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E-m@il me.

Personally I don't like movies. They take way to long to download, and when they do it' just several seconds. I am also not sure about the size since I haven't downlaoded all of these movies. Anyway, please notify me of any broken links. Thanks!

Quicktime Size
Homer Purchasing Illegal Fireworks (1.2M)
Homer sings the Oscar Mayer song! 1 MB
Homer hurts himself while trying to eat Marge's pie. 1.6 MB
Homer as the beer baron. 0.8 MB
Bart uses reverse psychology on Homer. 1 MB
Homer Has misplaced his pants 0.9 MB
Homer makes fun of little German kids. 0.6 MB
Bart, Do you know....where the remote is?? 0.8 MB
Oh no! My Brain! 2.7 MB
Homer Practices For Whacking Day 2.4 MB
Homer vs. Barney 1.1 MB
Homer Thompson 1.3 MB
Homer's Vigilante Group 2.3 MB
Bart turns Homer into a football 2 MB
King Homer resists capture 6 MB
King Homer has fun in downtown Springfield 3 MB
No T.V and no beer makes Homer... 6.8 MB
Homer in 3D 4.2 MB
Homer practices for whacking day. 0.8 MB
Homer plays on a giant keyboard 1.3 MB