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My Information

Welcome to my information page. Here is where u r going to learn all about me. Well let's start w/ my stats. For those of u out there that don't know internet terms yet I will let u know what "stats" r. A "stat" is like a description of urself. For example mine r: 5'5", 180lbs., blonde hair, hazle eyes, and an ok build. But I shouldn't have to tell u my stats b/c the first thing u c on this page is my pic. It isn't really a very good pic. I was kind of hung over from a party the night be4 it was taken. For those of u that don't know, pic is short-hand for picture. U will c many short-hand words on this page b/c that is what happens when u have been on the net as long as I have. U learn them, then u begin to use them, and then the next thing u know u have put then in a resume w/out relizing it (lol). Just in case u don't know, LOL is an AOL term meaning Laugh out loud. Well back to my pic. As I have all ready said it wasn't a very good pic and I will be putting a new one on here later. I jut hope this pic doesn't disappoint u too much. I don't really have to tell u what happened to me the night be4 that pic was taken, now do I? Well I'm still working on getting a new pic to put on this page but untill I do this one will have to do. Well I'm a very likable person if u would like to take the time to get to know me then please do. I don't really have a lot of good friends but the few I do have r good enough for me. I have a friend that goes by the name Odd-Ball. He is actually the best friend I have ever had. I feel that I can tell him n-e-thing and know that he won't tell n-e-1 about what I talk to him about. He also talks to me about problems that he has so as u can c it is a give - give situation w/ us. If u would like to know about him then go to his homepage. If u didn't get his addy off of my home page then just click here Please bare w/ him b/c this is his first page and the only time he gets to work on it is when he comes to spend the night over here. I can't always stay up to like 5:00am every morning helping him work on it either. He is cool and I think he is doin a real good job on designing that page. I didn't do n-e of the design on that page I just help him by typing the stuff in for him. Well I do give him a couple of suggestions every now and then but it is mostly his idea. Well I really hope u like his page. It still has a long way to go but I think it has come a long way since I started working on it. Well I guess that is enough talk for now. I just want to thank u for taking the time to read my info page and looking at my webpage. Take care and have a goood life.

P.S. There will be more pages added to this page after I find the time to work on it so please keep checking back. I just started my new job w/ Wal-Mart so I don't really have very much time to get on her and work on it but I will be doin more work on it in the very soon future. Thanks again for visiting my site and please don't forget to sign my guest book.
Thanks. Bye.


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