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A Heavenly Place

A Heavenly Place: The Book Cover

"It is really about me and my family and where I've come from. I think that if you read this book, you are going to find that my life is by no means perfect, and that I deal with some of the same issues you do. From the onset of this book, I was determined to tell my story without the sugar-coating." "You know, this is a really interesting book -- you'll find out a lot about me." -- Jaci Velasquez, Fall 1998 (as she autographs my book cover)

A Heavenly Place

Words of Inspiration to Bring
A Little Bit of Peace and
Paradise into Your Life

with Thom Granger

Published by Simon & Schuster


Rockefeller Center
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Copyright ©1998 by Jaci Velasquez
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction
in whole or in part in any form.
FIRESIDE and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc.


Manufactured in the United States of America
2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Velasquez, Jaci.
A heavenly place : words of inspiration to bring a little bit of peace and paradise
into your life / Jaci Velasquez with Thom Granger.
p.        cm.
"A Fireside book."
1. Velasquez, Jaci. 2. Contemporary Christian musicians - United States -
Biography.  I. Granger, Thom.  II. Title.
ML420.V326A3    1998
277.3'0825'092-dc21   98-5431
MN                   CIP

ISBN 0-684-84648-9 (alk. paper)
Permissions will appear on page 128.


I'd like to thank the following people who made this book possible: my family, especially my dad, David Velasquez, my mom, Diana Velasquez, my brother, Dion, and my grandparents; Becky Cabaza and everyone at Simon & Schuster; Raul Mateu and the William Morris Agency; Thom Granger; and Mike Atkins, Pamela Muse, and Alleyene Sobel.


My thanks to Jaci for sharing so much of herself with me in our sessions together, that her fans and friends might gain insight and wisdom for their own journeys; to Mike Atkins for the opportunity; to Amy Dixon for transcribing the interviews; and to my family for doing so well without me while I worked on this project.


Like everything in my life, I dedicate this to my Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ, and to all of you who are and who continue to be
a part of me. You know who you are. This is for you.



Chapter One: Taking Inventory
Chapter Two: Out of Control
Chapter Three: Mi Familia
Chapter Four: Sharing Myself with Others
Chapter Five: The Dating Game
Chapter Six: The Fire Inside
Chapter Seven: Dreams Come True
Chapter Eight: Making Him My Own


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