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-=[ J u s T  M a g i C ]=-
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Home Last Updated 29-7-2001


2.8.2001 - YaY The site is done....i finished the intro and i have completed the AoE Toons check them out under the "Extra" link. They are really funny i enjoyed them. I Hope you like the new site just leave a message in the forum with comments/complaints and we will get back to you as soon as possible :) oh and here is the new joining method.

I have decided cause more people want to join each day. Here is they new way we will do it.
1. You need a sponser, A sponser is a member of MagiC Clan.
2. You play with the sponser a bit until he thinks your good enough to try and get the whole clans vote.
3. Once you got the sponser's permission you can get the rest of the clans vote.
4. After you have everyones vote you are in the clan Thanks :)
Hope you like it :) - CaRPeT

27.7.2001 - Well we have good news and bad news. First the good news the website is nearly completed. I done the links members and hhome and i working on downloads and extra :) Now the bad news. aLiAs and MuShY have been booted due to inactivity so there are some spots open if you are looking to join 5/8 members :) Bye - CaRPeT

27.7.2001 - y0 Ima gonna do the members site soon. I have done the home page with a similar design to the USTF thanks for LnGwS for letting me use it :) Well Have Fun :) Bu Bye - CaRPeT

26.7.2001 - Welcome to the new site. Thanks LnGwS for the Graphics and design help. And hope you enjoy it :) No links up yet just plaing around with the design :) Thank you - CaRPeT

-=M a g i C=-

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