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UFORCE [mars2000project]




Edited by Christopher Montgomery


Here is the most recent Mars Global Surveyor image, sent to us by Mike Van Dusen. It can be found right next to the Hoagland Find. Mike said that "It's the 1st MGS Photo with MUFO evidence showing, [Exciting Yes!] I did all of the text for it and it's MUFO 23 on the MUFO Photo Gallery. (source=)

1st MGS MUFO Find:

MOC AB1-08505/Mars Global Surveyor


To show our recognition of Mr. Fuzniaks discovery, we sent him an e-mail to aknowledge his discovery. Here is a portion of that e-mail:
Dear Richard,
I have viewed your find in the MGS satellite images. We call them "MUFOs" meaning Mars UFOs. Although we are not quite sure what they are, we believe that this confirms our find on the old Viking images that we have been researching. Your contribution to our Mars research is without question amongst the most important find to date. Thank you




I have considered what these anomalies could be. Considering all of the evidence at our disposal, here are some possible explanations, which would have to be ruled out. They are: LENS ANOMALIES
I would discount the lens anomaly hypothesis. The reason I would rule this out entirely, is that one would not expect to see the same type of anomaly found on the two Viking Satellite images repeated on the Mars Global Surveyor photographs. As you can see in the two photographs presented here, they are nearly 100% identical. We have the specific marian coordinates for no less than 40 of these anomalies from the Viking images, all at various altitudes, inclinations and attitudes.

I would have to dismiss this as a possiblity also. A shadow does not produce the kind of affects we are seeing in the image enhancements.

We have scientifically proven that the first two explanations could not explain these image anomalies (Tricks of light and shadow and lens anomalies).

We have seriously considered this possibility, and it remains as one viable explanation, which we must consider. These Martian "anomalies" have now been found on both the Viking photographs AND the Mars Global Surveyor images. IF these objects were engaged in some form of vehicular activity, then their location would be different on each succesive pass of the Viking satellite. The same would hold true for the MGS satellite images. We continue to explore this possibility. It is probably the best evidence thus far that suggests that some form of intelligent life does exist on Mars.

From what I am hearing from Mr Fuzniak, he would agree that this is a distinct possibility. But he is certainly not the one who originated this hypothesis. Long before Mr Fuzniak came forward with his "bug" theory, Mike and I had already been discussing this theory. I want to set the record straight. When I had first examined these Mars images enhancements brought to me by Mike Van Dusen, I had told Mike that they reminded me of the Martian ships on HG Wells WAR OF THE WORLDS. Mike and I have had lengthy discussions concerning this hyposthesis, so Mr. Fuzniak was certainly not the first to postulate this as a plausible explanation, although he may assert that this is the case, it does not follow the history of our discovery and exploration of these artifacts. In fact, he may have got the original idea from Mike Van Dusen, who was merely repeating my original hypothesis.

This theory does bear merit, and we continue to examine these Mars anomalies with that theory in mind. Although this remains a possibility, it would be highly improbable. Let's face facts:

1. If these are life-forms, they are massive creatures. OK, that may be possible, given the lack of gravity produced by Mars. Measurements of Mars gravity does indicate that the gravitational field on Mars is considerably less than that of earth. But...
2. Given the barren nature of the Martian landscape, one would not expect there to be a sufficient quantity of biological food stuffs to support this amount of activity, that these alleged "bugs" would be engaged in. My question would have to be: Would an insect or animal of this size be able to sustain itself on available nutrients found on the surface of Mars? We must not assume that they metabolize food the same way as the insect species found here on earth. Nor are we eliminating the possiblity that they are sophisticated enough to culture their own food source, perhaps below the surface of Mars. We must not assume that they are the same biologically as our insects/life-forms here on earth. Further, an insect-like physiology would be well suited to survive harsh marian climates, as well as food restrictions.

COMMENTS: The last two remain distinct possibilities, and cannot be ruled out, without additional evidence contrary to the facts! We have presented the evidence in a straightforward and forthright manner. (Martian UFOs engaged in some form of vehicular activity well above the surface of Mars, and/or an anomalous life form, possibly insect, which could also be some form of vegetable or mineral life as well).


We had recently received an email from a Mr. Fuzniak. Mr. Fuzniak states that "I don't believe they are UFO's myself, but there is possibility they are some sort of lifeform." Mr. Fuzniak calls them "bugs." Well, considering the size of these anomalies, they would have to be rather large if they were insects. The staff at UFORCE has considered the possibility that they are some form of life, but after examining all of the evidence, we would have to say that this is highly improbable. (See MOC AB1-08505 image, above). My reply to Mr Fuzniak was as follows:
I would have to agree with you to a point, that indeed these could be life-form. Yet, some of the enhancements we did on the viking images revealed what looks like gearing, or a mechanical device. Which reminds me, go to our newsletter index and one of those newsletters shows one enhancement, which although questionable, would beg the question, could a mechanical device have life as we know it?


As you may recall, we had faxed Richard Hoagland with information about these Mars anomalies, including some image-enhancements. We have several labs interested in this find, and they are assisting us in the enhancements. If Seth Shostak would had gone to the MGS images, he would have found what Fuzniak did...the "bugs" or "mufos" as some call them. I suspect Hoagland is testing the SETI team, to see if they really are in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or they are just blowing smoke...

More later. -Christopher


The UFO Resource center continues to investigate the evidence of extraterrestrial this case on Mars. Please keep us posted on any information, which you may be able to contribute to our on-going research project entitled the "MARS2000PROJECT."


*UFORCE Official Seal* Christopher Montgomery International Director UFORCE UFO RESOURCE CENTER ********************************* UFORCE *REGIONAL DIRECTORS* UFORCE, USA Mike Van Dusen, NW Regional Director, Washington David, Julie Crawford, SE Regional Directors. Georgia Christopher Pittman, NE Regional Director, Boston
 Join MUFO 2000! 


*Although several organizations have questioned the methododlogy of these enhancements, they present some interesting possibilities.


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