It was only four weeks before Christmas, and everything was perfect. Today was a very special day for Ruth. Today, she was getting married to Jonathan. It wasn't a very big wedding; only close friends to each side were attending. Rose was to be maid of honor, and Jack was the best man. Rose's dress was beautiful, even though it wasn't lavender.
Rose's dress looked similar to the one she wore when Jack and Rose were married, except it was baby blue. Her hair was halfway up, and she carried a small bouquet. Rose was in her mother's dressing room helping her with her wedding gown and hair.
"I can't believe at my age that I'm getting married."
Rose smiled as she put her mother's hair up. "You'll be fine. Remember, Mother, this isn't your first wedding. You have had experience at this when you married father." Rose really never brought the subject up of her father, but she thought that she might as well since it fit the subject.
Ruth chuckled. "I suppose you're right. I feel nervous for some reason, though."
"I think everyone does, no matter how many times you have gotten married."
"Rose, are you all right with this? I mean, if you don't want me to marry Jonathan, I won't."
"Mother, you're not having second thoughts on your wedding day, are you?"
"Don't be silly. I'm not having second thoughts. I just want to make sure that you're okay with this."
"You always seem to find the right man. Jonathan is a very nice gentleman, and I know he will make a great husband for you, a good stepfather for me, and an excellent grandparent for my children."
Ruth smiled, and kissed her daughter's hand. "Thank you, I'm absolutely sure that you're right."
Rose smiled, and placed the necklace around her mother's neck, and handed her the bouquet. "It's time." Rose and Ruth left the room, and noticed the flower girl, Millie, all ready to go down the aisle. "You ready, Millie?"
"Okay. Get in the front, then." Rose pointed to the beginning of the entranceway of the church.
The music started to play, and Millie gracefully let the flower petals fall on the floor. Rose followed, then Anna, then Camilla, and then Ruth. Jonathan smiled as his bride came down the aisle. At that moment, as Ruth grabbed a hold of Jonathan's hand, she knew that he was the one for her mother. She could just see her children sitting on Jonathan's lap reading them a story, or playing with them outside. Rose was staring into oblivion and then saw Jack's face lean sideways to get her attention. Rose smiled and Jack gave a slight wave. Rose waved back.
Jack motioned with his lips, "I love you."
Rose then motioned with her lips, "I love you, too."
Jack chuckled, and Rose smiled. As she thought for a moment, Jack looked the same as he did when he accompanied her at dinner in first class. His hair was slicked back, and he wore a tuxedo even though he really never liked them much.
Rose then came into reality when the priest said, "You may now kiss the bride."
Rose watched as her mother and Jonathan shared a nice kiss, and everyone clapped, including Rose.