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General Challenges

I would like someone to try and create a crossover fic featuring Xander becoming a hawkbrother for a period of time (hopefully no less than 1 year) in The Heralds of Valdemar series.

Write a crossover story using the characters from Buffy the Vampire slayer and set have the story Take place in Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series.

Write a crossover story using the characters from the Sentinel and Anne McCaffrey's The Rowan book (or others in the same series).

Write a slash crossover story using the Sentinel and the Anne McCaffrey's Dragonridersof Pern series.

Write a slash crossover story using Buffy and the book "In the Company of Mind" by Steven Piziks.
Only requirement:
Use Xander as Lance Michaels Blackstone (character from the book)

Write a story using the Sentinel characters and the book "Crown of Shadows" of the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman(or others in the same series). Only Requirements:
Use Jim Ellison as Damien Vryce, the warrior priest (character from the book)
Use Blair Sanburg as Gerald Tarrant, the immortal sorcerer known as the Hunter (character from the book)

Write a xover story using Xena and or Buffy, and the Incarnations of Immortality series.

Write a slash story using the Sentinel and the book "Shadowfane" of the Cycle of Fire series by Janny Wurts(or others in the same series).
Only Requirements:
Use Jim Ellison as Jaric Ivainson, firelord's heir (character from the book)
Use Blair Sanburg as Taen, Dreamweaver (character from the book)

Write a xover story using Buffy and "Jinx High" by Mercedes Lackey.

Write a xover story using Buffy and "So You Want to be a Wizard" by Diane Duane(or others in the same series).

Write a slash xover using the Sentinel or Buffy and "Raven" by S.A. Swiniarski.

Write a slash crossover story using book(s) "Exit to Eden", "Beauty's Punishment" and or "Beauty's Release"(or others in the same series) by Anne Rice(writing as Roquelaure) and one or more books or shows.* If possible use Xander as a slave who is trained to be come a master.*

Write a slash or fan fiction story using the Sentinel.
Jim and Blair must be criminals (Mafia bosses, the world's best assassins, leading a group of mercenaries, etc.).
They must be willing to anything except harm children.
They must be friends with Simon and the rest of the gang at Major Crimes.
Simon and the rest of Major Crimes know that they are criminals but can never fine proof against them.
Because of them a lot of major crimes like terrorists, serial killers are stopped or prevented from happening.
They help or cooperate with the police when it coincides with their interests.
Simon's son Daryl goes to work for them against his fathers wishes.
If writing a slash story Jim and Blair must be paired together.

Write a Buffy fan or slash story.
Xander must be evil or a criminal.
He must be willing to do anything except try to destroy or take over the human race, the world or bring hell on earth.
He just wants power, influence and money.
He only helps Buffy and the gang when it helps him.
Spike must work for him.

Use the book "Shadow Man" by Melissa Scott to write a slash or fan fic story for the Sentinel, Buffy or some other show.
Make all of the main characters one of all the five genders and use or make reference to nine sexual preferences from the book.
If Xander is used he must be a herm , be or get married and pregnant at some point.
Also all herms must be fertile.

Write a xover using your favorite show or book and one of the following: "The Mummy" by Anne Rice.
"The Godmother's Apprentice" by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
"WeaveWorld" by Clive Barker

Write a crossover story using the Sentinel and "The Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley.
The character Jim:
must go to Darkover from Earth
have no knowledge of the mental powers present on there
he has very strong mental powers as well as his sentinel abilities.
The character Blair :
must be a fertile hermaphrodite
have frighteningly strong mental powers
forbidden to leave the planet of Darkover because of his power
Blair and Jim must:
become bonded
become the Keepers of a tower
gain a lot of influence in the running of Darkover and the Terran Imperial government
have children (either with each other or some one else).
You must use:
Jim's ex-wife, mother, father and brother
Blair's mother Naomi, create a non-human father for him
Simon's son Daryl
the detectives at Major Crimes and their families

Write a crossover story using Buffy and La Femme Nikita and any other shows, books or movies of your choice.
Buffy, Willow, Xander, Oz, Giles, Wesley, Faith and Angel must save and then be recruited against their wills by Section One.
You must create a new secret group called Section Thirteen. Who's job it is to handle the types of things that Buffy and Co. did, but internationally instead of just in Sunnydale.
You must create at least one original character
You can recruit people from other fandoms for Section Thirteen.

Write a story using Any Fandom(s) where a biological weapon that was being created, studied, used, or whatever got loose and everyone in North America was exposed. As a result all females(human and animal) died, it affected the DNA of all males(human and animal) so that no more females can be created and a percentage(you decide how much) of the male population was turned into fertile hermaphrodites. Because the biological weapon tainted the water, soil, plants, insects and animals, it is no longer safe for females to live there.
All human hermaphrodites have breasts and waist long hair.

Write a crossover story using the book(s): "The Partnered Ship", "The Ship Who Sang", "The City Who Fought"and(or) "The Ship Who Won"(or others in the same series) by Anne McCaffrey and The Sentinel.
Either Blair or Jim must be a brainship and the other a brawn.
Use as many of the characters from the show as possible.

Write a crossover story using the book "Crystal Singer"(or others in the same series) by Anne McCaffrey and The Sentinel.

Jim and Blair must begin the story not knowing each other.
Use as many of the characters from the show as possible.

Write a crossover story using the book "Sassinak"(or others in the same series) by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Moon and your favorite show or book.

Write a crossover story using the book "Freedom's Landing"(or others in the same series) by Anne McCaffrey and The Sentinel.
Use as many of the characters from the show as possible.

Write a crossover story using the movie "Labyrinth" and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
Use Xander in place of the character Sarah.

Write a crossover story using the book "Interview with a Vampire"(or others in the same series) by Anne Rice and the show(s) Buffy:The Vampire Slayer and or Angel.
Xander must be made a very powerful vampire by one of Anne Rice's characters(Lestat, Louis, Armand etc.)
Use as many of the characters from the show and books as possible.

Write a crossover story and the movie "Dune" or book "Chapterhouse: Dune" (or others in the same series) by Frank Herbert and the Sentinal.
Blair must be a hermaphrodite and a Bene Gesserit.
Use as many of the characters from the show as possible.

Write a crossover story using the book "Power Play"(or others in the same series) by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough and the Sentinal.
Use as many of the characters from the show as possible.

Write a crossover using the movie or cartoon "Street Fighter"(Manga video) and Buffy and or the Sentinal.
If using the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer you must use Xander as a main character

Write a crossover using the movie "Vampire Hunter D"or "Shadow Skill"(Manga video) and Buffy or the Sentinal.

Write a crossover using the movie "Mission Immpossable" and Buffy or the Sentinal.

Write a crossover using Star Trek: The Next Generation or Star Trek: Voyager and the Sentinal.

Write a crossover using a book from "The Saga of the Well World" series by Jack L. Chalker and a book, show or movie of your choice.

Write an Alternative Universe story using the Sentinel and Xena. In it while in Greece on an expedition 17 year old anthropologist student Blair Sandburg releases Ares: God of War from the tome, temple(whatever) that he was imprisoned in. Many years later Blair meets sentinel Jim Ellison.
Use as many of the characters from the show the Sentinel as possible.

Write a AU story using Buffy and in it while under the love spell Amy cast for Xander, Drucilla turned Xander before the spell could be undone.

Write a story using the show(s) Xena and Hercules where Joxer becomes the King of the Gods.

Write a story using the show(s) Xena and Hercules where Joxer replaces one of the following gods of Olympus : Athena, Aphrodite, Cupid, Ares, Discord, Hera or the Fates.

Write a story where Joxer become a god by accident.

Write a story where Joxer turns-out to be a dimi-god fathered by Zeus.

Write an AU story using the show Buffy and in it Willow not Faith is called as the next Slayer after Dru kills Kindra.

Write a cross-over or AU story using the show Buffy and the movie, cartoon or comic book "Spawn". Xander must be the main character.

Challenge #41:
Write a Buffy/7th Heaven crossover story.

Write an AU story or crossover using the show the Sentinal and the movie or show "The Beastmaster".

Have you ever read any stories writen in the "Spells 'R Us" universe. If you haven't you can go to Fiction Mania at http://www.fictionmainia.com/enter.html and see them for your self. The reason why I'm asking is because I would like you to write a AU or cross-over story using the show Buffy, the Sentinal or a fandom of your choice the "Spells 'R Us" universe.
Spells 'R Us: is a store run by an old wizerd. He sells a verity of spells and magical items. If you are a good person he sells you some thing that will help you with a problem or some how improve your life. If you are a bad person he sells you something that is intended to punish you or in some way teach you a lesson. An example of some of the thing he sells are Body Suits.
Body suits: costumes that actually make you what ever you are dressing-up as. And if you damage the suit then the change becomes permenent.
List of some other thing that can be found there:
 Video and board bames
 Potions
 Jewelry
 Books
 Toys
 Trading cards
 T- shirts
 Magic genes
You name it, it's there and can do what ever you can imagine.

The last Fall of Thread has fallen on Pern.
Dragon riders have had to re-organize and find a new place in the society of Pern.
Some organized into a transport service for trade goods and people.
Some have become settlers with some of the riders joining the versus guilds like the rest of the people of Pern just with the unique twist of dragons being members of their holds.
Some have become peacekeepers.
Write a Gen. or Slash AU or crossover story using the Sentinel and the Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series.
Blair rider of a gold dragon
Jim rider of a bronze dragon
Use as many charactors from the show the Sentinel as possiable.

Write a story using any fandom making the Good-guys the Bad-guys and the Bad-guys the Good-guys. Then let the newly made Bad-guys win.

Using your favorite fandom write male pregnacy story.

Write a story using the shows Xena and Hercules where Ares becomes the King of the Gods and Joxer his Prince Consort.

Write a sentinal story where Jim is the gradstudent and Blair the sentinal cop.

Challenge 62:
Buffy and Co. have never met Xanders parents, not even Willow. What is he hiding?

Buffy kills Dru and Spike replaces her with Xander.

Xander has a curse no one but Willow knows about, he turns female on the full moon.
What will he do if he is discovered? Or if he accidentally got pregnant?

Buffy didn't kill the master only hurt him very badly. Once he gets better he takes Xander as his Consort.

Beleiveing that Xena and Gabrille are dead Joxer and Ares team-up and protect and rase Eve.

Joxer, male and pregnant

Write a Star Trek :Voyager/Highlander crossover story, where it is discovered that Tom Paris is a 300 year old Immortal and that Chakotay is a pre-Immortal.

Write a long Sentinal story. In it tell about how everyone knows not to mess with Sandburg or you’d have Ellison to deal with and describe evryone discovering the truth to the darker rumor that you didn’t mess with Ellison unless you wanted to deal with Sandburg in the most violent way you can imagine

Challenge# 70:
Write a crossover story using the book "Sassinak"(or others in the same series) by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Moon and Star Trek: Voyager. Have Tom Paris take the place of the character Sassinak and have Chakotay be his second in comand.
Use as many Characters from the show as you can.
Have Tom and the crew of his ship fighting in at least two space battles against either planet pirates or the Borg.

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