Standing Elk, a Lakota Spiritual advisor phrased it well when he said, "How can we accept the Star People here on Earth when we cannot even accept each other? It is time for the peoples of Earth to come together as brothers."
The Star Knowledge Conference, held recently in South Dakota, was more than a UFO conference and more than a symposium of the finest Universal teachers. It was a family reunion, a reunion of the Family of Light. As we looked around the conference into each others eyes, we remembered. We remembered that we are all indeed brothers, we are all here on Earth at this time for an important mision, and that mission is the awakening of Humanity.
On the last day of the conference, Standing Elk explained to a packed auditorium that we were all a part of history in the making. Never before had these teachings been shared outside of the tribe. The medicine men of several generations had fasted and prayed for days to fully accept that it was time to share Sacred traditions and knowledge to a society that has historically abused and misunderstood Native Spirituality. Standing Elk had tears in his eyes as he explained that Spirit told all of the men that the people who would be attending the conference were going to be members of the Star Nations, Starseeds, chosen by Spirit, called to come. And that they would know what to do with the knowledge given to them. They would take it all over the world, teaching and sharing, bringing the four great nations of mankind together again. Standing Elk's voice broke as he asked each of us to teach it well.
And so with great honor and love in my heart, I'm here to share what we experienced. Everyone who mde it to the conference had a dream, a vision, a story that called them to come. Some even hitchiked when their cars broke down, so strong was their calling. Our story started with a dream where a Grandfather Spirit guide explained that I MUST attend this conference in two days, after showing me star charts and family trees leading through the stars and native tribes. A friend offered to loan us the money for the conference, and so we left, trusting in Spirit to find us a place to sleep once we got there.
We joined an estimated 500 others in a school auditorium to hear some of the wisest leaders of our time speak about our awakening. Drunvalo Melchizedek, Barbers Marciniak, Robert Dean, Randolph Winters and Whitley Streiber were just a few of the presentors, among Medicine Men and Elders representing many Indian Nations.
One by one, as each teacher stood, their message was similar: We are approaching the time when open contact with the Star Nations is very close. Humanity is preparing to be a member of the Galactic Community, and before we can become responsible members of the Universe, we must become responsible members of the Earth. It is time to remember our balance with Creation, Mother Earth, and that as Spiritual beings, we are all connected to each other. It is time to accept our role as Creators of this reality.
Native teachings tell us that the four Nations of people-- black, white, red and yellow, were each given a responsibility here on this planet. The black nation was to caretake the waters of Earth, the white nation inherited fire, the yellow nations were responsible for the air, and the red nations the Earth.
The red nations are now unable to uphold their care of Mother Earth now because the other nations have forgotten their legacy. Our air is polluted, the fish are dying in the seas, and fire has become a tool of destruction. That is why the red nations have decided to come forward with their Sacred teachings at this time. It is their hope that by teaching the other nations about the Sacred balance of Earth, and that by remembering to honor not only the Father, but also the Mother, we can perhaps reclaim our legacy and responsibility.
Each nation's legacy is also the source of it's greatest power, and deepest fears. By reclaiming responsibility for our part of the Sacred Wheel: Earth, Air, Fire and Water, each of us can help to restore balance to this world.
The Universal Laws were last to be presented to the assembly. These symbols and their meanings were given to us by the Star Nations. Standing Elk said that Spirit stressed to them that these symbols are "downgraded" by many vibrations to even be put into a spoken defination. The mean so much more than the title may indicate, they are glyphs of such a very high vibration of light, perhaps best understood through going into trance, prayer or meditation and asking Spirit for help.
The Universal Law Spirit said to be most important for mankind at this time is the Law of Family. This pattern of arcs represents the four nations, as well as individual family units. This law must be realized for mankind to advance Spiritually in the Galactic Community.
It teaches that fathers were once the sons of their sons, and mothers were once their daughters' daughter. White men have been black, and black men white. We are all interconnected, and we must remember our extended family as well as our traditional one.
It is time to stop punishing our children physically, as well, because by hitting/spanking a child, we are damaging the flesh of Spirit, Creator's gift to us. We should instead teach our children in a matter that build self-esteem and Spirit.
The children of today are the Universal Leaders of tomorrow...Our Earth's place as the teacher of the cosmos will be held by our children. This is why it is so important to teach our children Unconditional Love, not violence. They need to have respect for the Universal Laws, the balance in all Creation, and their place as Creators.