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Golden Eagle/ Standing Elk and me, Eri
In mid-June of 1996, something happened that would change the future of our planet. The Lakota Spiritual Elder and Sundance Chief Standing Elk called together Spiritual leaders, scientists, and ufo experts from around the world for a four-day conference held near the Yankton Reservation in Wagner, South Dakota. This conference was the first time that many Sacred Teachings, and knowledge of the Star Nations was shared with those outside of the tribal nations.

Many of the Elders who spoke, agreed that many of the ancient prophecies are now being fufilled, and that it is time to share the Sacred teachings that will unite all peoples of Earth into the one family that we truly are...
It was a gathering that changed my life, and the lives of many of those who were called to attend, for most who came were led by their dreams, or visions, or a pull that was so strong, it led some of them halfway around the world to find a tiny indian reservation in the middle of America...

I have tried to gather some of the stories from these amazing gatherings, some of the teachings that were shared, so that you too may experience and feel in your heart the reasons these gatherings have been created...

In Peace, Mitakuye Oyasin (All My Relatives), Eri

Upcoming Star Conferences include:
Mt. Shasta, CA
Ft. Collins, CO
Virginia Beach, VA
Sedona, CA

For more information on the conferences, and registration, visit the STARKNOWLEDGE WEBSITE at:

Star Knowledge Website at

(Articles are indexed by conference location) I am also trying to get some of my articles about the conference typed in, and looking for other articles and experiences....

Notice to the Elders of Turtle Island, by Standing Elk

Star Knowledge Conference, The Nation Unite, (June of 96) by Eri-EL Morningstar

Report on the Star Knowledge Conference, (June 96) by Dr. Richard Boylan

San Diego (March 97) Star Family Gathering, by Dr. Richard Boylan

Estes Park, (Nov. 96) Star Visions Conference, by Dr. Richard Boylan

Las Cruces, (March 98) Star Knowledge Conference, by Dr. Richard Boylan
