it will then look like what I believe it is: a partially ruinedcrater. Seth ShostakSETI Institute I did just what he said and no go! Of course there will always be those who's main job it is to Debunk anything that seriously jeopardize's the Secrecy around this type of discovery, those who are on the dole for NSA Etc.....MikeV (MUFO) Thanks for the Excellent Posts Dennis



1. To: (Christopher Montgomery) Subject: Re: CANADA TRIP ON? OFF? From: (MikeV MUFO Director) Date: Tue, Jul 18 2000 11:13:29 PM -0700 (PDT)

2. To: (Christopher Montgomery) Subject: Re: Re: MARS IMAGE...ON? OFF? From: (MikeV MUFO Director) Date: Wed, Jul 19 2000 12:06:34 AM -0700 (PDT)
3. See also for more enhancements and illustrations of the Hoagland's initial discovery.


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