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Many Roads Challenges

Challenge #1:
Using Star Trek: Voyager write a story about the character Tom Paris that tells of his life as a doctor.

Challenge #2:
Using The Sentinel write a story about the character Blair Sandburg that tells of his life as a medical doctor.

Challenge #3:
Using Buffy: the Vampire slayer write a story about the character Xander that tells of his life as a computer hacker and Warlock.

Challenge #4:
Using Buffy: the Vampire slayer write a story about the character Xander that tells of his life as a professional striper.

Challenge #5:
Using Star Trek: Voyager write a story about the character Tom Paris that tells of his life if he had followed the plan his father had for his life.

Challenge #6:
Using the show Xena write a story about the character Xena that tells of her life if she had never left Ares and remained a Warrior Princess.

Challenge #7:
Using the show Xena write a story about the characters Xena and Joxer that tells of their life if she had met and teamed up with Joxer first then met Gabby.

Challenge #8:
Using the show Star Trek: Voyager write a story about the character Tom Paris that tells of his life if the Captain had chosen him as her first officer and not Chakotay.

Challenge #9:
Using the show Buffy: the Vampire slayer write a story about the character Xander if had he had joined the Initiative.

Challenge #10:
Using the show Buffy: the Vampire slayer write a story about the character Xander if he not Cordelia had moved to LA and ended up working for Angel.

Challenge #11:
Using the show Star Trek: Voyager write a story about the character Tom Paris that tells of his life if he had be assimilated by the Borg but rescued after it was too late for the doctor to make him totally human again so that he is like Seven

Challenge #12:
Using Buffy: the Vampire slayer write a story about the character Xander becoming immortal, not Highlander immortal and not Vampire immortal. You must explain it in some way however.

Challenge #13:
Using Star Trek: Voyager write a story about Voyager making it back to earth and how it changes everyone's lives.

Challenge #14:
Using The Sentinel write a story about the character Blair Sandburg that tells of his life if when he was given "The Way of the Shaman" that he studied, researched and put what he learned to use just like he does with Jim's Sentinel abilities.

Challenge #15:
Using the show Highlander write a story where Methos kills all of the other four Horsemen and Cassandra himself but manages to preserve his friendships with Mac and Joe.

Challenge #16:
Using The Sentinel write a story about the characters Jim and Blair write a story about them staring a business together.

Challenge #17:
Using The Sentinel write a story about the characters Jim and Blair write a story about Simon not being willing to let Jim continue working as a cop because of the Zone-out factor.

Challenge #18:
Using The Sentinel write a story about the characters Jim and Blair write a story about them deciding that Blair should accept all the things promised to him when his diss gets out.

Challenge #19:
Using the show Buffy: the Vampire slayer write a story about Willow, Xander, Oz and Giles using their abilities to the fullest to fight evil and being so effective that the council takes notice and investigates them to see how and what they are doing. For example:
Giles starts to practice magic again, teaches Willow, helps Oz get control of his werewolf, helps Xander control the hyena in him and retain all that he learned about being a soldier, teaches them all the languages that they need to know so that they can help him research prophecies and demons.

Challenge #20:
Using the show Xena write a story about the character Joxer how he is really a very powerful and dangerous man but is hiding that fact from the world for some reason and how his friends react when they learn the truth.

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