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Maryland/West Virginia

Welcome to my Genealogy page. My Sir name is Kursey - as you can see - spelt with a U. So far we haven't had much luck in finding a whole lot of information about our ancestors but, we are still looking! This is what we have so far...

James Kursey Born:October 1842 Died:? /Married: Sarah Jane Cunningham Born:March 3, 1868 Died: November 18,1953

They had 2 sons.
1. John D. Kursey Born: June 2, 1888 Died: January 10, 1916 /Married: Beatrice May Shipley Born: November 12,1892 Died: October 27, 1967
They had 2 children: John Maston Kursey SR. and Jesse May Kursey

2. Thomas Henry Kursey Born: December 28,1883 Died: August 1965 /Married Frances Virginia Palmer

They had ten children: 3 sons- Thomas Leo Kursey (My Dad); Charles Kursey; Floyd Kursey; and 7 daughters- Madeline; Beulah; Alsetta; Lucille; Linda; Wilma; Faye
There are at least 13 Grandchildren.

Your Name

You got it from your father,
it was all he had to give,
So it's yours to use and cherish,
for as long as you shall live,

If you loose the watch he gave you,
It can always be replaced.
But a black mark on your name, son,
Can never be erased.

It was clean the day you took it,
and a worthy name to bear,
When he got it from his father,
there was no dishonor there

So make sure you guard it wisely,
For when all is said and done,
You'll be glad the name is spotless,
When you give it to your son.







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