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OMS page
Ron Adams

"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if we are to survive."
--Albert Einstein

Oasis Mystery Sojourn. A shift in the Educational Paradigm.

OMS seeks to awaken and enliven the spirit of discovery. We honor the student's approach and learning techniques. We offer courses and experiences in a creative, playful way.
Our main teaching technique is what I call the ReVision process. Link on ReVisioning the Light site below.
OMS is committed to making Education a sacred adventure, a pilgrimage of discovery.
A Dialogue For Adventure.
Creative Play.
Purposeful Search of Understanding.
Conscious Exploration
Curiosity About Deeper Meaning

Oasis Mystery School
1. Breaking the cultural trance. Shifting from co-dependency relationships, to co-creative, healthy relationships.
2. Earth Surrender Rites: reconnecting to the sacred mystery within.
3. ReVisioning the Light. Shift from goal to process. Entering the Creative Domain.
4. Magick and Mystical rituals.
5. Entering the New Time. (I am a certified teacher of the New Time for the PAN TEACHER OUTREACH GROUP).
Perfect New Time Mayan Glyph
for OMS
Blue Lunar Storm
Kin 119
Mirror Wavespell
Power of Endlessness
"I polarize in order to catalyse.
Stabilizing energy
I seal the Matrix of Self-generation
With the Lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of magic

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My Favorite Links

Crowned & Conquering Child
Oasis Mystery School
ReVisioning the Light
Pyramid Power
Earth Prophecies
Queer Psychic Forum
Order of the Mystic Sacred Blue Rose
Gay Men of the Future
Gay Men's Spiritual Network
Queer Thelema
Thelema Underground
Gay Icarus

Information about my Links, and OMS
