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SAKRE  - very; too much  

SAGA  - type of wild peas with colorful seeds (red/black/white dot) used for decor or bala 

SAGBAT  - short cut; join a parade or procession when it has already started 

SAKAG  - a type of fishnet normally used for catching shrimps 

SALAHULA  - variant of 'salaula"; unsanitary 

SALBATANA  - blowgun made of Chinese bamboo. Saga or munggo are used as bala. 

SALUGSOG  - (syn) salubsob; get pricked with splinter, etc. 

SALURSOR  - (syn) kayor; weed out carefully as in rice field 

SAMLANG  - messy, unsanitary 

SAMUKI  - a species of red ants 

SANAK  - (syn) tibanglo; torch 

SANGKUTSA  - pre-cooked or boiled one time 

SANSOY  - raincoat made of nipa leaves 

SAPOL - (syn) simula 

SARAMULYO  - mischievous, naughty (said especially of a child) 

SARASA  - set oneself against; act as opponent or check 

SIDIRA  - perya, karnabal 

SIGA  - small fire made from thrash 

SILAT  - broken flooring 

SILYON  - armchair 

SIMA  - (syn) salakab; portable fish trap 

SINESTO  - palay kept in the sesto ( a big container for palay usually under the house) 

SINGKURAMOS   - (syn) tuhugan, sintos; a strip of flat or round cloth used to gird pants; belt 

SINGGUWATSI   - watermelon seeds 

SINTANG  -  timba 

SIPILYO  - (syn) supilyo; tooth brush 

SINTANG  - (syn) timba; bucket 

SISIWA  - a species of elongated fresh water fish 

SUBYANG   - a deep foot wound caused by a pointed object 

SUG-OK  - sprain of either a finger or toenail 

SULIB  - fresh water clam 

SUMASALAGATAK  - variant of root word "hagutak"; refer to the sound when pulling out a foot from deep mud 

SUMBA  - reed device attached to kites to make a buzzing sound 

SUPOK  - a term used to mean your “dead” when playing sunka.   

SURUTSO  - rip saw 

SUTSUT  - (syn) sipol; whistle 


TABTAB  - (syn) tabas; trim wood or bamboo 

TAKBA  - (syn) kuna; made of weave palm leaves; also use as valise/suitcase  

TAKER  - (syn) sipa; kick 

TAHINGA  - (syn) tainga; ear 

TALAMITAN  - intermingling intimately or closely 

TALAPAKAN  - (syn) talampakan; sole of the foot 

TALATAG  - improvised shelter during festivities 

TALAWTING  - sound of the bells from la torre 

TALIWAKWAK  - bumukaka 

TALYASE  - kawa 

TANGKURAW  - "May I see." 

TAPA  - day before the wedding where the prepared and cooked food are brought to the bride's house 

TAPTAPAN  - polished coconut shell used as food plate 

TARA NA  - (syn) "Tayo na"; "Let's go." 


TASIN  - game piece made from guava branch used in patikubra  

TASON  - a ball made from puno used in patikubra 

TATAPO  - woo, to get the love of 

TAWO  - (syn) tao; person 

TAYAK  - drool, drivel; e.g. "Kapag tulog si Juan ay tumatayak ang laway." 

TAYAKAR  - a bamboo outpost constructed on top of a balsa used to hunting dalag 

TI-AR  - stand on he tip of one's toe 

TIBANGLO  - (syn) sulo; bamboo torch 

TIKIM  - when playing pati-kubra, one has to yell "tikim" to test the tasin 

TIKLAS  - (syn) tiglas: measles 

TIKNAB, TUKNAB  - removing as in unroofing, taking off the lid, using a lever to dislodge 

TIGALPO  - a hindrance or impediment especially to witchcraft, mysterious agency of power 

TIGAR, TIGARAN  - a portable fish container normally carried with a "sima" 

TIGBALANG  - (syn) tikbalang 

TIGKAL  - a lump of earth  

TILOS  - (syn) tulis; pointed end of something 

TINGAROK  - uptilted; a species of small pungent pepper 

TINGAR-NGAR - showing prominent feature as in “nakatingar-ngar ang ilong) 

TIRIPIL  - rock turns into small pieces 

TIYOK  - (syn) tapilok; to trip or stumble due to a false step 

TRODAKEN  - a street game where an empty milk can is use 

TU-BA  - catch fish with the use of poison chemical 

TUKAL  - water lily plant with beautiful flower and edible stem 

TUKIKI  - a cotton shirt or undershirt with buttons in front 

TUMANA  - plantation 

TUNTON  - (syn) sundo; look for 

TUKMOL  - sit moodily in a corner 

TUGKO  - (syn) tuko; gecko 

TUGTUGIN  - edible part of tukal; waterlily 

TULIYA  - (syn) tulya; species of clam 

TULIG  - (syn) lito; confused 

TULOK  - gangrenous finger or toenail 

TULUGHOY  - sleepyhead 

TUNGAG   - innocent; not well informed 

TUPUNA  - I called it first 

TURUMBA  - a procession in Paete, Laguna 

TUWARIK  - (syn) taob; upside down 


U-ANG  - (syn) uwang; beetle 

UKANGKANG  - (syn) agkap, uka-uka;crazy 

UKIT-UKIT  - (syn) sintosinto; bit crazy 

UKMIT  - (syn) nakaw; take little bit; steal 

UKRANGIN  - (syn) abutin; reach over 

UKYABIT  - hang on a beam or branch of tree 

UPAKAN  - (syn) gawin; to do something 

URAK  - (syn) saksak; stab with pointed object 

UK-UK  - embers 

UGAK  - dolt 

UHOR  - (syn) uod; worm 

ULOG  - (syn) bagal; a frustratingly slow movement 

ULUGOR  - deficient in liveliness or interest 

UMA  - (syn) halik; kiss 

UNG-GAGA  - dipping one’s head backwards in the water before getting out (pool/river) 

UNGANGI  - one who waits and watches patiently and hopefully 

URANG  - long pointed stakes generally used as fences 

URONG  - (syn) hugas; as in plates 

UWA-UWA  - round-neck T-shirts