Step one: Get million dollars (necessary).
Step two: Buy Monkeys (at least twenty), train them to perform household chores, cater to my personal needs, and hold down minimum wage jobs (monkeys are expensive, and i'll need the million dollars for step three)
Step three: With more free time, and the money rolling in, i can finally dedicate myself to my true passion, BUILDING ROBOTS. At first, i'll need about twelve, six of which will be programmed to hold high-paying executive type jobs, the other six will feed and clean up after the monkeys, the monkeys will, in turn feed, and clean up after me.
Step four: Buy more monkeys!
Step five: Continue building robots, another two dozen, put eighteen of them to work in the private sector, two will enter politics, and the others will join the monkey house keeping detail.
Step six: Build more robots, put them to work building even more robots, these will be distributed as the last set were.
Step seven, Sit back, enjoy watching the monkeys get electrocuted while trying to copulate with the robots.
Step eight: Clean up monkey carcasses, and send robots to South America to capture more monkeys (why pay retail?).
Step nine: With my own financial, and household matters well attended to, it's time to get to work on the master plan: By now, my robots should hold at least half of all elected positions in the country, it's time for the overthrow!
Step ten: Hide (with monkeys, and a few robots) in bomb shelter as the murder crazy robots turn the rivers red with the blood of my enemies, one year later, emerge as rightful ruler of a great and soveriegn nation of robots and monkeys.
Years six through ten deal with my quest for world domination, and will be discussed in depth later, as for step one, send your donations today!