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Made for $500,000 in the fall of 1979, Friday the 13th was the movie that brought slasher to the mainstream, and defined horror for the 1980's. Paramount gave this movie the best publicity the makers could have hoped for. It was directed by Last House on the Left Producer, Sean S. Cunningham, and featured some of Tom Savini's greatest gore effects ever. Needless to say, much of Savini's work was cut by Paramount in order to clear the film for an R-rating. An unedited version can be seen overseas.

The movie begins, at Camp Crystal Lake, Friday June 13, 1958, where two counselors, Claudette (Debra S. Hayes) and Barry (Willie Adams) sneak out to make love. In a point of view shot, reminiscent of HalloweeN's opening scene, we see that the two lovers are in fact, not alone. Through the eyes of a mysterious person, we see ourselves stab Barry, and chase after Claudette, who lets out one of the greatest horror movie screams ever.

Friday June 13, Present Day, Annie (Robbi Morgan) walks into a diner, where she asks for help getting to Camp Crystal Lake. A truck driver offers to help, and takes her on her merry way. Outside of the diner, the town loon, Crazy Ralph (Walt Gorney), warns Annie that she's doomed. After the driver drops her off, she picks up another ride, in a Jeep.

Meanwhile, at camp, Ned (Mark Nelson), Bill (Harry Crosby), Jack (Kevin Bacon), Marcie (Jeannine Taylor), Brenda (Laurie Bartram), Alice (Adrienne King), and head counselor Steve (Peter Brouwer) prepare for the opening. After Steve's goes into town, the counselors are visited by a policeman, who warns them that Crazy Ralph is out, and will probably be at the camp.

Sure enough, Alice finds Crazy Ralph in a pantry. After warning them that they're all doomed, he leaves on his bicycle. Soon, a storm starts, and Ned disappears into a cabin, never to be seen alive again. Meanwhile, Jack and Marcie seek refuge in another cabin…in bed…together. After making love, Marcie goes to wash up. Jack lights up a joint, and a hand comes up from under the bed. It holds him down as an arrow comes up through his neck.

Back at the main cabin, Bill, Brenda, and Alice decide to play strip Monopoly. Marcie, hears a noise on the bathroom, and looks around. She sees a menacing figure, which quickly plants an ax in her face. When Steve arrives back at camp, he is quickly taken care of too.

Brenda decides to leave the game, to go and read. She hears a little boy's voice, screaming for help. She goes outside to investigate. The flood lights go on, and she isn't seen again. After that the electricity goes out. Bill goes to fix the generator, and Alice rests. After a while, she realizes Bill hasn't come back. She goes out to find him. She finds him alright…hung from a door.

Once she realizes she's all alone, she boards herself in the cabin. Soon, a Jeep pulls up to the cabin. Alice lets a woman into the cabin, named Mrs. Voorhees (Betsy Palmer). Can Mrs. Voorhees an Alice survive A 24 Hour Nightmare of Terror?

The Boogeyman's Review

Friday the 13th is the movie that set the standard for 80's slashers. Originally, even I hated Friday the 13th but I definitly have a spot for it in my video collection. I love it. It is so well done, and still stands up today. Much better than that I Know What You Screamed shit!

***** out of *****