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Gate, Rebirth and Restoration Saga

As you can see this story is unfinished, that's becuse I got stuck. So if anyone who wishes to finish it or to write in this AU you'll find my notes for this story in the file section. Have Fun,

Title: Gate, Rebirth and Restoration
Series: Gate, Rebirth and Restoration Or GRAR
Author: SnowCrash
Fandom(s): Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, books in Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar universe
Category: Crossover, AU
Pairings: Buffy/Riley, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara (in the beginning)
Author Note #1: Some changes to cannon: (Remember this story is an AU/Crossover)

In Buffy: the Vampire Slayer-
1- After waking up from her coma and causing some trouble for Buffy and Co., Faith went to Angel to help after she left Sunnydale and Buffy is mad at him because he accepted her.
2- Willow manages to de-rat Amy and she works with Anya in the magic shop.
3- Buffy doesn't die, she disappeared into the portal opened by Doc.
4- When Oz comes back to Sunnydale after learning to control the wolf he stays, but is barely talking to Willow or Riley and is best friends with Xander, Amy and Anya.

In Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar universe-
1- Kris Orthallen didn't die in Hardorn.
2- Firesong doesn't get hurt stopping the mage-storms and Need wasn't destroyed.
3- Baron Melles did not take over as Emperor of the Empire when Emperor Charliss died.
4- A Council made up of representative from the Empire(Baron Melles), Iftel, Valdemar(Herald Talia), Hardorn, Rethwellan, Karse, The Dhorisha Plains(Shin'a'in SwordSworn), Tayledras(Darkwind),the Kaled'a' in clan k'Leshya(the gryphons Treyvan and Hydona), Rethwellan(Prince Daren) are currently trying to rule the Empire and trying to repair the damage caused by the magestorms; until someone who meets the requirements their governments have established for the next Emperor(a person with Earth-sense who is willing to be bound to the land of the Empire,someone willing to a Mentor, at least a master-level mage, intelligent, cunning, willing to sign and abide by a peace treaty with the kingdoms they represent, a warrior and a warleader).

Created Characters-(so far)
Mentors- a Companion or Firecat like being created by the Star-Eyed Goddess for her Sworn. They can take whatever form that lets them best compliment their Chosen.

Author Note#2:
*** means mindspeach between people and animals
// means mindspeach between people
% means mindspeach between animals
~ means someone's thoughts
Disclaimer: (All the characters etc. are the property of etc...and are not mine copyright infringement is unintended..... etc.)

Summary: Some people find new lives and happiness.

The Gate, Rebirth, and Restoration
Prologue: Sunnydale; October 13, 2001

For the fourth day in a row Rupert Giles stayed-up late into the night at the desk in his home looking through old books and watcher diaries for information about what might have happened to Buffy after she jumped into the portal in order to close it. While looking through some watcher diaries Giles stumbled across a series of prophecies written by the renowned watcher-seer Cory Watts and began to read them.

The Prophecies of Watcher-Seer Cory Watts :
The World Gate:
Upon the defeat of Glory and the Sacrifice of the longest living Slayer, a Song of Fire will briefly come to our world. The Song of Fire will return to its own world with : the Sacrifice, Key, Watcher, Witch, the Quiet one, a Demon who is Not a Demon, a Warrior, the chained "Drinker of Blood", a Wolf who lives as a Man, a Queen who became a Seer, and the "Defender of Man".

The Rebirth:
Upon a new world the Watcher will become a Shaman of the Plains. The Witch will grow into a Herald and a Mage. The Quiet one, who's Destiny is Hidden will have it reveled to her and she will one day become the Son of the Sun. The Demon who is not a Demon will become Sworn and become the bearer of a Woman's Blade. The Sacrifice and Warrior will become Heralds bound to Companions. The Key will find a family and Guardians among the Brothers of Hawks. The Drinker of Blood with a loving heart will find freedom, Life and Redemption as a Healer. The Wolf who lives as a Man will find peace as a Wolf and gain knowledge of things past and present. The Queen who became a Seer shall become a Queen again and she shall also Marry the Earth. The Defender of Man shall become Greater than he was in his first life with the love and life-bond of a Song of Fire, together they shall rebuild and rule over an Empire.

The Restoration of Balance:
The Dark Slayer, the Black Knight, the Forgotten Watcher, the Woman who left her Cave and the Warlord who lost his Army will journey to the new world in search of their friends. They will briefly join the three Otherworldly Heralds and receive a message from the Shaman delivered by a Sworn with a familiar face, that will Heal the Visitors before all but one of them returns Home.

What he saw gave him hope for the prophecies by the watcher-seer Watts were known to come true. He read it a second time, again and finally a third time. Giles couldn't believe it he'd found it, proof that Buffy was alive and could be rescued from where ever she had gone when she jumped into the portal. Now all he had to do was figure out how it could be done. Though he was a little worried about the part about " the Song of Fire return to its own world with Buffy and her friends, but decided to deal with that when the time came.

Chapter 1:
Part 1: Valdemar

Firesong closed his eyes as he eased himself into the soaking-pool and tried to banish from his mind all thoughts of the brutal day he just had teaching the newest batch of Adept level Herald-Mages and thought about how he got himself into this mess in the first place. Ever sense they had stopped the mage-storms, new Grove-born Companions, Heralds and Herald Mages had been coming out of the wood-work to help deal with the aftermath. Firesong had only returned to Valdemar from Urtho's tower to retrieve his things but he soon found him self stuck with the job of teaching all of the Herald-Mage trainees that had Adept potential. He was just starting to relax when he felt someone watching him. Thinking it was Karl and Altra whom he shared his Vale with he said "Please, not now. Whatever it is will just have to wait. I just had the most horrid day and I need to relax."

He was surprised into opening his eyes when he heard a woman's deep voice respond, "I'm sorry for interrupting you Firesong but I'm in need of you help." As he looked at the woman that was talking to him he realized that he was talking to the Star-Eyed Goddess of the Tayledras and Shi'nin.

"Kal'enel" he said bowing his head with its long flowing hair, "How may I be of help?"

"Tell me, have you ever heard of the World Gates?" she asked.

"Yes, I was told about them as a part of my training as a Healing-Adept. That the World Gates were a series of gates that were created by Urtho and that he used them to explore and learn about other worlds when he was young, before he went to war with Ma're. I was also told that it was part of my duties to routinely monitor the our World Gate and it's conection to the other World Gates and ensure that our planets World Gate remained closed" he responded. "Has something happened ? I haven't been able to monitor it sense the mage-storms were stopped."

"I'm afraid so, our World Gate was opened from off world three days ago. From what I sensed, who ever opened it wasn't strong enough to control it and our World Gate was opened unintentionally. I appered to me as though whomever was trying to open their World Gate opened it on the world that was their desired destination then lost control of it and causing their world to shift from their original destination and open other World Gates at radom, ours being the last of them before they somehow closed their Gate. However, whomever closed it did it incorrectly and our World Gate is slowly beginning to open again."

As Kal'enel began to talk Firesong got out of the hot-spring and began to get dressed and pack his things.

"What I need for you to do Firesong, is to travel to the world upon which the World gate was first opened, via a gate I will open for you, and close it properly. After it is properly closed you should be able to properly reopen it and use it to return home immeditly. But be warned, the World Gates on that world and our own will still be damaged, so you will need to sheild your self at all times whether in contact with it, near it, or using it. It may take decades, perhaps centuries for it to repair its self and you can not risk being traped on that world!"

After she explained what was needed of him he asked "Where will you open the gate for me?"

"I think it best if I open it as close to the world gate as safely possible so that you arrive close to the damaged World Gate" she responded.

"Very well, just let me inform Darkwind and Elesph that I'm leaving, collect my dyheli. I'll open a gate in the arch-way of the temple near the Companions field and meet you at the world gate in about two hours? "he asked.

Kal'enel nodded and disappeared leaving Firesong to take care of any last minute details he might have before he left.

Part 2: Sunnydale; October 16, 2001

It was three days later, around six o'clock at just after sunset when Dawn, Spike, Willow, Tara, Oz, Xander, Anya, Amy and Riley showed up the meeting at the Magic Box that Giles had called. As they walked in the store they were surprised to see Angel, Cordy, Wesley, Faith, and two strangers already there.

Willow was the first to speak "Giles, what's going on? Why are they here? Who are those two people? Is something wrong?"

"Everything is fine Willow, those two are friends of Angel's. The young man is named Gunn and the young woman is Fred. Now please, everyone have a seat I have something important to tell you!" said Giles.

After everyone was seated he began.

"Two days ago I was looking through some texts and watcher diaries for information about what might have happened to Buffy after she jumped into the portal in order to close it. While looking through some watcher diaries I stumbled across a series of prophecies written by the renowned watcher-seer Cory Watts and began to read them. The prophecies spoke of Buffy. Well, actually they mention almost all of you ."

Upon hearing that statement almost everyone began talking or asking questions and Giles raised his voice telling them to be quiet and so that he could read the prophecies to them. Once silence was restored he continued.

"It is a series of three prophecies that are called "The Gate, Rebirth, and Restoration. I believe that the first two prophecies refer to Buffy, Dawn, Willow, Tara, Anya, Riley, Spike, Oz, Cordeila, Xander and myself. Listen and tell me if you agree" Giles then began to read.


"The World Gate. Upon the defeat of Glory and the Sacrifice of the longest living Slayer, a Song of Fire will briefly come to our world. The Song of Fire will return to its own world with : the Sacrifice, Key, Watcher, Witch, the Quiet one, a Demon who is Not a Demon, a Warrior, the chained "Drinker of Blood", a Wolf who lives as a Man, a Queen who became a Seer, and the "Defender of Man"."

"Oh my God…. Oh my God…. Oh my God….!!!!" exclaimed Willow.

"Willow what is it?" asked Riley

"Riley, didn't you hear it? "Upon the defeat of Glory and the Sacrifice of the longest living slayer, a Song of Fire will briefly come to our world." Now, I don't know what a "Song of Fire" is but the part about " The Song of Fire will return to its own world with : the Sacrifice…" its about Buffy. She's alive and some how she is going be returned to us."

"Ah, but don't forget the part about "The Song of Fire will return to its own world with 'the Sacrifice'…"said Anya. "So that would mean that whatever or whoever this Song of Fire is, it's going to take Buffy with it back to its world."

"Well, we will just stop this 'Song of Fire' whatever it is before that happens" said Riley

"Everyone please be quiet and let me finish!!!" yelled Giles then he continued to explain "Thank you! Yes Willow, I too believe that the Sacrifice is a reference to Buffy. However, the prophecy says that the "Song of Fire" will be taking more than Buffy back to its world with it"

"What" several people yelled.

"Be quiet and let me finish!!!" Giles yelled again.


"Upon the defeat of Glory and the Sacrifice of the longest living slayer, a Song of Fire will briefly come to our world. The Song of Fire will return to its own world with: the Sacrifice, Key, Watcher, Witch, the Quiet one, a Demon who is Not a Demon, a Warrior, the chained "Drinker of Blood", a Wolf who lives as a Man, a Queen who became a Seer, and the "Defender of Man".

" Now, as I was saying I believe that the Sacrifice is Buffy, the Key is Dawn, the Watcher refers to me, the Witch is Willow, the Quiet one is Tara, the Demon who is Not a Demon is Anya, the Warrior is Riley, the chained "Drinker of Blood" is Spike, the Wolf who lives as a Man is Oz, the Queen who became a Seer is Cordeila, and the "Defender of Man" is Xander."

"Wait a minute!! How do you see the phrase "defender of man" describing deweb boy?" asked Cordeila.

"Delia, Xander's real first name 'Alexander' it means 'defender of man'" responded Wesley quietly under the glare Giles was directing at them.

Giles took a deep breath then said be for any one else could speak.

"So in essence the first prophecy says: " Upon the defeat of Glory and Buffy's jumping into the portal in order to close it. Someone called "Song of Fire" will briefly come to our world and Buffy will be returned to us soon after. Then at some point the entity called Song of Fire will return to his or her own world with Buffy, Dawn, myself, Willow, Tara, Anya, Riley, Spike, Oz, Cordeila and Xander."

Everyone sat in stunned silence.

Sensing the fear rising in the room Giles began to read the second prophecy.

"This is the second prophecy in the series. It's called "The Rebirth"

Upon a new world the Watcher will become a Shaman of the Plains. The Witch will grow into a Herald and a Mage. The Quiet one, who's destiny is hidden will have it reveled to her and she will one day become the Son of the Sun. The Demon who is not a Demon will become Sworn and the bearer of a Woman's Blade. The Sacrifice and Warrior will become Heralds bound to Companions. The Key will find a family and Guardians among the Brothers of Hawks The chained Drinker of Blood with a loving heart will find Freedom, Life and Redemption as a Healer. The Wolf who lives as a Man will find peace as a Wolf and gain knowledge of things past and present. The Queen who became a Seer shall become a Queen again and she shall Marry the Earth. The Defender of Man shall become Greater than he was in one of his many past lives with the love and life-bond of the Song of Fire, together they shall rebuild and rule over an Empire."

Again Everyone sat in stunned silence.

"What does that mean Giles?" asked Xander

"Most of this prophecy is unclear. However, from what I can understand this prophecy seems positive. According to the prophecy Xander is the reincarnation of Alexander the Great.

"No Way!!!"exclaimed Cordeila and Spike at the sametime.

"Cordeila, have you forgotten how Xander's plan allowed us to stop the mayor's Ascension?" asked Giles.

"That was his plan?" asked Angel, who looked at Xander with respect.

"Yes, Angel, it was Xander who planned and organized the fight against the mayor." Said Oz.

"What's the big deal?" asked Gunn.

"Charles, what you don't understand is that during their high school graduation the mayor of Sunnydale turned himself in to a demon that looked like a snake that was the size of a dinosaur and tried to eat their graduating class while an army of vampires kept them trapped at the school" said Wesley.

"Apparently, Xander planed, organized and lead his graduating class in the fight against the mayor in about two days" said Angel.

"Damn," said Gunn "It sounds like he really is Alexander the Great reincarnated. I mean turning a bunch of high school students into and army in less than two days………that's not something that just anybody can do."

While everyone sat quietly looking at Xander and thinking about what Gunn had just said Giles continued.

"It also seems to say that the ten of us Buffy, Dawn, Xander, Willow, Tara, Anya, Riley, Spike, Oz, Cordeila and myself, will travel to a different world because of something the "Song of Fire" does. Then at some time after we arrive I will become some kind of Shaman, Dawn will find a family and Guardians, Spike will be freed of his chip and find Redemption as a Healer, Oz will find peace of mind about being a werewolf, Cordelia will become a Queen, and Xander will love the "Song of Fire" and together the two will help rebuild and rule over an Empire."

Everyone sat staring at Giles stunned.

Giles began to read the third prophecy.

"I believe that the third prophecy is about you and your friends Angel. Its called the 'Restoration of Balance'

The Dark Slayer, the Black Knight, the Forgotten Watcher, the Woman who left her Cave and the Warlord who lost his Army will journey to the new world in search of their friends. They will briefly join the three Otherworldly Heralds and receive a message from the Shaman delivered by a Sworn with a familiar face, that will Heal the Visitors before all but one of them returns Home".

"Now, I believe that the Dark Slayer refers to Faith and the Forgotten Watcher is Wesley however I don't know who the Black Knight, the Woman who left her Cave and the Warlord who lost his Army are. However, it seems as though the ten of us who are taken to another would by this, 'Song of Fire' person, never return home. And that at some point Angel and his associates visit Buffy, Willow and Riley; are sent a message by me that is delivered by Anya that will help them in some way before all but one of them returns home."

Angel, Cordy, Wesley, Faith, Gunn and Fred all looked at each other thinking about what Giles had said.

"Perhaps you could help me with the remainder of this prophecy Wesley?" asked Giles

"Yes I believe I can, at least somewhat. I think that the part about the 'the Woman who left her Cave' is Fred and that the 'Warlord who lost his army' is Gunn" said Wesley.

"And the 'Black Knight'is Deadboy" said Xander.

"Xander what…?" Giles started to ask.

"He's right Giles" said Angel.

"How….?"Giles tried to ask again.

"Giles, don't worry about it!" Angel said firmly, making it clear that the subject should be dropped.

"Giles look at this!!!"

"What is it Willow? What have you found?" asked Giles

"I think I know when the first prophecy is going to take place. I was re-reading the prophecies to see if I could figure out some more about who "the Song of Fire" was when I noticed something scribbled in the margin of the Watcher diary that has the 'Prophecies of the Watcher-Seer Cory Watts'. It says here that "This three-fold prophecy will be found in the tenth month of the second millenium by a Watcher who was cast out.." then it says that "the first prophecy will take place on the night of the first new moon after the prophecies are found…" answered Willow.

"Let me see that" said Giles as he took the diary from Willow so that he could see what she was talking about. After he re-read the passage that Willow had found he noticed something else and read that aloud.

"There's more "…..….the Song of Fire will enter our world in the place that Glory wished to leave it…."

"That means that this "Song of Fire" person will be entering our would in the junkyard at the tower where Buffy disappeared" said Riley "now all we have to figure out is when.

Everyone was quiet as they all started trying to figure out when the prophecy would take place.

"Guys,…..that's tonight" said Oz

Part 3: Valdemar

Firesong made his way to the temple near Companions field while his bond bird Aya road on his shoulder. His dyheli followed him carrying his pack and the sword that Elspeth given to him when Need told them that she would be going with him because he would be taking her to her next bearer. As he walked he heard bells jingling behind him. When he turned to look he saw a Firecat that looked nothing at all like Altra and three Companions that he recognized as some of the few who where not Groveborn and who hadn't already Chosen Heralds, in fact they appeared to be on Search for Heralds. Firesong had a feeling that they would be inviting themselves to travel with him just as Need had; because for some reason where ever he was going was where they would be finding their Chosen.

"Come along, lets get going" said Firesong as he turned and again started walking toward the temple.

%He took that a lot better than I expected.% said Agnetha the eldest of the three Companions.

%Personally, I thought that he would at least try and turn us away.% said Ardana the youngest of the three Companions.

%I agree, I thought that he would at least try% said Companion Shallan.

%You mean the three of you were looking forward to an argument with Firesong that you knew he had no hope of winning. You're all just sulking because he beat you by avoiding the argument all together% laughed the FireCat Lerryn

By the time the four of them caught-up with Firesong he had already opened a gate in the arch way of the temple and was walking through it. They followed him and the gate closed few moments after. When they emerged from the gate they found themselves in a forest clearing three days from k'Leshya Vale with Firesong and the Starry-eyed Goddess.

As soon as the last of his four companions exited the gate Firesong closed it.

Kal'enel looked at the eight of them and touched each with her mind briefly //***Safe journey. You will be met by friends upon your return.***// then she opened the gate that would take them to another world.

Firesong took a deep breath to steady himself drew Need out of her sheath got use to holding her, then walked through the gate the Stary-eyed Goddess had opened. He was soon followed by Edwen, Agnetha, Ardana, Shallan and Lerryn.

Part 4: Sunnydale; October 16, 2001

Everyone sat and stared at Oz for a few minutes as what he said sunk-in and they all realized that Buffy would becoming back to them that night.

Then Giles started issuing orders.

"Xander and Cordelia go get the big first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, we don't know what condition Buffy will be in when she comes out of the portal, also "the Song of Fire maybe be some kind of fire demon or elemental. Anya get some blankets and bottled water Buffy may go into shock once she is out of the portal. Oz, Riley, Gunn get the tranquilizer guns and some chains, we may need a way to contain her without hurting her; also get some swords and some crossbows, we don't know what other kinds of creatures may try to come out of the portal along with Buffy. Willow, Tara, Amy and Wesley help me get what we'll need for healing spells and binding spells; the first aid kit might not be enough, a spell to close the portal, we don't know what kind of being "the Song of Fire" is and we may need to contain it, also we don't know what if any effect the portal had on Buffy's mind and we may need a way to contain her without hurting her. Angel, Spike, begin to load the supplies into the cars and the medical supplies into Oz's van"

Everyone stared at him for a moment then rushed to do what he told them to do.

It was nine o'clock at night as everyone left to go to the junkyard where Glory was defeated. Angel, Gunn, Wesley, Faith and Fred got into Angel's car; Giles, Willow, Tara Cordelia and Dawn got into Giles' car; and Oz, Xander, Amy, Spike and Anya got into Oz's van.

On the ride over to the jukeyard everyone was lost in there own thoughts.

_________________This is Where I got Stuck_________________

As the three cars pulled up to the fence around the junkyard, everyone could see bright light shinning through the fense and some thing that sound like thunder and knew that something was starting to happen.

_________________This is Where I got Stuck Again_________________

~I wonder if that is Song of Fire~ Xander thought to him self.
//Actually, my name is Firesong, though I am curious as to how you knew my name// sent Firesong.
//Who…..What…..What was that????// Xander unknowingly sent.
//That was me, Firesong// he sent amused.
//……WHAT!!!!….// Xander sent.
//Please, not so loud. There is no need to yell or get upset. However, I can guess by your reaction you didn't know that you had Mind speech??// Firesong sent.
//WHAT…..sorry what is Mind speech??// Xander sent.
//That is how we are specking to each other// Firesong sent.
//Oh…um….are you evil??// Xander sent.
//…(laughing) No…no I'm not evil// Firesong sent.

_________________All I've writen so far_________________


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