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List mom's Christmas/ Birthday Wish

For everyone on the list to vote in the poll that was created to help find people willing to build and maintain a Website for our list.

Story ideas I would like to my list kids to make into stories as Xmas or B-day (which is in January) presents for me.

1-Write a crossover using the shows Buffy: the vampire Slayer, Angel and the book "So You Want to Be a Wizard" or one of the other books in the Young Wizards Series by Diane Duane.
Have Xander be a Wizard before he ever meets Buffy. If possible make Xander become a Wizard at a young age him a powerful Wizard and if you can have Xander have to go through the Ordeal or test that Dairine does in the book "High Wizardry". Including him taking the Wizards Oath.
Please, if you use Willow I would love it if you had her taking the Wizards Oath but not meaning it because she doesn't think it will work. Also, make demons and vampires as a part of nature, and have some become power hungry or something like the Master.
The Wizards Oath:
"In Life's name, and for Life's sake, I say that I will use the Art for nothing but the service of that Life. I will guard growth and ease pain. I will fight to preserve what grows and lives well in its own way; and I will change no object or creature unless its growth and life, or that of the system of which it is part, are threatened. To these ends, in the practice of my Art, I will put aside fear for courage, and death for life, when it is right to do so till Universe's end."

2-Write a slash crossover story using book (s) "Exit to Eden", "Beauty's Punishment" and or "Beauty's Release" (or others in the same series) by Anne Rice (writing as Roquelaure) and one or more books or shows.
If possible use Xander and have him work there, maybe as a slave who is trained to be come a master.

3-Write a crossover story using the book "The Rowan", "To Ride Pegasus", Pegasus in Flight" or any books in that series by Anne McCaffrey and Star Trek: Voyager.
Have Tom Paris become a Prime.

4-Write a crossover story using the book Crystal Singer or any books in that series by Anne McCaffrey and Star Trek: Voyager.
Have Voyager make an emergency landing on the planet Ballybran and because of the changes the spores on the planet make to the crew they must make Ballybran their new home.

5-Write a crossover story using the book Powers that Be or any books in that series by Anne McCaffrey and Star Trek: Voyager.
Have Voyager make an emergency landing on the planet and because of the changes the planet makes to them the crew must make that planet their new home.

6-Buffy/Labyrinth crossover
Something is done to Xander by (whoever you choose) and he falls into a deep depression. He some how finds a book about the "Labyrinth" (not knowing that it is a doorway into another world) and becomes obsessed with it and eventually wishes himself away. Xander becomes a goblin. He and Jareth falling love. Then maybe Anya or someone discovers the book and some how figures out what he did and that them must rescue him. However, they are faced with two problems.
One, order to save Xander they must wish someone away so that they can get a chance to confront to Jareth. Two, Jareth will only release Xander if he wants to go back, and in order for Buffy and Co. to convince Xander to return with them they must solve the Labyrinth (which Jareth adjusts to meet the expectations of the people who try to solve it. So just think about how much more dangerous the Labyrinth will become for people who live on the Hellmouth).
Requirements: Goblins are not really ugly they reflect the inner beauty of a person back at them. So if your ugly on the inside then they appear ugly to you (but this is a secret) they look beautiful to Xander so Jareth tells him the secret and that the reason that doesn't apply to Jareth is because as their King he has very powerful magic and can look however he chooses and now so can Xander because Jareth makes him his Prince Consort.
Write a story where something is done to Xander by (whoever you choose) and he gets wished away to the Labyrinth by (whoever you choose) or Xander wishes himself away to get away from the pain. Jareth the Goblin King falls in love with Xander and makes him his Prince Consort or befriends him and helps him get revenge on (whoever you choose) or to help Xander heal the pain that he was trying to get away to get away.
Write a story where something is done to Xander by (whoever you choose) and somehow he gets an offer to become some kind of fae like creature (maybe to get a Labyrinth of his own so that he can teach (whoever hurt him and people like them) some kind of lesson like Jareth teaches people to cherish their children or maybe to be the new goblin king) by The Goblin King Jareth and he accepts. Now if this turns out to be good or bad for Buffy and Co. is up to You.

7-Write Charmed/Buffy crossover story.
See, according to the show the eldest sister Prue dies and they lose the power of three. Then they learn about a half whitelighter, half witch younger sister that they didn't know about. The two remaining charmed ones cast a spell of some kind that draws their younger sister to them. Soon after meeting them her powers wake-up and she becomes a charmed one.
Now, what I want you to do is this, instead of Prue being replaced by a younger sister; replace her with a younger brother....Xander.

8-ST:Voyager/Andromeda crossover paring Tyr/Paris

9-Write a crossover story using Highlander the series and the movie "City of Angels"
Have Immortals be the fallen Angels and have the "One" they are always talking about be the fallen Angel who regains his or her wings (so to speak). Have the Game be a result of a misunderstanding of the rules. And the Gathering a time when God tests the fallen Angels to see if any of them have learn or understands why he created the world the way he did, with both good and evil.

10-ST:TNG and or Voyager/Forever Knight crossover
Hopefully having the "Community" have left Earth a long time ago in secret then have them be discovered and thought of as a new species of humanoid.

11-ST:Voyager with a Paris/Q pairing.

12-ST:Voyager(and maybe TNG)/Star Wars (not PM) crossover
Have Paris becoming a Jedi (maybe even a Sith lord) maybe paring him with Skywalker.

13-Write a Buffy/Friday the 13th(the TV series) crossover.
Xander inherits the shop from his uncle Louis and moves into the apartment above the shop and starts to run the business all without knowing that the items that he's selling are cursed by the Devil. Some how he finds out the truth and now he and (whoever you chose) have to travel all over the place in an effort to find the items he sold and the ones his uncle sold and lock them up in the vault under the shop.
Suggested Requirements:
bulletHave at lest one person team up with Xander to help him find the cursed items.
bulletHave at lest one person responsible for collecting the items so that they could be sold by uncle Louis and then later Xander (like Jack from the show).
Possible Pairings:
Xander in a relationship that is referred to but not main the focus of the story. Maybe one or more of the following-

14-Buffy/The Legacy (TV show):
Xander not Buffy leaves Sunnydale when it is discovered that he lied to her causing Buffy to send Angel to Hell. Xander runs into and joins the Legacy. Years later he is sent back to Sunnydale to open and lead a Legacy house there. Tell how Buffy, Angel and Co. react when they run into each other during patrol.

Just replace Sabrina with Xander and have it take place in the Buffy fandom.

16-Write a crossover story using the one of the books in the "Darkover" series and Andromeda or Star Trek: Voyager.

17-Write a crossover story using Buffy and the cartoon Sailor Moon.
Have Xander as Sailor Moon by either having him become female when he transforms or leave him male but in a short skirt.

18-Write a crossover story using Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and Buffy.
Have Lestat turn Xander during his road trip.

19-Write a story using Any Fandom (s) where a biological weapon that was being created, studied, used, or whatever got loose and everyone in [you pick a location] was exposed. As a result all females (human and animal) died, it affected the DNA of all males (human and animal) so that no more females can be created and a percentage (you decide how much) of the male population was turned into fertile hermaphrodites. Because the biological weapon tainted the water, soil, plants, insects and animals, it is no longer safe for females to live there.
Requirements: Long detailed sex scene. All human hermaphrodites have breasts and long hair.

20-"The Godmother's Apprentice" by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

21-"WeaveWorld" by Clive Barker

22- Write a Cardcapter/Buffy crossover
With Xander as a cardcapter and Spike as Yue. You can get info. on the show Cardcapters at : http://www.cardcaptors.net/

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Seasons Greetings and thanks in advance,

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