It requires a surrender so deep, so all encompassing, that the essence of you is no longer distinguishable from the essence of God/Goddess.
All sense of self abandoned into the Fires of Creation....INBREATH....OUTBREATH...prana, manna, and Light.
As a Universe unfolds into Millions of Stars, each a Galaxy of life, enfolding onto itself and back into the ONE.
The Firepath places the seed of Galactic Fire in your atomic structure, and it BURNS with the passion, love and rawness of the Goddess that initiates those who pass into the Light of the Hidden Mysteries.
You become the Gatekeeper of the Temple of Light, standing as Temple, Light and God all manifest within breath, and as Life, Fire and Goddess on outbreath. you shall Drink of the Waters of Life, and pour forth the Liquid Light of the Gods.
The Tablets of Thoth lie open before you, and the Halls of Amenton call your name. This Fire draws forth the Alchemical secrets of those who whisper in the temples, transmutes the Solar Galaxy of your helix into 9 moons of exploding orbit, and the 12 paths of Liqud Encoding.
You are the Goddess of the Fire, she who is the Mystery of Life, and in Union you are the Sacred Three through which all Divine Will manifests. Trifold flame, ONE essence of Heart. Unto this path I call thee, Unto this Light shall ye teach and reawaken those to the mysteries of the Fires within. This is the calling of the Firepath, the Sacred Goddess of the Fires. You are my daughter, we are ONE. Re-Awakening those Souls who merge within the God/Goddess, to merge within them selves, and thus bringing the gift of the Fires: