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1247 heads and counting..
By: Scorpio
Highlander the Series
After Methos takes Kristen's head, he sinks into a form of Quickening induced temporary insanity.

All The Way
By: Elvichar
The Whole Nine Yards
After Jimmy and Oz part company they still have some unfinished business.

Ambrosia Wine
By: Scorpio
Star Trek
Some aliens get confused, Harry gets in touch with his inner slut, and Chakotay just gets lucky…

An Understanding
By: Danii
Forever Knight
Nick explains to LaCroix why he can't kill people anymore...

By: Danii
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander is having some odd dreams, and Dru returns... 

Backstreet Love
By: Peja
The Sentinel
Jim stops the beating of a beautiful hooker......and the rest is fate.

Becoming the Hawk
By: D'nalia
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Mage Winds Trilogy
Xander while saving the world is transported to another world.

Boy Like You
By: Pixiestyx
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander is used to bait a demon and things go wrong.

Broken Machine
By: Dyybuk
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Captain of the Squad
By: Shadith
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander discovers a different side to life at college.

By: Lady Bard
Star Trek: Voyager
Tom, Chak, and the gang try to help true love along not realizing that things will happen as they must or that their interference might do more harm than good.

The Chosen
By: Scorpio
Joxer muses about his life as Ares' "Chosen".

By: Kylia
Queer As Folk
Gap-filler for ep 204 - Justin's POV

Coming Undone
By: Pixiestyx
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Doyle finds Xander on his road trip.

Dark Reflections
By: Nick Midian
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Highlander
In year 2002, a very changed Xander comes back to Sunnydale, and he's not alone. How will his old friends react? Which are the secrets that he keeps?

Family Ties
By: Danii
10th Kingdom
Wolf reunites with his sister and reveals some of his past to Virginia...

Fates Decree
By: Lady Bard
When an old prophecy of the fates starts coming true, no one in its path will ever be the same again.

A Fine Mess
By: Danii
Luna, of "A Fine Pair" and her boyfriend, Joe, now have to break it to Luna's parents just who and what she's dating...

A Fine Pair
By: Danii
A young girl waiting in a bar is intrigued by a handsome young man...but both turn out to be not what they seem...

Gained & Lost
By: Danii
10th Kingdom
Wolf finds a friend in the forest. A familiar friend who he loses later with a great price.

Gate, Rebirth and Restoration Saga
By: Snowcrash
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books
Some people find new lives and happiness.

Growing Together, Growing Apart
By: Kylia
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander comes to some realizations.

By: Danii
Sequel to Gained and Lost
Wolf buries his friend, and he and Virginia bond through the pain...

Haven on Privet Drive
By: Danii
Harry Potter
Harry finds some unexpected friends at his aunt and uncle's block...

By: Christina Melani
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
It's based earlier in the Buffy show, but with events switched around. Spike's been dumped, and Angelus is still Angelus. They kidnap Xander.

By: Scorpio
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander muses on the ironies of his life after receiving a disturbing phone call from Giles in England.

Incarnation of Night
By: Bigbucks
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Incarnations of Immortality/Xena

Lessons Lost
By: Danii
10th Kingdom
Wolf and the little gypsy cub bond at night...

Love Slave
By: Peja
The Sentinel
After being several months with Kincaid, a very changed Blair is found and taken into custody. Part of the Return of Kincaid Series.

The Many Lives of Xander Harris
By: Kylia
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander and Angel make some new traditions

Marital Aid
By: Scorpio
In every marriage, there comes a time when something extra is needed to "spice" things up a bit.

Methos of Ur
By: Scorpio
Highlander: the Series
A brief beer induced glimpse into Methos' past, before he rode as the Horseman of Death.

Noel the Naughty Elf
By: Shadith
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
What's a poor elf to do when Santa sends him on a special mission?

By: Scorpio
Dead Zone
Johnny's stream of consciousness while he waits for Bruce to pick him up and take him to visit Reverend Gene Purdy.

Of Chainsaws and Shotguns
By: Danii
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Evil Dead/Army of Darkness
Ash moves to Sunnydale and finds out that it isn't as friendly and danger-free as he thought it was.

The Price They Paid
By: Voracity
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Mercedes Lackey's Jinx High
Giles leaves on vacation and things start to go to Hell, literally for one person.

Secrets & Lies
By: Kylia
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Okay, think of this as an alternate reality. Some of the events of the series will happen just as they did on the show, others won’t.

Sex Appeal
By: Scorpio
Bobby talks about the changes in his own life and his newfound perceptions of his fellow X-Men.

Sunny-side Up
By: Scorpio
Remy muses on Jubilee's reaction to the news that he is now dating Logan.

By: Pixiestyx
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Lorne meets a human at Caritas

Tides of Change
By: Kylia
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Two of Us
By: Pixiestyx
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander moves and Wesley gets a chance at romance.

Utter Chaos
By: D'nalia
Joxer becomes a God, then it gets weird.

By: Danii
10th Kingdom
Sequel to Family Ties
The Greysons  go to a Cinderella ball, where anything can and does happen...

Unexpected Aka Necromancer's Beginnings
By: Danii
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander is sick of feeling useless, then things take an unexpected turn.

Visions of Darkness
By: Pixiestyxs
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Hercules/Xena

By: Lady Bard
A bit of insanity inspired by the plot bunny.

The Warrior Found
By: Kate
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Hercules/Xena
And the Warrior is?

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