
I like to try to historically accurate when I write fan fic, so this page is full of stuff I've learned while doing research for my stories. Also I've got a bunch on the history of child labor and child labor now, so check it out, and see how you can help!

Child Labor
Child Labor and Sweatshops. Lot's of pics, links and info. See what you can do to eliminate Sweatshops!

New York City
New York City at the turn of the century,see maps, pics, and other history info!

Sex, drugs and Rock n' Roll
Learn about life at the turn of the century, info on prostitution (which was really big then), drugs, and music.

Learn about Ellis island.

Just a bunch of angry kids with no money
Learn about the REAL newsy strike of 1899

House of Refuge, House of Shame
All about the real House of Refuge, Jack's "home sweet home".

Back to da lodgin' house!
Questions? Comments? Email me!