UPDATE: August 8, 2000: We received an update from Billy Dee (BillyDee@ufossi.org) regarding the situation with the Nile River Virus and its possible link to the chemtrail controversy. The original post appears as we received it.
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From: BillyDee@ufossi.org
Date sent: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:42:52 -0500
Billy Dee Remarks! Correction!
Priority: urgent
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From: "Kenneth J. Becker" (kjbecker@cais.com)
to: "Kenneth J. Becker" (kjbecker@cais.com)
Date sent: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 09:13:00 -0400
To: BillyDee@ufossi.org
Perhaps your source was refering to the West Nile Virus which
has been reported on the (http://www.sightings.com) website.
The website, (http://biology.usgs.gov/mosquito/mosquito.htm ),
indicates it has also been found in Austrialia, which would fit in
well with your information. There has been spraying (probably ground
or low level) for this virus. What do you think?
Ken Becker
Billy Dee Remarks!
Thanks Ken, your right about where the virus originated
from. What I should have said in the news bulletin release, is the West Nile Virus,
instead of the Australian Virus. My source told me that, but I sent
out that announcement within one hour after getting back from spending
all day at the lake cottage with the family, and was very tired, as
well as I wanted to get this news out immediately. And, it was
mentioned that Australia was getting hit by this Virus as well.
---------- Original Text ----------
From: BillyDee@ufossi.org on 8/6/00 1:11 AM: (See above)
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has just learned not more then a few hours ago, through
reliable sources, that the spraying of what has been commonly
called "CHEM-TRAILS", is a sprayed by aircraft against an
Australian Virus.
This virus is very serious to personal health. The virus is very
deadly to the very young, feeble, very ill and very old! In others
words, it is terminal to those I just mentioned.
I asked several questions why the spraying has been going on in
secret. I could not get an answer on that. I also informed the
source, that we have reports where dogs, birds and cats and small
animals have either become very ill, as well as most of them have
died as a consequence of the chem-trail spraying. The source
stated to me that small animals are affected, and will often succumb
to the spray, depending on how close the spray is sprayed to the
animals. Obviously, what is being said here, is that the further up
the spray is being sprayed out by aircraft, the weaker the effect on
small animals. But he did also state, that the birds are the most
affected by the spray.
Also, we were informed that the after effects on humans being
sprayed, is flue like symptoms which dissipate within a few days to
a month or so.
The source we got this information from, wishes to stay totally
anonymous. I can personally say this, I personally know this man,
and have for over 15 years, as he is one of my relatives. I can also
say, that this individual is one of the country's elite in business
world, and among many, he knows a lot of what is going on behind
the scene's. Needless to say, I was quite startled when I
questioned him just today, if he had heard about the spraying that
is going on over the U.S. as well as reports coming in from other
countries, that are also claiming to see the chem-trails in their
skies as well. He quite calmly told me, no, I am not aware of that,
that spraying is going on beyond the N.E. part of the U.S., but that
is possible that the virus has spread." "All I know is that it
originally started with the spraying of the North Eastern part of the
U.S., to spray against the spread of the feared Australian Virus."
I then told him, there are reports of spraying going on all over the
U.S. Believe me, I was totally startled to hear this information.
This person was well informed. I told him, that hundreds of
people across the U.S. are presently involved trying to get at the
truth of the spraying, and that no one in the know, will, or has
come forward. Well, his reaction was rather indifferent. But I
could not help but feel, that quite possibly, he was saying more
then he should have!
But I have to say this. Knowing the source, and the person who
has given me this information, I have no reason to dispute him,
based on knowing the man over 15 years, as well as his financial
and business stature in the United States today. And, I am going to
say this. He is a relative of mine, and knowing him as close as I
do, and his business background which is impeccable, as well as
he is considered extremely informed on the national and world
scene. I am apt to believe that this is the most reliable report I
have found in my research since I began it. I was just floored
today, when he gave me the news, and explained that he was very
well aware of all what is going on with the spraying.
I stated to him that this spraying situation has been held incredibly
secret, why? His reply, was that the Australian Virus is a very
deadly virus, and he said probably due to the fact, if the news was
let out to the public, it was a cause panic! Well, I agreed with that,
but on the other hand, we do have a right to know what is being
sprayed into our air, why, and who is doing it? And that by holding
the truth of this spraying back, is unfair and wrong for and to the
public. I also stated, there are organizations out there, that have
been working feverishly for years to get even an inkling of what our
skies are constantly being sprayed with, and thus far, at least until
now, no one in the know will talk! You are the first one who has
come forward who claims to know what it is, and why we are being
While questioning him about this information, I saw no anxiety or
fear or nervousness of his telling this information! I would have at
least expected a very nervous and fearful person, that would have
been apprehensive to talk about this, knowing that it has been
kept a national secret. But there was no reaction of discomfort,
worry or nervousness coming from this man as he gave this
very startling and very revealing information.
I also stated that it has been found through several analysis of the
actual residue taken from the aftermath of a chem-trail spraying,
that the spray contains many bio ingredients that are dangerous to
human health. What he came back with as an explanation, from
what I can put together and explain, is that this spray contains
some sort of new and exotic anti-virus properties, that most
doctors, and clinicians have never seen before, and probably due
to the fact, that this spraying has been held so secretly. And thus,
very view people in the medical field know anything about the anti-
virus spay, as obviously, it has probably been told to just a few, of
just what the make up is for, and the purpose of the anti-virus
content. That does make sense to me, if that is what has been
going on. This is not what he told me, but what I have put together
after listening to his explanation.
It makes sense to me! If doctors are not or have not been informed
of lets say, a new anti-virus serum, then how they would know
what it is, and how to distinguish it? How would they be able to
define the content, without first having prior information of this
serum, its purpose, its function, and its use on what particular for
of virus, disease, etc.? They would have to have it analyzed first,
and then it would still take a lot of time, to figure out what purpose it
serves. Its like giving an experimental drug to a doctor, and the
doctor is not informed of what it is, or what it can do, or just what it
is for, other then it is a bio form of anti-viral ingredients. I would
think that a team of clinicians and annalists would be working
months, if not ever years to define the full purpose of the
ingredients. So when you sum this all up about the chem-spray,
and the reports we have had coming in for the past 3 or so years,
and we read that small animals have died from the spray, and many
of the reports claim people experiencing flue like symptoms,
diarrhea, colds, breathing problems, etc., and we put all these
findings and reports altogether with this new information on the
chem-trails, it seems to add up very well.
We have to weed out the fictitious reports, from the credible ones.
In the past almost 4 years, we have seen hundreds if not
thousands of reports on the chem-trails, of what it is, who may be
doing it, etc, etc. We have read that the chem-trails are being
sprayed by aliens! We have heard that the chem-trails are being
sprayed to kill off the over population in this world by the New
World Order, or by a certain eccentric national organizations, or the
chem-spray has some sort of ingredients that effect the weather,
and on and on and on it goes, with every conceivable possible, or
plausible explanation of just what it could be! In other words, for
some, if they cannot find the answer, then make one up! Well, I
think this has happened all to much, and often happens when
people are being held in the dark about something as serious as
this! It does seem, by the incredible secrecy that has been held for
several years, that whatever this Australian Virus is, it must be of
the worst kind, and one, that those in the know, and those that
have held the truth from the public, are obviously convinced, that
the virus if known to the public, and of the major threat it is to the
public, has been held secret for the purpose of not causing a
national panic!
So with that in mind, then I would think that we could take a sigh of
relief after finally finding out what it is, and for what purpose, and
the fact, that we are not finding it out when the spray first started, as
that would have caused a panic. We now have found it out, years
after it began. And obviously, over the past 3 or more years,
there have been hundreds if not thousands of chem-trails in the
skies all across the U.S., and I would think the spray during all
this time, has taken effect, and has lessened the severity of this
Virus by a great margin! So I guess there are two sides to either
telling the public, or not telling the public. And I personally feel,
that no one has really been hurt about not knowing the truth of
the spray, and has only benefited by it. But my explanation, I
know will not lessen the feelings, frustration, worry and the anger
of those who feel that we were purposely being held in the dark,
with the secrecy of "what are we being sprayed with?"
I explained to the source, that often, the UFOSSI reports reach
upward to several million readers world wide, and to please
understand this, this report I am going to give on the internet, will
probably become a major news report! His reply was rather calm,
and he told me that is what he knows of what has been going on
with the spraying, and made it very clear to me, that he has been
made very informed on this.
So what are the chances of my relative, the source telling me an
untruth! I suppose the chances are there that he may be feeding me
a lie, but I highly doubt it, knowing his character, background,
position in the business world and the community, and as part of
the family for over 15 years, I find it rather impossible that he would
lie to me. He sort of fits that one commercial that many of us have
seen often on Tv, where the commercial says, "When E.F.Hutton
talks, people listen!" This would be the best explanation and
example of the excellent calibre of this man, to substantiate his
reliability and credibility.
Speaking for myself, I tend to feel and agree that this is what the spraying is all about.
This is all the information I have at this time. I will be sending out
updates on this, as I receive them.
Written By Billy Dee
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From: BillyDee@ufossi.org
To: "(Special News Release)" <(ufossi@ufossi.org)>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 01:11:51 -0500
*CORRECTION: I had originally misidentified this virus as the "Nile River Virus," which was pointed out to me by one of our forensic specialists. The correct virus in question is the "West Nile Virus." We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone.-Editor
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