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"My heart is in the theatre."

"It is possible to move between different forms, and part of being an actor is the ability to adapt and shift and change. But for me film has always been a privileged by-product of work in the theatre. But it is a beguiling one. I don’t think that it’s a question of one being better than the other or that I favour one over the other. It is like trying to compare the plays of Marlowe and Shakespeare. You can’t, they are different. But every time I come back to theatre I remember the feeling I had as a teenager watching theatre that made me want to audition for the local youth theatre."

Love's Labour's Lost

Click here for more info on the Love's Labour's Lost play

Edward II

"We need theatre. We really do. It is something imprinted upon our DNA. It is a need to tell stories. You see it going on as you walk down the street, in people’s gossiping. I don’t think there will ever be a time when humans don’t need it and I love being part of that storytelling in the theatre. I love the idea of being part of a company that is doing that whether it is at the RSC or here in Sheffield."

Click here for more info on the Edward II play

"I’ve felt pretty exhausted by a year’s filming, but I’ve found being back in rehearsal for a play exhilarating. When you’ve been away like I have, you forget how wonderful the process is, how exciting it is to interact with other actors. You just don’t get that in any other medium. It is what makes theatre unique for the actor."

Real Classy Affair

Read a review of the play (and view another picture) on the Royal Court Theatre page.

Troilus and Cressida

"Troilus is a wonderful young man with marvellous dreams who's just overwhelmed that Cressida seems as honest and truthful as he is. He has a very naive view of the world. He projects the persona of a goddess on to Cressida, and it undoes them both... I feel that he is really to blame for what happens. He is a dangerous boy."

The Herbal Bed

"It's about you, me and everyone in the audience who are married and who might have problems like this. "It's opened itself right out. I think that's how any great writing should be. You can do anything with it, manipulate it and it's still universal."

Click here for 36 more pictures of The Herbal Bed!

As you like it

Son of Man

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Vacillations of Poppy Carew

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