I remember, one night, my friend Doug and I were sitting around my place, drinking turpentine (or old crow), cleaning our guns, and thiking about how much we hate Steve (bastard). Suddenly, the phone rang, i stumbled towards it only to hear the nasal, girlish whine of Steve (bastard). "Can you come bail me out of jail?" The very thought was abhorrent to me, Help Steve (bastard)? But, we were bored, and desperately wanted to beat Steve (bastard) with hockey sticks, so we went. I was expecting it to be just another in the long, seemingly endless list of Steve's (bastard's) indecent exposure arrests, but no, this time it was dog molestation, a tiny puppy even. I had never respected Steve (bastard) quite so much, i had always thought he was impotent, but hey, anyone who gets it on with dogs, is alright in my book, Doug beat the crap out of him anyway though.
I am from India, so naturally, i don't appreciate it very much when Steve (loser) puts a vacuam cleaner hose on his face, and runs around naked screaming "I am Ganesh, worship me swine!". Besides, have you seen those "essays" this jerk writes?, the guy's a freakin' idiot!
KIMI went out with Steve(impotent) one time, He spent the whole evening talking about his care bears collection, and caressing his small, shriveled testicle (my mother was right, he does only have one!) with a popcicle stick he found on the sidewalk and named Mary. I don't even know what country this nimrod is from, but i sure hope it's not America. The evening wasn't a total disaster though, some guys cornered Steve (impotent) in an alley, and beat him with axe handles for about an hour and a half, i gotta hand it to Steve (impotent), he sure can take a beating (he does get lots of practice though). It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Some moron called an ambulance for the dimwit, and when it arrived, the paramedics stood around laughing, and throwing money at the guys who were beating him.
Write to Steve, create your own memories with this legendary imbecile