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People We Absolutely Love!!

This page is dedicated to the people whom we love unconditionally. We would build them a marble shrine in the sky, but we're poor and physically inept, so we have this small corner of cyberspace for them. Maybe one day, when we're rich and have people to carry stuff for us and do all our heavy lifting, we'll construct an eternal monument to them, but for now...

Mulder Duh! You didn't really think we'd make a page like this and leave him out, did you?
Scully We want to be her. Pretty self-explanatory.
Krycek Sure, he might be a double-crossing Commie with a thing for the Uniblonder, but he's so cute!
The Lone Gunmen You have got to love these guys, they're great! Where else can you get such faithful lackies?
Emily She's so cute, and it's so sad that she died! *sob* We'd take her in a minute!
Samantha Another sweet kid that makes us sad...
The Well Manicured Man He tries so hard sometimes, really he does.
Deep Throat We really liked him, he was such a fatherly kind of guy.
Clyde Bruckman he's funny, but he's so tragic
