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//Yes yes yes oh yes//

In a blinding flash, Harry recalled all of the times he had stood on the Bridge at Ops while silently watching the Commander. All the times he had gone to Sandrines and yearned to flirt and smile outrageously, instead of behaving like a proper Starfleet Officer. All the away missions that he wished to turn into a romantic getaway. He recalled all of the dreams and fantasies that revolved around Chakotay. He remembered them all, but it was no longer a dream. It was as real as the thick cock buried balls deep inside him and it was *far* better than any of his imaginings.

He was full, stretched wide and laid bare for Chakotay to do with as he pleased. Everything he was, everything he desired to be was displayed before Chakotay, as an offering and a promise in this beautiful act of ultimate submission and trust. Now, Harry wanted, no, *needed* more. They stood upon the edge of the cliff and it was imperative he jump and soar towards the horizon secure in the Commander's strong arms, knowing that the big man would catch him when he fell.

Whimpering deep in his throat, Harry wrapped his long legs around his lover's waist and locked his ankles together. Chakotay half groaned half sighed and shivered, sending delicious vibrations tingling up Harry's spine to the base of his skull. Harry threw his head back into the soft pillow and gasped.

"Ooooo... lover... nowohnow"

Chakotay leaned forward, bracing his hands on either side of Harry's head. Harry moaned in pleasure at the sensations that traveled across his body from that minor adjustment in the angle of penetration. Tension coiled in his muscles and he pushed back on his lover's cock. Chakotay growled in response, the sound going directly to Harry's own cock, hard and throbbing against his stomach.

In one smooth glide, his lover pulled back until just the thick crown of his cock was stretching the ring of muscles in his anus wide. He groaned at the loss, the sensation of becoming empty. Harry could feel his body quivering around Chakotay, trying desperately to pull him back in where he belonged.

With startling swiftness, his lover slammed back inside his body, filling the void once again. Harry felt every thick pulsing inch as it caressed his throbbing prostate. He could only moan at the exquisite pleasure that blossomed within him. It felt, not as if Chakotay was invading his flesh, but as if he was surrounding and containing his lover's body with his own. He shivered at the amazing eroticism of that thought.

When Chakotay pulled back again, Harry tilted his hips down slightly, enjoying the sensation of his lover's shaft rubbing against his hot flesh. When Chakotay slammed into him, he tilted his hips back up and squeezed his legs tight, holding the older man in place while he ground against him in mindless lust.

"Oh spirits baby... so beautiful, so very beautiful."

Harry wanted to answer but he couldn't form the words. His breath was coming in heaving gasps and his blood was pounding through his veins like wildfire. //love you oh love you only you forever// He tried to convey that message with his dark eyes and his body. Undulating beneath the Commander, Harry pushed the pace of their lovemaking faster and faster.

The sensation that his lover was a part of him, within him, melding into one being with him grew and grew. Harry had never felt this feeling of... *connection* with any other lover before. He knew it was significant and he wanted to focus on it, however, he was wonderfully distracted by the waves of pleasure assaulting his nervous system and the building pressure in his groin.

Chakotay was pounding into him fiercely, primal lust and animal desire etched into every sweat glistened line of his body. Each ramming thrust created a surge of consuming ecstasy that originated in his prostate only to rush throughout his body in ever expanding waves. His thigh muscles quivered and sweat dripped down his face to pool in the hollow of his throat.

Harry glanced directly up into Chakotay's dark eyes and found himself drowning in the passion and need he saw there. He shivered. Their eyes locked together and the sensation of becoming one that had been laying passive in the back of his mind flared brightly, overwhelming him. Harry felt his mind open wide to his lover, just as his body was. His soul rejoiced in ecstatic freedom as it soared bravely into the unknown.

Visions washed over him in a dizzying rush. Faces, words, foreign shores, sounds. Some were familiar at first, but then they shifted and became new, never before seen. Yet, they had the odd tinge of being real and familiar. Then, in a sweeping rush, a new vision entered his spinning mind.

He saw himself, lying on his back amidst soft white pillows, his skin flushed and sweaty. His eyes were heavy lidded with desire and saw himself shiver and gasp in erotic pleasure. With an odd sort of detachment, he watched his eyes go wide with amazement at the same instant that he *heard* Chakotay's voice echoing inside the vaults of his own mind.

::beautiful... so brave and strong and... gorgeous... spirits Harry, I *love* you::

Not even registering that his lover hadn't spoken aloud, but directly into his heart and mind, Harry latched onto the words themselves. //he loves me? he *loves* me!// It took a split second between the time those coveted words registered in his mind and his body reacted to them.

Without the benefit of a single touch to his throbbing cock, Harry exploded into orgasm. His entire body began to quake with the intensity of the absolute pleasure as his cock erupted, shooting hot strings of his seed across his and his lover's chests. His leg muscles tightened instantly, pulling Chakotay into him as deep as possible even as his internal muscles quivered and then clamped down on his lover's thick cock like a vise. With a howl of release, Harry threw back his head and ripped the sheets with his fists as his body began a series of involuntary contractions around the Commander's thick shaft.


Harry could *feel* his lover explode in orgasm inside his body as burning hot cum coated his intestines. A double assault of completion was shouted to him. One he heard with his ears, the other, with his mind. Electric tingles raced across his skin and his heart pounded erratically. The images in his mind swirled crazily for a moment and then everything dissolved into darkness.


Warm wetness swirled around his stomach and a mild sense of vertigo washed over him for a quick second as his nerve endings jumped erratically with pulses of pleasure. Slowly, his ears started working again and he heard beyond his own pounding blood rushing through his veins. Breathing... and movement.

Carefully, he peeled open his eyes. Harry grinned stupidly at the luscious vision that greeted him. A naked and sweat soaked Chakotay was using a wet cloth to clean up his cum splattered chest.


His lover turned his head and captured his eyes with a single look.

A look that spoke of gentleness and caring and... love. He shivered and tried to lift his hand to reach out and caress Chakotay's cheek. His muscles felt as if they were made from mashed leola root and over cooked noodles.

"Shhh... love. Go back to sleep. I'm right here."

Harry watched in a dreamy haze of sated desire and unacknowledged commitment as his lover gently finished washing him and then climbed back under the blankets. Unresisting, Harry let Chakotay arrange his body to the Commander's satisfaction before cuddling into his tender embrace and falling back into sleep.


Harry slowly became aware of warmth along his back and happiness in his heart. A sense of peace and fulfillment lay over his soul and he had a wonderful feeling of being safe and protected. Not wishing to pull completely free from sleep, Harry snuggled back into the fluffy blankets and smiled softly when strong arms tightened around him possessively.

Harry tried to slip back into his dreams, but an errant thought poked and prodded at his sleep fogged mind. Stated simply? Harry wasn't in bed alone. As enjoyable as it *was* to wake up with muscled arms wrapped around his waist and a hot and hard chest pressed tightly to his back, it was also *highly* unusual.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep until he solved this mystery, Harry cast about in his mind for the answers. That wasn't as easy as it might have sounded. While not in *pain* from his hangover, he *did* have difficulty focusing his concentration.

//Well,... my bedmate is most *definitely* male. Not fuzzy enough to be Tom.// Harry felt a wave of gratitude at that. His brief romantic affair with Tom had become impossible to pursue after Akiteiria

He felt himself shudder in revulsion at the vague reminder and steered his mind carefully around the edge of those long buried memories as if they were deadly landmines.


Harry felt a soft humming sensation in the base of his skull. The buzz was accompanied by a sudden wash of... comforting emotion. It was unexpected, yet he wasn't upset or frightened. Curious?...

Yes. Scared?... No.

Contemplating this... new development, Harry shifted slightly. A deep seated ache and a few twinges in his thighs spoke louder than words about what he and his bedmate had done the night before. With a grin, he snuggled deeper into the warm embrace.

"Mmmm... morning babe..."


Shock zipped through his mind and he tensed up in disbelief and the beginning of panic. //He's going to *kill* me.//

"I'm not going to kill you Harry, calm down."

Clear memories of last night erupted in his mind. Embarrassment and lust washed over him in a sudden wave, waking Harry fully. He felt himself try to go pale and flush red at the same time.

"Commander, I... I..."


Chakotay's deep rumbling chuckle helped to calm his insipid panic as well as distract him from his fear. It was vaguely erotic to feel the sound vibrations from Chakotay's chest tingle along his skin.

"Harry... when we are naked in bed together you can call me by my name. Unless you have some sort of weird kink about having sex with your XO? If that's the case, I'll play along,... just not *every* time."

//The Commander,... er, um,... *Chakotay* wasn't mad!?// Harry's mind struggled to catch up. When it did manage to process what his lover had said, arousal slammed into him and his cock began to throb. //*every* time!?!?!//

Chakotay chuckled again and kissed him lightly on the back of his shoulder.

"Of *course* I'm not mad. I know we were pretty drunk, but... damn Harry, I wanted you just as much as you wanted me. You *didn't* take advantage of me or anything. I wanted you... I still do."

A knot of tension loosened itself inside of Harry's chest. Relief poured over him like a cool balm. With a sigh, he turned in the circle of Chakotay's arms until he was facing his lover.

Timidly, he glanced up to look into Chakotay's handsome face, only to get lost in his dark eyes.

//Oh, I love you.//

::I love you too::

Harry felt a surge of tender love and swirling passion roll across his mind. The warm, peaceful sensation he'd had when his first awoke descended upon him once again. His breath caught in his throat and his heart skipped a beat. With a low cry of happiness, he claimed Chakotay's lips in a kiss.

Just as passion and lust were threatening to sweep him away, a strange thought struck him. //How did he *know* that?// His heart pounding from something other than desire, Harry broke the kiss.

"Chakotay?... Um,... *how* did you hear me? I mean, I didn't speak anything *outloud*. I,... I *thought* it, but..."

Harry watched as a frown curved his lover's lips down and his tattooed brow wrinkled up in thought.

::confusion::how I heard?::understanding::

Chakotay gasped and his eyes flew open wide with shock. Harry felt as if the universe had suddenly turned on it's head. He had been *staring* at his lover and he *knew* that the big man hadn't spoken a single word. Yet, somehow, he had clearly *heard* Chakotay's voice echoing in his head. Feeling like a crazy fool, but needing to test his theory, Harry closed his eyes and concentrated.

//Chakotay. Can you hear me? If you can, say... um,... blue cow.//

Harry opened his eyes to see an odd expression flutter across Chakotay's face.

"Um... Harry?"


"Doe's the phrase *blue cow* mean anything to you?"


Epilogue (three days later)

Harry was just about to go on one last tour of his quarters to make sure that he and Tom hadn't missed anything in their packing, when his best friend looked up from the box he was kneeling beside and quietly cleared his throat. Harry was going to just ignore him, but then he caught a glimpse of the uncertain and confused expression Tom was trying unsuccessfully to hide. So far, the blond pilot hadn't pushed for details, but Harry *knew* that curiosity was eating him alive. Finally fed up with all the strange looks and aborted statements, he pushed.

"Tom. Just... spit it out, okay? Whatever it is, just say it."

A variety of emotions flickered deep in those blue eyes before Paris smirk version 26.2 slid smoothly into place. Harry knew his best friend well enough to know that, this expression was a defensive move. For some inexplicable reason, Tom's feelings had been hurt.

"Well, Har... I don't quite know *what* to say. I mean... it's a little too late to say *anything* at this point, don't you think?"

Harry would normally tread carefully at this point. He had always respected Tom's need to hide his true thoughts and feelings behind a flippant and smart-ass facade. This time, he felt that it was important to get to the bottom of things quickly. If Tom's hurt was allowed to fester, it wouldn't be able to heal. So, he poked at the wound instead.

"Tom. I'm not trying to be rude here or anything, but could you please just come right out and tell me what has you bothered? I mean, I was kind of hoping that you'd be *happy* for me."

Tom flinched slightly. Then he sighed and the smirk fell away as if it had never been there, only to be replaced by a confused and slightly lost expression.

"I just want to know *why*. That's all. I mean, I *knew* you thought that Chakotay was hot and all, but you hadn't even been in a *relationship* with the man before shore leave. Yet, you come back *married* to him."

Harry watched in open eyed astonishment as Tom began to pace the length of the box lined room, arms waving through the air to emphasize different points as he spoke.

"No courtship, no dating, no sneaking off into dark corners to make out at Sandrines. Just one day you're barely speaking off duty and the next, you get married to the man on an alien planet! And the *real* kicker here is, I'm supposed to be your best friend and I wasn't even *invited* to the damn wedding!"

Tom stopped, spun around and fixed a glare on his face that was aimed right at Harry. Harry sighed and rubbed a tired hand over his face.


"Actually Tom, the wedding was all because of a mistake."

"Huh!? What are you telling me? You want a divorce?" Tom went pale. "Did Chakotay *force* you into this?! I'll kill him!"

"No! No, Tom. Chakotay didn't *force* me into anything, the D'Nari just made a mistake. Look, this is complicated. Sit down and I'll tell you everything, okay?"

Tom didn't look convinced, but he replicated two beers and sat down on the floor next to Harry and handed him one. Harry took a sip and collected his thoughts.

"It all started because the D'Nari *thought* that Chakotay and I were *already* married. They tried to honor us by giving us this stuff to drink called "Goluta", or in standard, Ambrosia Wine. It tastes *great* by the way. 

Anyhow, this Goluta is a chemically enhanced fermented juice that's made from a specially grown and properly blessed plant called "Golla". The plant significantly lowers a person's inhibitions and the chemicals they add induces a low-level semi-permanent telepathic bond.

It's used primarily by the royal family and a few high ranking nobles on their wedding night to insure a solid marriage by forging the two individuals into soul-mates. When they celebrate their anniversary, they drink the Goluta to strengthen and renew the bond."

Tom whistled in awe and Harry nodded is agreement.

"So, you have this telepathic bond with the Commander now?"

Harry nodded again.

"Hell Harry, you're lucky you didn't bond with one of those aliens by accident."

Harry could feel his cheeks burn hot with a dark blush.

"Actually, that wouldn't have happened. It wouldn't have happened with Chakotay either, except that the D'Nari put us in a bedroom together and we couldn't keep our hands off each other. You see, for the bond to be established, both partners have to be intoxicated with the Goluta and then they have to... uh... um... have sex."

Harry could feel his blush burn hotter and refused to look at Tom. He didn't think he could handle whatever was shinning in his best friends eyes.



"Must have made the 'morning after' a bit on the weird side, huh?"

Harry rolled his eyes at the memories.

"Tom, you have *no* idea. I can hear Chakotay's thoughts and I can feel his emotions. However, at *that* point in time, I had no idea *why*. So, we tracked down Prime Minister Temara. *He* explained about the Goluta. When we told him we weren't married, he fainted dead away."

Tom's eyes grew round and a spark of mischievousness sparkled in those blue depths. He smirked.


Harry grinned and nodded.

"Yeah. He was *very* upset. According to him, by their laws and traditions, the creation of the bond is legally binding as a marriage. Then we found out that the bond usually lasts for a little over a year. At least in D'Narians. The Holo-Doc thinks that because of our human genetics, that the bond may last a lot longer than that. Even still, the D'Nari gave us quite a bit of Goluta in order to strengthen the bond later on."

They were both silent for a few moments as Tom absorbed all he'd been told. Harry broke the quiet once more to address what he felt had been Tom's biggest problem.

"Technically, Chakotay and I *are* married. Hell, we have the equivalent of a Vulcan life-bond. However, we *didn't* have an official ceremony. We were thinking... well, we were going to ask the Captain to give us a Federation type Wedding. Here. On Voyager."

Tom looked up at that and Harry caught those blue eyes with his own.

"When we *do* have the ceremony, I... Would you stand up for me? Be my Best Man?"

Tom smiled. A real one that was full of happiness.

"Of *course* I will. I'd be hurt if you asked anyone else."

Suddenly, Tom shot up to his feet and reached down to pull Harry up to his as well.

"Come on. Let's get your stuff moved into the Commander's quarters before he thinks I've kidnapped you or something."

Harry chuckled and they both picked up a box of stuff. Tom turned and flashed him a patented Paris smirk version 12.5, known to the precious few as 'prepare to be teased'.

"So Har... Does Chakotay look as good *out* of his uniform as he does *in* it?"

Harry's jaw dropped in astonishment.


"I'll take that as a big fat yes."

With that, Tom sauntered out the door leaving a deep chuckle echoing in his wake.

The End

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