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Y2K Preparedness Plan

First, a few thoughts on the subject:
Many of what others consider to be problems are no big deal to me, the day my credit records are lost will be the happiest day of my life. And, if the bank loses my account records, so what? I'm just not that worried about my dollar twenty eight. With no water, BO is acceptable! The problems are two-fold, No power=no tv, but, at least it's in the winter, if i get cold, I have blankets, and can always burn things (in fact, i enjoy it). The other problem is, with all the Grizzly Adams look alike militia types redoubling their beef jerky purchasing, and all the holier than thou, clothes wearing high society types who think they're too stinking special to eat beef jerky three meals a day stocking up on the stuff, supplies are limited, and the prices will go through the roof. Luckily, there is an easy solution, leave meat out in the sun to dry, just remember, animals eat meat too, so unless you're willing to guard it twenty-four hours a day, (i recommend doing this, because as you kill the varmints trying to steal your meat, you get more meat!) throw the meat on your roof to dry.

Things to buy:
Vienna sausages (in barbecue sauce): that extra nutrition from the sauce means extra corpses in your pile
D cell batteries: Even when they're out of juice, they're usefull. Perfect ammo for your slingshot
Porn: this is important, stock up now, because the convenience stores are sure to jack up the prices later
Ammo, Ammo, Ammo: cannot be stressed enough, if you've got enough ammo, you can forget stockpiling anything else, just take what you need as you need it

What you can do to prepare now:
Get used to drinking your own urine, it takes a while, but you'll start to like it
Dig trenches around your house, you'll appreciate these when the mutants attack
Start saving greasy rags, when your life depends on starting a fire, you'll want plenty of these combustable beauties on hand
The most important thing to do now:
START KILLING EARLY, when you have to defend your life, you'll appreciate the practice

Things to remember:
Women will exchange sex for protection
animals will exchange sex for protection
Smaller, weaker men will exchange sex for protection (husband hunting tip ladies, if you've got enought ammo, you'll have your pick of all the unprepared men)
Most animals are tasty, just stay away from the gristle based life forms and blowfish
Most people are tasty (all that murder's paying off now isn't it?)
If necessary, your toes are probably tasty, and there are plenty of other useless body parts just waiting to be eaten.

Finally, remember, once that clock strikes midnight on the first, murder is legal, so have fun!