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Well I have finally got back to working on this page again! I really would like to get this page fixed up! It seems like it is just sitting here and collecting dust and I don't like that! Well I'm going to c if I can fix this thing up right this time! Hopefully I will have time to work on it this time!

Well, as most of u know I love Highlander the series so I've added a couple of pics to this page! I hope u like them! Please sign my guest book and let me know what u think about this page and my pics!

Duncan1 Duncan2 Duncan3 Duncan4 Duncan5 Duncan6 Evil Duncan

Duncan & Tessa Duncan & Tessa 2 Duncan & Tessa 3

Duncan & Richie Duncan & Richie 2 Duncan & Richie 3

Richie & Tessa Richie & Tessa 2 Richie & Tessa 3

Duncan, Tessa, & Richie Duncan, Tessa, & Richie 2

Click here to c my pic in full size

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Some of my friend's web pages and some other cool pages!!!!

Cara's Homepage!!!!

@cid's, one of my best friends, home page

A COOL web page made by Wolfmoon!!! It is called Wolfmoon's abysis

Another Cool page made by Wolfmoon!!!!

Malevolent Dreams' home page

Aminnick's home page

My sis's page! A must c page!

Bargain Highlander Cards and Books and Complete Highlander Information

My friends page. It is a cool page to go see ICP pics and Metallica pics. Go check it out.

This is my best friends page. It is a really cool place. I helped him build it. Hope ya like it.

Dr. Techno's home page. Really kool *&^%! page.

Email: or


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My Gargoyle Page

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