Distant Universe Fanfic     |   home
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Part  4.2

By Way of Introduction

"Tina... everything's ready at the hotel." I glanced about as Maximus
returned to the table, Bud at his side. The cop was muttering to
himself, "I can't believe 'Chelle wouldn't tell me a damn thing. Wonder
what the big secret is? Hey Tina."

"Hi again, Bud," I said, smiling at his dilemma. "Oh, thanks Max. I
appreciate it - - again." Once again I could not get over how striking
he was in his general's uniform - - the only thing missing was his
wolf's fur cape. I still recalled how dashing he was reviewing his men
at the beginning of the movie. I could only sigh softly, crossing my
legs as I tried not to gaze too dreamily at him.

"Well," he started, as he returned to his seat, and Bud pulled up a
chair and sat backwards on it, "Peaches said that whenever you are
ready, feel free to head over."

"Sounds great. Thanks." As Bud and Maximus spoke amongst themselves for
a moment, I turned back to John, who was glancing down at the table, his
words obviously caught in his throat. Realizing he had been interrupted,
I said, "John... I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

"Huh... Oh... it was... nothing, Tina." I saw him smile wistfully. "It
can wait."

"Wait? Are you sure?" I asked quietly, trying to keep it between us. I
knew he wanted to say *something* had it not been for the distraction
from the others. We had talked long enough with one another for him not
to go bashful on me again.

He nodded. "It can wait."

I could only smile and now try to refocus on the three of them.

"So I said, 'Come on 'Chelle. It's Bud here now, I swear, I won't tell a
soul until Tina's whole list is published.'"

"Did I hear my name being spoken in vain?" I teased.

Bud was still attempting to finagle a response out of our Michelle,
Tina. However, Michelle remained mum," Max told me.

"Good for Michelle," I praised her.

"I don't know what's so secretive about what you're keeper of, honey.
She tells us mine, and Max's, then clams up with one of John's. What are
you up to, Sheriff? How'd you earn such special treatment?"

The Alaskan only smiled. "Must be the Biebe charm, White. What else can
I say?"

Max and I laughed while Bud rolled his eyes. "It is getting *so* deep in
here. I need my hip boots. First Max and his swelled head, now you. I'm
going to start hanging with different people from now on," he joked.
"You two... Damn, you're getting hard to live with."

"We are?" Max exclaimed. "How about you? Assuming she was going to
automatically choose 'L.A. Confidential'."

"And she would have, if you two hadn't brainwashed her... How are you
doing, honey? You okay?"

I nodded, my eyes drooping a little. "I'm just getting tired, Bud. It's
been a long day."

"We've already made a reservation for her," Max told him.

"Hey, great - - great. Yeah, this has been a busy day for you. Never
expected any of this, right?"

"Right. Not in my wildest dreams. But... before I head out of here for
the night, since I'm not driving, would you guys mind if I.... Well, if
I ordered one last round so we could make a toast?"

Max smiled. "Tina, that would be a splendid idea."

"I think so, too, Tina," John added while Bud nodded and said, "I'll go
get 'em or we might be here a while. It's packed up in here... getting
almost as bad as a can of sardines. What's the order this time, Miss?"

"Give me a sec." I closed my eyes to think, trying to recall something
extra special for this occasion. Then it hit me: that lunch I had at the
Oak Room in the Seelbach Hotel about a year ago (the hotel where some of
the scenes for  'The Insider' had been filmed). I had sampled some wines
after the meal. "Okay, Bud ..."


"This will be a hell of a lot easier than those Spanish wines I gave you
earlier... I'm looking for a port that's *older* than twenty-five

"Port?" Bud asked.

"Yep. But unless she has the inside track on a current one, it needs to
be no younger than twenty-five, or... well, everything hasn't normally
kicked in yet, except for a few certain vintages. It doesn't have to be
older than fifty - - don't know if I can afford that."

"I get it. Any particular... uh, brand... uh, name?"

"Dow; Taylor Fladgate; Graham... those are all good."

"Four ports coming up."

While Bud was gone, the three of us small-talked, basically about the
Crowe's Nest. Although John was quite animated, there was still
something in the back of my mind that was bugging me. What in the world
*had* he wanted to ask? The cop returned quicker than expected, carrying
a silver tray containing four crystal port glasses.

"That didn't take long," John commented.

"Nah... Liz got a little twinkle in her eye, and whipped down a bottle
real quick. Said Tina ought to love this. So here we go!" he proclaimed,
placing a glass before each of us. "1963 'Graham'... She said it ranked
a 97 in 'Wine Spectator'."

"Sounds fantastic, Bud - - thanks," I extolled, and he took his seat
once more. "This is a splendid choice."

"So... Tina," John began, "you said you wanted this for something...

"Something special to end what for me has been an absolutely wonderful
evening. Thanks to you three." I watched them redden almost
simultaneously, and I couldn't help but giggle. "Sorry guys, but it's
true." My voice dropped some. "Okay, this may sound like a line from
'Driving Miss Daisy' or something, but here goes. You're my favorite
Russell characters. I can't think of any three others I'd want to share
this with right now."

"Aw... shit, honey," muttered Bud, turning his head to one side.

Max, too, was looking thoughtful. "Gods... Etienne... Thank you. That's
very kind of you."

I glimpsed John's pensive expression as he gazed at the glass. He looked
at me, giving a shy grin. "Same here, Tina. That's good of you,

"Well I mean it guys, I really do..." I cleared my throat of the lump
threatening to block it, and took a deep breath, exhaling after I did.
"Okay... I would like to propose a toast, gentlemen - - if you all don't

Bud shook his head, Maximus smiled and softly said, "Please do," and
John nodded, motioning with his hand for me to continue.

Clearing my throat, I raised my glass off the tabletop. "I'd like to
make a toast... to director Michael Mann." Seeing the suddenly curious
expressions on their faces, I grinned. "Okay... let me explain... A few
years ago, when 'The Insider' was being filmed in Louisville, a script
arrived for RC to read. However, being the perfectionist that he is, he
didn't want to read the screenplay because... well, because he was so in
character as Jeffrey Wigand. Well, Michael Mann took it on himself to
read it. And he went to RC, and for the most part said, "Russell...
while I appreciate the intensity and effort you are giving to this role,
I really think you should read this script. So... RC did, and because of
that, one of the greatest epics ever made, and one of the greatest
heroes the movies have ever seen came to being... That screenplay... was

I watched as Maximus - realizing this compliment was also directed to
him - smiled modestly, ducking his head a bit. Bud bent over the table
to pat him on the back, while John quietly applauded and called out,
"Here, here." Now I continued.

"So I would like to propose my toast then. To Michael Mann, and him
helping to push the casting of the only actor worthy of bringing Maximus
to life."

"Amen," Bud piped up, and we all laughed, then he added, "That's a good
one, Tina. Wish I'd thought of it myself."

John smiled as well. "Good toast, Tina..." He held his glass higher. "To
Michael Mann."

"To Michael Mann," all four of us repeated, clinking our glasses
together before we savored the lusciousness of the wonderful port. It
was a splendid wine to accentuate a consummate actor.

We savored the port a while longer, when I suddenly realized that now
was the time for me to take a few discreet minutes to myself. Actually,
it was past time, but I had hated to leave all this wonderful company. I
pushed away from the table. "If you all would excuse me..." The three
jumped to their feet. "...and could one of you direct me to the ladies'

"It's right over there," John began and Bud finished with "Just hang a
left at the bar. It's back a little bit from the main area, but you
can't miss it."

"Thanks. I promise - I'll be back as soon as I can."

"We'll be waiting," Max told me, and I smiled, turning away to head in
the direction I had been shown.

Talk about a bounce in my step. I recalled Sid saying he had noticed one
when I moved away from him - something I doubted - but now, my walk was
noticeable even to me. I also realized there was the slightest swivel in
my hips. I couldn't help but wonder.... In a single fluid move, I
glanced over one shoulder, back towards my tablemates, and then looked
ahead again. The glimpse had been so natural, no one would have noticed.
The three were reseated, but instead of talking amongst themselves, as I
would have expected, they were instead studying me with the greatest
intentness. Biebe in particular seemed quite... I tried to think of an
appropriate word as I entered the restroom.

The second I knew no one was in there with me, I emitted a loud "Yes!"
jumping into the air as I did. I performed a small victory dance, and
mentally congratulated myself. Oh my God. I couldn't believe it. Over a
year ago I never *would* have believed it. Those three sexy, handsome
men had watched me walk away, and they had looked completely fascinated
in me. Never in my life had any man watched me as closely as they had -
- and I loved the feeling of so much wonderful attention.

Looking at my reflection in the closest mirror, I paused, a finger
drifting unhurriedly over my lips. I was imagining one of their mouths
pressed against them. I could detect each curve and millimeter of their
flesh; feel the heat as it passed through my imagined lover's body, and
into my mouth. Shutting my eyes, I allowed myself to fantasize for a
second: his lips becoming urgent, his tongue making gentle love inside
my mouth, the softness of his trimmed beard brushing against my skin....

Beard? So I wasn't imagining dearest Bud, but one of the others. My eyes
still tight, I 'watched' as I extended an arm about his neck, about to
caress the short, dark hair near the nape.... I suddenly returned to
reality, and shaking my head, I saw the slightest puzzlement. I had
fully expected to see my gentle gladiator there in my mind's eye.
Instead I had fondled silky, shoulder-length auburn hair, then 'pulled
back' to see that I was mentally gazing into John Biebe's full, handsome
features. I had only 'smiled', and sought to recapture his lips again,
as perfectly contented as he appeared to be....

No, I had not see *that* one coming. I stared back at the mirror. There
was nothing wrong with John. "Geez no," I whispered. I had loved his
movie; was surprised at what a sweet film it had turned out to be. But
'Gladiator' was uppermost to me; it had taken over my life in an
unimaginable way, and I absolutely adored its' hero. How could I not? So
if I dreamt of Maximus, discussed Maximus and the movie, praised RC's
portrayal, and pushed the movie to all my friends and co-workers - - why
the hell was 'Mystery, Alaska' invading my thoughts? And why had I
suddenly replaced the dashing general-turned-slave-turned-gladiator

I remembered Bud's words. "They *are* the reason you're here." "They're
the ones who brought you here." The two of them had attempted an
explanation when I asked about it, and I felt I understood. Bud had been
correct in saying 'L.A. Confidential' had not brought me to this point.
I had admired what a well-done film it as, but my heart would always
belong to 'Titanic', no matter how much I admired its' competitor. No,
it had taken a passion for 'Gladiator' and a gentle admiration for
'Mystery, Alaska' to raise my interest in Russell Crowe to such a level;
I had not only sought out a web site to satisfy my needs. No, I had
required something more, even if at first, I had not realized it. I
think it all sort of made sense to me.

The only reason I could think of for fantasizing about John Biebe was
for one reason. I had spent so much time with him in the last few
minutes; he was uppermost in my mind. I groaned. Maximus was the one who
had awakened my heart.... He was the one who had caused me to come
here.... Or was he? What the hell am I doing? What the hell am I
thinking? Why am I confusing myself so much?  Okay - Okay... I was
making this all more mystifying than it needed to be. Why was it that
anytime I thought I had things worked out in my head, I started making
it all more difficult than it needed to be?

"That's enough," I whispered aloud, scolding myself. I'm here; I've
been having a wonderful time. I'm not here to sleep with every Russell
character in the place - - especially when it comes to that Hando person
or Sid. Let me just take this one step at a time - - and do what's in my

I would have come at any rate, for Maximus, but John.... At the table, I
would see him thoughtfully smiling at me, and then often bashfully duck
his head when he realized I had "caught" him. He was revealing those
tiny aspects that had made me love him as much.... I paused, and then
said, "As I do Maximus."

All right - - enough of psychoanalyzing myself. Talk about putting a
damper on a great evening. I took a restroom break, then freshened up
some, reapplying my lipstick, dabbing on a bit more of my favorite
Christian Dior's 'Dune'. After running my fingers through my hair, I
headed back into the Tavern, glad to have had a few minutes alone.

I had barely made it out the ladies' room door when a figure in blue
stepped in front of me, blocking my path. Looking about, I saw other
people in the vicinity, in case I needed help, but I really wasn't in
the mood to deal with this again.

"Just answer one thing," Sid said, perfectly serious, one finger in the
air as he pointed at me. I mumbled the four-letter "F" word under my
breath. "What the hell do they have that I don't? I'm beautiful!"

I rolled my eyes. "Give me a break, Sid."

"My feelings have been hurt. I just need to know this, Etienne,
honestly. Or do you prefer Tina?"

"Sid..." I cut him off; knowing that there was no way Sid would ever
have hurt feelings.

"I mean, what the hell does *any* woman see in them when I'm in the

"How about somebody not featured on 'America's Most Wanted' every
weekend?" I tried to step around him, but he impeded me again, roaring
with that giggle that gave me goose bumps, not only from fear, but also
from his magnetism.

"That's a good one!  I love your wicked sense of humor - - that's why
we'd be so perfect together. Me the psychotic; you the crime scene
technician. A match made in Heaven if ever there was one...or if there
is a Heaven. You could give me the inside edge on so many things. And I
could give you - - well, we'll discuss that later...Seriously, let's
give my question some very careful thought. Weigh the pros and cons as
it were so you can realize I could be your only possible choice. You
must give me the opportunity to prove myself, mon cher. Once you see
there could be no other fate for us," he held out a hand - palm up - in
a welcoming gesture, "you will gladly run into my arms. Especially when
you consider your... dismal options." Sid shook his head in utter
disbelief. "First off, there's our Neanderthal friend over there," and
he nodded in the direction of the booth where my companions awaited me.
I could just see the top of Bud's head. "No flair whatsoever, and
certainly beneath your impeccable breeding. I can't believe he actually
had the audacity to attempt to dance with you, considering he still
drags his knuckles on the ground. I'm surprised your feet are still
intact. Lumbering around like a big ape. I'm not even sure he can spell
his own name, and I am not talking about Wendell either."

"Are you done?" I started to move, but Sid walked in front of me again
and continued his diatribe.

"And of course, let's not forget... Ooh... Mr. Strength and Honor.
Strength and Honor. Strength and Honor. Doesn't he know anything else?
He's so damn honorable, and devoted, and so loyal. Hell, you might as
well have a dog." He noticed that I was starting to bristle. "Oh come
on, Tina! How can you take him seriously?! So full of principles - - but
he's probably massacred thousands in the name of his Roman Empire. And
he calls himself ethical," the cyber-psycho snorted. "That makes him
almost as psychotic as me. I've only been accused of taking out a few
hundred." He saw my skeptical expression and quickly amended the total.
"Okay, a few million total - - who's counting? It wouldn't surprise me
if he actually *enjoyed* killing in the arena, no matter what he
maintains. He plays Mr. Sensitive, gets all weepy and snotty, flexes his
muscles, shoves some dirt up his nostrils, and the women are all over


"Sure... give the guy a sword and 'whoosh'... he's a freaking hero. Even
the biggest dork could look good with a sword... Or, someone as
beautiful as me could enhance the whole experience." He paused for a
second as he obviously considered the latter possibility. "Hmm, that
might be a thought... Me, in the arena." He pretended to be a gladiator
for a second as he did a few moves with an imaginary sword. His
attention now returned to me. "Oh and last, but certainly not least in
stupidity has got to be Sheriff Lobo from the North Pole, who is too
dense to accept the fact that he's *no* Wayne Gretsky. If I were you,
mon cher, I wouldn't allow him near or in my bed. I imagine his
lovemaking technique is as precise as his skating speed. He's likely as
slow in the foot as he is slow in the crank."

"That's *enough* Sid!" I practically screamed as he cackled, obviously
enjoying this too much.

"Etienne... I am only thinking of your well being. Besides, I would hate
to see all that whale blubber on top of your body. I'm afraid Tubby
would regrettably suffocate you." He saw the fire in my eyes (and I
hoped he didn't notice the tears which were attempting to spring up, out
of both anger and tension); the way my hands were clenching. He looked
at me, surprised I did not see the obviousness in what he was saying.
His next words were said with incredulity. "Geez Tina, in case you
hadn't noticed: he's *fat*!"

"You're nuts," I softly replied.

"That's a matter of opinion," Sid countered, then a slimy smile
returned. "And when you call me that, it's like music to my ears." I
threw up my hands, about to push by him, when I heard him say, "I don't
think I told you before: but I just love your shoes."

I stopped and looked up at him, stepping back to my original spot. Now
it was my turn to stare in amazement. "What?"

"Those black pumps you're wearing." I glanced down at my plain shoes. "I
*love* women in heels, I really do.

Okay, that was what I freaking needed. Sid had a damn shoe fetish in his
programming? For a millisecond, my eyes rolled away before I focused on
him again. All I could manage was "Okay...Whatever."

"True, they aren't those spiked four or five inch heels, but yours have
such a nice little curve to them. I adore how they show off those
delightfully plump legs of yours, although something a bit taller would
flatter them even more... Ah, Etienne mon cher." He took a deep intake
of breath, his eyes rolling back into his head, nearly orgasmic at the
thought. "I would love to have you dig those two inches right into the
small of my back."

Oh, that's just great, I thought, trying not to let my mouth drop. Shoe
fetish *and* S&M... That was when I surprised him when - instead of
being angry - I smiled quite seductively. "Right into the... Oh God...
that's so... that's so romantic, Sid. Really. Really, it is. You've
*finally* said something that..." I was practically purring in ecstasy
as I let my hands drift along the lapels of the expensive silk jacket.

Sid smiled, pleased, delighted he had finally impressed me. "See... I
knew there was a dark edge to your personality. All those years of the
work you perform - - it's added something quite appealing to you, and
definitely for a man like me." He moved closer until he was nearly on
top of me, his height almost dwarfing me. "We *will* be beautiful
together, Etienne Cherie. I can't wait."

I shut my eyes, trying not to look disgusted, then beamed at him again.
My voice was low, sultry. "Neither can I. And all I have to do is

"Forget The Three Stooges over there."

Chuckling, I moved forward, looking into those eyes as much as I dared.
"Three Stooges, that's... that's cute, Sid. But I think you were more
original the first time round. What did you call them? That was

You mean the Neanderthal and tubby Sheriff Lobo of the North Pole?"

"That was it."

"And we must not forget our little loyal, devoted, strength and honor
dog. We'll call him Maxie." I couldn't help it. I almost laughed when he
bent over and pretended to play with an obedient dog. "Here Maxie, here
boy. That's a good boy. What a good boy. You'll unleash hell on them,
won't you? Yes you will! And win the crowd? Yes you will! And get
vengeance in this life or...."

We both heard it, the barely discernible creaking of a floorboard. Sid
suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowing. He sighed, standing upright,
clucking his tongue before saying, "They're behind me, aren't they?"
Hands behind my back, one leg in front of the other, I nodded, my head
cocked to one side. "And you allowed me to stand here and dig my own
grave?" Nodding again, I smiled - - or was it an evil smirk? "Tina -
Tina - Tina. Why would you do this to me?"

"Guess it's that wicked sense of humor of mine, Sid. Remember, you do
love it so."

He momentarily shut his eyes, and if I had thought he believed in prayer
(and I figured he did not), he was probably doing it right now. Clearing
his throat, he took on his coolest air as he turned to face Bud White,
John Biebe, and Maximus Decimas Meridas. I doubted even Daniel had faced
the lions in the den with the attitude Sid revealed right now.
"Gentlemen," he said as though nothing was amiss.

"Sid," they all said simultaneously.

"Etienne and I were just having the most... fascinating conversation. I
was about to tell her what a splendid addition she will make to our
little group." The three remained stoic, until John looked at me,
obvious concern in his eyes.

"You okay, Tina?"

"I'm fine," I assured them, my own outward air quite confident although
inside, I was trembling, and my stomach in knots. Although there had
been people around, I had still been nervous about being so close to
Sid. Not simply because his suave sex appeal was so tempting; but I knew
how the unfortunate victims of Bundy, Gacy and those others felt. *That*
worried me more than anything.

It was Maximus who spoke next. "We thought you had been gone longer than
we expected, and Bud... well, he noticed what was going on."

Sid took a step away from me. "And as usual, Wendell here has
mistaken... well, I do not know why it is that *I* cannot speak to any
of our female guests without it being taken out of context. He seems to
forget. *I* live here, too, and that does not prevent me from becoming

"Getting acquainted is one thing," Bud practically growled.
"Harassment... that's something else - - *Sid*." I saw the spark in his

"John, Maximus," Sid continued, "I wish you two would get a leash on our
poor Wendell. He's starting to imagine things."

"Am I?" the cop asked, a slight smile on his lips. Uh-oh, I thought. I
know that look. Both the general and the sheriff put out their hands to
stop my favorite bulldog from pouncing then and there.

"As I said, Etienne..." He looked at me for a moment, that phony smile
plastered on his beautiful mouth. "...and I do so love your name, mon
cher. I only hope these gentlemen realize that is a *compliment*, not a
means of harassing you." He looked at the men. "Etienne and I were
merely sharing our views on life. Oh, and her most interesting
occupation. Nothing more. You must all agree that she will make a most

"We *already* heard that bullshit, Sid," Bud muttered.

John shook his head. "Yes Sid, Etienne... uh, Tina is always welcome
here. We're just wondering if you've outstayed yours."

Sid rolled his eyes. "I think Wendell's leaving bad habits with you,
Biebe. You're getting as paranoid as he is. This is what happens when
you enter the middle of a conversation, especially one involving me."

"Sid's right," I said loudly. Maximus, Bud and John all looked as if I
had suddenly sprouted horns and a tail, while the cyber-maniac merely
smiled as if to say 'See, I told you so.' I suspect he may have believed
it to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, to quote Bogart in
'Casablanca': the evidence technician and the psychotic, as Sid had told
me. "You all *did* sort of come in on the middle of it. I'm not exactly
clear as to what you heard and what you missed. God knows I don't want
there to be any misunderstandings." I noticed Sid's aquamarine eyes
abruptly widening, his computerized brain comprehending he was about to
be most sweetly blindsided.

"Etienne, Cherie, we don't have to rehash the...."

"But Sid... I want to make sure we're all on the right page. Okay Bud...
did you hear the part when Sid said he couldn't' believe you had the
nerve to dance with me - - considering you're still dragging your
knuckles on the ground."

The cop's eyebrows rose. "Nah... missed that."

"So... you didn't hear when he called you a Neanderthal *or* that you
couldn't spell your own name, and he didn't mean Wendell?"

"Missed that, too. Sorry I did." Bud was deceptively calm.

"Okay then. Max...."

Sid was practically gritting his teeth when he spoke. "Etienne is it

"Oh Sid, it's *very* necessary. You said it yourself. When it comes to
you, everyone always takes things out of context... So Max... did you
hear when Sid complimented you by calling you 'Mr. Strength and Honor.'"
It was Maximus' turn to raise his eyebrows. "And that you're quote 'so
honorable, and devoted, and so loyal. Hell, you might as well have a
dog.' Unquote."

"I *am* sorry I missed that, however, I caught the bit about me being as
psychotic as him... and... what was that?" The general paused, glancing
from me to Bud to John. "Oh... I get weepy and snotty and..." His voice
increased some over his normally soft baritone "...shove *dirt* up my
nostrils so that the women will fall in love with me."

"The dirt shoveling was what got *me*, Max," I quipped, and although the
three were stifling a chuckle, Sid was actually looking as though he had
just had an accident on himself. I looked at the floor, but didn't see
any blue puddles. "But now we know where you all came in on our
conversation. So that means...." I paused as my eyes met John's. It was
obvious he knew what I was about to say. I wished he had not heard Sid's
hurtful comments because as ugly as the other remarks were, the ones
about the sheriff had cut me closer to the quick. "So John... you

"Everything! Thanks Tina," John told me, smiling slightly.

My attention returned to Sid. "We're all on the same page now, Sid."

His grin was frozen in place by now. "Merci, mon cher." I could almost
hear his gulp as he calmly faced the three again. "Bud... John...
Maximus... I hope you realize that Etienne took my joking too seriously.
That's the mind of someone who deals in the business she does. No sense
of humor."

My mouth dropped, but before I offered a retort, Bud said, "On the
contrary, Sid, she has a great sense of humor. It's something she needs
in her line of work. Right, John?"

"Absolutely. She's been displaying it all night."

"Yes, Sid," Max added. "*You* obviously missed it."

I pretended to pout. "Sid, you've hurt *my* feelings now. You said I had
a wicked sense of humor."

He sighed, his eyes now showing a hint of annoyance and anger. "An error
on my part then. How *could* I have been so mistaken?" He made the 'tsk'
sound once more. "My lovely Tina, I had such hopes for us. You've
disappointed me. I simply hate to see you wasted on..." He stopped,
briefly looking at John, Bud and Maximus, then turning in a way so only
I could see his face, I realized I knew the expression in his eyes all
too well. The Bundy charm was disappearing. In its' place were Manson
and Hitler: dangerous, hypnotic, and insane. "Well, I will continue to
hope. I still believe *I* can offer more to your intellect and breeding
than any of the others have combined. To paraphrase Rhett Butler: It is
my desire to show you more... once you are over the spell of...."

"The Three Stooges?" Now it was my turn to move, this time near my three
protectors. "I don't think so, Sid. And since you know movies as well as
I do, let's see if you remember this line. It's from Pacino's
'Scarface'. DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!"

Max gasped then applauded. John whistled and smiled appreciatively. Bud
grinned and said, "That's my girl. That's fourteen years of her police
department coming to the surface. What a woman! Okay Sid - - party's
over." The cop snatched Sid's lapels and slammed his back against the
nearest wall. In the background I heard someone go 'Uh-oh'. "How many
times do I have to tell you Sid: *leave* the newcomers *alone*! If they
express an interest, go ahead, be my guest. Knock your perverted little
self out. Otherwise..." He pulled Sid forward and slammed him into the
wall again, a sound that caused even me to flinch. "Anybody else game?
How about you... Maxie?"

"With the greatest pleasure," and with near lightning speed, the general
gave Sid a clean one-two punch even Ali would have envied. Sid staggered
slightly, but still didn't go down. Maximus gave him a swift knee to the
stomach, and the cyber-psycho howled, doubling over. "I think the little
strength and honor dog just bit back," he said jokingly as he rubbed his
reddening knuckles. "John... your turn, I believe."

The sheriff - a mischievous smile on his lips - bent over so he could
watch the color drain from Sid's face. "Sid...."

"Biebe... John," Sid gasped for air. "You're... the most level-headed
one here... You're... You're not going to take my... take my... my...
little joke seriously... are you?"

John straightened, that smile still present. "Why'd you think I would
Sid? I mean, why *should* I take it seriously. After all... I've been
hearing the fat comments since the day I got here. Why the hell would I
take that seriously or personally?" He looked at me, before facing Sid
again. "I promise, Sid, I won't go anywhere near Tina. I know how big
and fat I am. Wouldn't want to hurt her." All I heard was a crunch and
an escape of lung air as Sid finally crumpled after John's graceful kick
to the groin. "How's *that* for slow in the foot?" The remaining three
of us laughed and clapped as he landed one last kick, this time to the
chin, leaving Sid with an additional cleft.  John pretended to wipe his
hands, then pulled Sid up slightly, holding onto the back of the silk
jacket. "I don't want to get too close... Sidney. All this blubber might
suffocate your sorry ass."

I laughed harder, covering my face, nearly missing it when Bud's foot
shoved Sid to the floor, face down in the oak paneling. "I know these
aren't those four or five inch spiked heels you adore, but how's about
this?" Bud ground his left heel even harder into Sid's spine. "I know
you wanted Tina's two inch heels in the small of your back. What about
trying mine on for size instead? Sorry they're not two inches. They'll
just have to do." He applied more pressure.

We heard a grunt, and swearing underneath groans, but as the seconds
passed, there was a distinctive moan - - and it did not sound as if it
was from pain.

"Uh...Bud..." John interrupted.


"I don't think Sid's..."

The cop looked suspiciously at John, then down at Sid. "What?"

"Listen to him, Bud. I think he's enjoying it."

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, and I heard Maximus say, "Dirty little
bastard. Reminds me of Commodus."

"Aw shit!" Bud exclaimed. "That's just great. You little fucking creep."
He snatched Sid to his feet, and saw the little creep was almost
grinning, patterns of the wood etched on his face.

"Oh Wendell..." Sid muttered almost sexily, which only caused White to
slap him hard a couple of times.

"Tina... honey, your turn - - if you want to take it."

"For real?... Oh... this is *too* good to pass up." I reached into my
shoulder bag, and removed a black plastic cylinder measuring about four
inches in length.

"Honey... if that's mace, I don't think..." Bud started.

"No... one of the homicide dicks just gave this to me. Told me to keep
it for protection against perverts, deviants, and other dredges." I gave
the cylinder a quick snap, and the police baton extended to almost a
foot. I saw all of their eyes widen - - especially Sid's.

"You know how to use that thing?" Max questioned, seeing that its weight
wasn't affecting me at all.

"Oh yeah... they showed me," I grinned. "Now I'll get to see if this
sucker really works!"

"Aim it low," I heard Bud direct me, and I smiled, nodding, and stepped
up to the plate. Holding it as I'd been instructed, I took a deep
breath, drawing back... then paused. I saw the fear in Sid's eyes, and
then my gaze went to Max, John and Bud. How could four men be so similar
and yet the same - - and incredibly, Sid was one of those incarnations.
In a sense, he was the bad seed among the brothers, for that is what
they were.

Bud asked softly, "Can't do it, honey?" I shook my head, lowering the

Sid breathed a sigh of relief. "Merci, mon ami. See gentlemen... she
does have a most tender side, and forgiving as well I hope." He smiled
charmingly at me, then those eyes made yet another metamorphosis as I
saw his tongue run ever so slightly and lustfully over his mouth. Bud -
who was holding him from behind - couldn't see it, but John, Maximus and
I did.

"Son of a bitch!" the sheriff exclaimed to Max's "You simply don't
learn, do you, Sid?"

"What did he do?" Bud asked, but seeing the anger on my face, he luckily
reacted and held on tight as the impact of the baton blow struck Sid in
the abdomen.

"That's a goal!" John chuckled, patting me on the back.

"Good job, honey," Bud congratulated me.

"Where in the world did you get that kind of strength?" Max asked as we
watched Sid curl into a fetal position. It was almost difficult *not* to
feel sorry for the little bastard.

"I've been working on my upper body."

"It shows," he said, admiringly. We watched as Bud rolled the
cyber-maniac over, and unceremoniously dragged him across the floor.

"Where are they going?" I asked and John started laughing harder.

"I think they're headed for the men's room."

Remembering that scene in 'L.A. Confidential' with Bud's handling of the
two timing D.A., I hurriedly followed the fast moving pair, not really
caring what their final destination was. I was seconds behind them, and
nearly skidded to a stop as I pushed open the swinging door, John and
Maximus right on my heels. I saw the soles of Sid's shoes disappear
around a corner, and without thinking, I charged inside.

"You think we ought to make sure we're it?" the sheriff questioned,
glancing around for other occupants. His quiet voice must have carried,
for we heard Bud call out:

"We're it! Come on in!" followed by the sound of a thump against the
clean tile floor. Afraid we might miss something, we rushed to where Bud
was, and found the cop pulling Sid towards one of the dozen stalls.

Max was flashing that smile I loved. "Are you all right, Wendell?"

"Hell... I'm just getting started." Sid groaned again, and Bud dragged
him over to and then propped his upper body on the toilet seat.

Meanwhile I was studying the surroundings. "I've never been in a men's
restroom before."

John smiled. "Not even on one of your scenes?"

"Nope, not ever. Always wondered what the big differences would be.
Guess the urinals..." We were talking as though everything was perfectly

"Liz makes sure all the restrooms are kept spotless," John told me,
ignoring the muffled sounds cyber-boy was making.

"Well, I'm *very* impressed. I'll have to let her know."

"Mmph yer gemph me the fumph mmph this feemphing too..."

"I believe Sidney's trying to say something," Max chimed in. "Of course
with his face down like that...."

Bud sighed and raised Sid's head. "What the hell are you saying?"

"You know what the fuck I'm saying!! Get me the fuck off this fucking
toilet!! I don't know what or who's been on it!"

"Well," Bud told him as he dropped him again, "whatever or whoever was
there had to be cleaner than your filthy mouth. And with a lady present,

"She said the word, too!" Sid countered.

"With good reason if you'll recall," Maximus reminded him, arms crossed
before his broad chest.

John spoke up next. "Yeah Sid... You're getting a short memory in your
old age."

"Fuck both of you."

"Watch the mouth Sid!" the four of us said almost together.

The cop now looked at me, a naughty grin too obvious. "Ms. Stewart...
would you like first flush?"

"Thank you, sir," I said quite seriously, although my eyes were
sparkling. I couldn't help but notice the fear crossing Sid's sculptured
features when he looked to the side to see me.

"Etienne... you wouldn't," came a rather small voice.

"Oh yes Sid, I would... Wendell, if you please."

Bud grabbed cyber-boy from behind, and the last thing I heard from him
was "Oh shit... not my hair!!" as White plunged his head into the water.
I calmly stepped forward and after humming a few notes for 'Taps',
flushed. I watched an aqua color swirl about the reddish coiffed hair,
and I glanced up at Bud. Knowing what I was about to ask, he responded,
"What d'ya call it? 'Ty-D-Bowl'."


Our laughter increased as we heard a gurgled, "My hair. My hair,"
repeated over and over. Bud raised Sid's head, and we all nearly choked.
Sid's beautiful hair was now plastered about his scalp and face, as
smears from him and the bowl cleaner combined to create an almost
purplish-blue color.

"I think it's lovely," I commented as Bud continued to dunk Sid's head
while flushing the toilet several more times. "Reminds me of Van Gogh's
'Irises'... the way all the colors are meshing together."

We heard the restroom door swing open, and Max, John and I looked up to
see. We had company - Colin O'Brien, whom I had met earlier. He headed
towards the set of urinals along one wall, and just as he was about to
unzip, suddenly noticed he was not alone.

He chuckled when he saw me. "Oops. Sorry mates. Wondered where you all
had vanished to." There was another flush, then a scream of "My fucking

I started to blush. "Ex-Excuse me," I managed, rushing for the door.

"You don't have to leave on my account, love," Colin teased.

My response was to turn and give a shy smile. "Oh yes... Yes I... I do.
John, Max, I'll see you outside."

"We're coming anyway," John said. "Bud... we'll be outside!"

"0kay, just a couple more minutes," the cop answered over what sounded
like - - I think the Bible calls it the 'wailing and gnashing of teeth'.

Just as I opened the door to leave, another figure collided with me when
he rushed inside. Arthur Baskin looked into my face, his features
turning beet red as he double-checked the entrance to make sure there
was a figure of a man on it. On seeing there was, he stared at all of us
for a second, completely bewildered. I could have heard his gulp a mile

"Oh my..." He stammered. "Excuse..."

"No... excuse *me*," I said and we both practically ran over top of each
other to get out.

"Sorry... I-I-I... didn't... I didn't know," Arthur kept repeating.
"I'll - uh... I'll come back later." He was running so fast, I couldn't
even tell him he could go back inside.

Maximus and John were right behind me. "Where'd Arthur go?" the general

"That way," I pointed.

"Poor Arthur," John laughed. "Hope he doesn't have an accident on

Colin exited moments later. "What a night!" was all he would say as he
headed back to his table. Bud White soon followed, hauling a dripping
wet Sid with him. As he did, Liz walked by on her way to the restroom.
She looked at the sight, sighed and said, smiling, "Are you boys playing

Bud grinned. "Yes Mommy." Liz shook her head, chuckled, and hurried
along. "Okay Sid... I think it's time for bed. You look tired."

"My hair," was all we could hear, and I could have sworn the voice was
next to tearful.

Bud stepped over to me and gave me a quick kiss on my mouth. "Tina
honey, hate to end the night this way, but it's been great."

"I'm going to get you for this White!" Sid's stifled voice could be
heard from where his head was buried in Bud's armpit.

"Same here, Wendell," I whispered, that kiss almost making me melt.

"I'll see you around, okay. Max, John - you two look out for her."

Sid pulled out his head and softly said, "Good-night, good-night.
Parting is such sweet..." He stopped when Bud's fist was shoved in his

"Good-night, guys," Bud told us, and we watched as he dragged cyber-boy
through the tavern to everyone's laughter.

Maximus placed a hand on my nearest arm. "Well, are you ready?"

"I think so. Yeah, I definitely am," I told him, enjoying his touch.
"It's been a long night."

"Well, Max and I will escort you up there," John told me.

"What about my tab?"

John spoke up. "Don't worry about it right now, Tina. You can take care
of it later. Now... do you have anything in your car that you'll need?
Make-up, change of clothes...."

"I have a cosmetic case and an overnight bag in the trunk. I... I wasn't
quite sure where I was going tonight. I was sort of driving." And
feeling quite lost and empty, I thought to myself. "I figured I'd
eventually end up at my favorite restaurant, Vincenzo's, and then crash
somewhere nice for the night. That's why I was sort of in... casual
dressy mode," I explained, glancing down at my black chemise.

"Well, if Max will walk you on up to the hotel, I'll get your keys from
the valet. What are you driving?"

"Chrysler Sebring convertible."

"Nice - very nice. Okay... Max, I'll head on and get her things. I'll
meet you two in the lobby."

The sheriff hurried ahead of us, dancing around a streak of blue water
while one of the cleaning persons mopped up. Maximus and I followed
close behind, but on leaving the building, we went right of the parking
lot. Now I saw it, a beautiful building which combined contemporary with
elegant Victorian, capping a small hill. I could hear waves crashing
rhythmically against the shoreline; could smell that distinctive
fragrance of salt air. A bird was chirping in the distance, and a
second, then a third responded. Nightingales, the general informed me,
causing me to smile. I always wondered what they sounded like, and I was
reminded of the dialogue in 'Romeo and Juliet' - of nightingales and
larks. We casually followed the winding path, and on reaching the
entrance, Max held open the door for me.

We walked inside a medium sized lobby, one which was not overly opulent,
but which was welcoming, like entering a friend's home. It reminded me
somewhat of the foyer at my now beloved Thornbury Castle outside
Bristol, England. There was an intimacy there, and elegance as well. I
was already at home.

"Here she is, Peaches," Maximus announced, and the young woman behind
the front desk grinned.

"You must be Tina?" she greeted, holding out her hand. "Hi - - I'm

"Hi... nice to meet you, at last," I said, shaking hands with her.

"And welcome to Crowe's Hotel. Max says you've had a wonderful time so

"An absolutely *marvelous* time, despite Sid."

"Oh well, that's our Sid," she laughed. "At least you aren't packing and
running for the hills... *before* you unpack. But everything else..."

"Has been great. Everyone has gone out of their way to be nice."

"Well, we *are* family," Peaches told me, and I nodded, looking at

"So everyone keeps telling me. And it's feeling more and more true."

"Max, where's her luggage?"

"John's getting it from her car. He should be along any moment."

"Great, 'cause Tina looks like she's ready to relax."

"Well, for me the night owl, this is fairly early, but I don't think
I'll have any problems sleeping tonight. It's..." I sighed. "...It's
been some day."

"Yeah, I think it's that way with most of the newcomers. You just need
to take it a little at a time. Don't push yourself; don't rush. The Boys
know how to guide you along right."

"They've all been sweet," I remarked as Maximus and I made eye contact
once again. I could not get over what a handsome man he was, or the
magnetism he exuded, no matter what he was doing. Now I understood why
the other summer movies to this point had left me empty, and why Ford's
Place and the Keaton Cluster seemed like distant memories.

The front door opened and John eased in, my cosmetic case's strap across
one shoulder, and my small overnighter in his opposite hand. "Here we
go, Tina. Hope this is all of it."

"That's all, John. Thanks a lot."

Peaches gave me two sets of keys and wished me a pleasant evening.  I
started up a grand staircase, equal to anything on-board Titanic,
accompanied by my companions. On arriving on the second floor, we walked
a short distance as I counted off the room numbers.

"Number 205. This is it, I guess." I eased the key into the lock, and
listened as the mechanism clicked so I could push open the cherry wood
door. Lights were already on, and I heard a deep intake of breath
emanate from me when I looked inside. It was one of the most beautiful
hotel rooms I had ever seen. It was more a suite, for as I stepped
further in, I realized I was in a sitting room done all in the pastel
colors I preferred. There was a sofa and a love seat; at least two
overstuffed chairs with matching footstools; a small desk with a chair;
a round glass dining table surrounded by four elegant chairs; and an
entertainment center along one wall. I immediately noted the 32"
television, along with a VCR, a DVD, and a compact disc system, complete
with a rack of discs and videotapes. An unlit marble fireplace was the
centerpiece of the room.

"The bedroom and bathroom are back that way," John indicated, placing my
things off to one side, out of the way. Speechless, I moved ahead of
him, anxious to see what was next.

The bedroom was the equal of my sitting room. Highlighted by a canopied
four-poster, king-size bed, I let my hand caress the silks and expensive
cottons of not only the bed drapes and linen, but the numerous pillows
of all sizes which were at the oaken headrest. I studied the other
items: the Waterford vases and water pitcher; the elegant vanity; the
armoire; even a chaise lounge. I moved into the bathroom - again there
were soft colors, grinning as I looked over not only the enclosed glass
shower, but also a marble Jacuzzi tub. My mouth dropped on seeing that
there was a bidet as well. I'd always wanted to stay in a room with a

Rushing back into the main room, I saw that Max and John were patiently
awaiting my return. "This is... this is like the room I've always dreamt

Max nodded. "Well, we always try to give our guests a room that suits
their personality." Hands behind his back, he came to my side. "I asked
Peaches to give you a room... well, romantic, spirited. We hoped it
would suit you."

All I could do was nod, my wide eyes still taking in every detail. John
said, "This is yours, Tina. For as long as you want it. Feel free to
even bring your own belongings next time, too. Or change whatever you
don't like."

"This... This is *mine*?" I whispered, choked.

The sheriff smiled. "All yours. It'll always be yours, however long you
want it."

"And if you'll check the view, I think you'll get a pleasant surprise,
my dear."

I hurried to the French doors, easing them open so I could step onto the
balcony, its' trellises entwined with climbing roses. Looking down, my
eyes began to water, for not only could I detect the sound of the ocean,
but also my room overlooked one of the most magnificent gardens I had
ever seen. Returning inside, all I could say was, "Those roses... Those
are English roses."

"Very appropriate," Max told me. "I had hoped they'd remind you of a
place that seemed to have won your heart." I chewed on my lower lip,
nodding as I did, the tears behind my eyes threatening to spill. My
whispered, "Thank you" was barely audible, but they both heard it.

John cleared his throat. "Max, maybe we'd better head out now. Tina's

"Yes, we've kept you long enough, haven't we? Perhaps Tina... Well,
perhaps you could join us in the morning for breakfast?"

"Yeah darlin', that'd be nice. If you feel like it." My only response
was another nod. "O... Kay... Well, then... guess we'd - uh... we'd
better get going." John started moving towards the door, Maximus close
behind. "Good-night, Tina."

"Yes, good-night, Tina."

And that's when it happened. I gasped as the door opened, then the tears
flowed, despite my attempts to halt them. I could feel my stomach in
knots; my chest squeezed by some unknown tightness. My throat... no
matter how many times I swallowed, it was not enough. It simply grew
more constrictive. I was turning into a blubbering mess in front of
them, and I couldn't stop, and this frustration only increased my tears.

John stepped forward first, even as Max did. "Tina... darlin', what's

"Tina?" I saw the urgency on the general's face.

I angrily wiped my eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Why?" Maximus asked.

"I'm sorry," I repeated, covering my mouth. "It's just... all of this.
The room... The roses... It made me homesick again... for England... I
miss England." I looked aside briefly, then back at them, finally
managing, "And you two..." I could not finish.

"We'd better leave you alone," Max said softly, but I moved quickly, one
hand outstretched.

"Guys... don't go," was all I could say.

The men exchanged glances, their confusion obvious.

Maximus spoke first. "Tina, I...."

"We..." John stammered. "You... You want...."

"Don't go... Not now." I rushed past them to the door, double-checking
that it was secure, then turned in their direction again, my head down,
unable to look at them. What had I just asked? Never in my life had I
invited two men to stay with me, and while most women would have leapt
at the opportunity, I could not. I couldn't believe I had even said it.
So I stood there, frozen in place, my hands tightly clutching a table
behind me. None of us spoke as the minutes passed, and my trembling

"John... this is ridiculous. We have to do... something."

"I'm all for it, General. But what?"

Their voices seemed distant, as though none of us were in the same room.
I continued to stand there, hot tears running down my face, and I heard
the two speak, their words empty syllables to me. How the hell had I put
myself in *this* predicament? My head suddenly lifted, and I realized
that John's index finger was underneath my chin.

"Tina?" he softly asked. "You with us here, darlin'?" I nodded weakly.
"Good, 'cause I need for you to listen, all right? All right?" I
blinked, starting to feel more coherent, and nodded again. "Max and
I.... Aw shit, Max."

"What John is trying to say," Maximus stepped in when Biebe appeared
unable - or unwilling - to finish, "is that we only want the best for
you. We *know* how confusing this is for you, my dear. We don't wish to
make it worst."

"And we hate doing this to you... especially on your first night here."

"I understand," I finally said, and then I sighed, shaking my head.
After all, I brought this on myself. I knew what they wanted, but the
words would not come.

"Tina?" John's clear accent rang through my soul. "Just... think for a
moment. Think, okay? Bud was right: it *was* Max and I who gave you the
incentive to come here. All you needed was that small push... But there
had to be one of us... One of us and our movie which was the original

"Think about 'Mystery, Alaska' and 'Gladiator'... Remember the first
times you saw them."

"Then open your heart and listen to it."

The question pierced not only my heart, but my brain and my inner being
as well. It had only been a few weeks, not long at all, and now it came
down to this. I closed my eyes... and I remembered.... Remembered how it
had burned itself into my existence in a way I had not known since my
much-loved 'Titanic'. So then I knew.

Very strongly, very clearly, I heard myself - tears in my words -
exclaim, "I loved you first!" I threw my arms about Maximus' neck,
pressing myself against his body's warmth and the soft fabric of his
uniform. "Oh God... Oh God help me... but I *loved you first*!" I felt
him embrace me, a hand gently wiping my tears.

"It's all right, dearest," he soothed me. "It's all right."

I gazed into that now familiar face, studying his strength and
everything that made him so wonderful to me. He was alive again: the
living, breathing Maximus I had loved from the second I laid eyes on
him. All it had taken was that single robin... We had shared a moment
together in that darkened theater. Now I wanted to share a night with

That was when I felt John Biebe tenderly kiss my forehead. I pulled back
from Max to see the sheriff pat him on the back. "Be good to her, Max,"
was all he said before he moved to the door, opening it to leave.

"I'll be right back." I told Maximus, and then finding my voice for the
first time in a while, I hurried after Biebe's retreating form. "John!"

He looked at me, a hint of resignation in those soft eyes, but he still
smiled. "Hey sweetheart."

"John I... I don't... John, I am *so* sorry."

"Why? Don't be. I know how confusing it was for you, darlin'. Nobody
should be under that kind of pressure, let alone you - and on your first
night too. This is the sort of pressure that'd make somebody leave and
never come back. You didn't need it... Max understands, and... and *I*
understand." He laid a hand against my neckline and softly added, "Don't
worry. Max is a great guy. He'd never hurt you, Tina."

I was choking again, touched by his actions. He was such a gentleman. I
could only stand tiptoe, and kiss him affectionately on the cheek.
"Thank you, John... thank you for understanding."

His cheeks began to burn again. "Sure. Well, you're welcome. Hey, I'll
be seeing you sometime tomorrow I hope."

"I... had planned to leave tomorrow, but I've changed my mind. Hey, it's
my second day off. I have a three-day weekend. I might even tack on a
vacation or personal day and make it four."

"That'd be great, Tina," he continued softly.

"So... we'll see each other. I promise. And John? Tomorrow - - I'll try
to make it up to you."

There was that sweet, lopsided grin, the one that normally made me laugh
and smile, until I realized, somehow it was different from the ones in
the Tavern. There was a melancholy to it, and I read the thought behind
it all too clearly. *'You don't have to do that, sweetheart. You're only
saying that to make me feel better. But this isn't something you're
required to make up to me.'*  No bitterness. Only emptiness. Oh my God.
I was learning the Biebe smiles.

His only response was "Good-night, Maximus."

"Good-night, John."

"Good-night, Etienne Stewart - - we also call her Tina. Sweet dreams."

"John," was all I could murmur.

Bowing his head, he turned and partially backed out the door, before
heading into the hall. Holding onto the frame, I watched as he shuffled
towards the stairs, his shoulders noticeably slumped. I moved, my body
practically outside the threshold, as I felt something unexplainable
pulling me in his direction. I wanted to... *needed* to say more to him,
but what?

Then I recalled who was patiently waiting for my return.

I placed two fingers to my lips, and blew the Alaskan a silent kiss.

"Good-night, John," I mouthed. I saw him pause momentarily at the head
of the staircase, as if he *had* heard me, then his pace quickened as he
descended to the first floor. Sighing, I shut the door, returning to my


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