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Sponsored by: Bigbucks
Feedback: Danii
Disclaimer: I own no one (thought I want one of them)
Distribution: Take it, just put my name on it!
Warning: It is going to take me a while to get this going quickly. I still got two long stories to finish, but the juices are flowing on this story. If you would like to continue where I leave off, be my guest!

Summary: Xander is having some odd dreams, and Dru returns... 


It started with the dreams, like so many other things in Sunnydale, California. Xander figured it was only fair. If so much horrible crap was going to happen in one place, the poor suckers on the receiving end sort of deserved a little warning. Then again, he reflected, the helpfulness was countered by the insane worry that ate at you while you waited for whatever horror you had a dream about to happen.

But these dreams were odd. They had started just after the gang's experience with the First Slayer. It felt as if she had triggered something inside of him. In fact, he felt like he had met her before...but that was crazy. Besides, the dreams themselves had nothing to do with her. They weren't prophetic either. The dreams, instead of showing him the future, showed him the past. Far into the past. Farther than Xander had any right to know. It seemed that he was reliving memories, memories that were strangly exact. They scanned hundreds of different countries and centuries. But there was one thing that connected them all.

The killing. In every dream, he would stalk his pray expertly through whatever city he should happen to be in this time. And the dreams were so real. He could smell his prey, smell the fear in their hearts as he hunted them down. Sometimes, he was alone, and other times he was with a pack, but he was always the first to strike. He would attack with unbelievable speed, then plunge the fangs that had ached in his mouth the entire hunt into the victim's neck. Then he would drink, sucking the valuable red liquid down his throat in large gulps.

That was usually when he woke up, sweating like a pig. Occasionaly, he would remain in the dream until the body hit the ground, and once he had evern felt himself wipe his mouth, but that was as far as it went.

He had been worried the last time. After his experience with the First Slayer, he was wary of odd dreams. Yet he had dismissed it as a side-affect of being a Slayerette. But the dreams kept coming, more and more often. As of now, he was getting them every night.

He hadn't told anyone. He didn't tell his parents anything, and he certainly didn't want to tell his friends. Sure, Buffy and the rest knew about dreams and vampires and all that, but something within him told him not to say a word.

Xander didn't know what to do. The dreams were getting even more real. He was starting to recall dates and locations. And names. He could remember the names of his victims. It was scary.

But what was really scary, the thing that sent a chill to Xander's very core of his being, was the fact that, as the nights wore on, he was beginning to enjoy it.


In a tomb that was near the stone walls that surrounded Sunnydale's Philmont Cemetary, the vampire called Spike sat watching CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH. Beside him was a cooler filled with blood bags and a small table covered in board games. All in all, a scene that, until recently, would not have had anything to do with William the Bloody.

As he was watching the Three Stooges beat the crap out of the Three Tenors, Spike felt a presence behind him. A presence he never thought he'd feel again.

"Dru?" he asked, hoping against hope.

"Yes, my love..." the brunette vampire answered dreamily as she glided to face him.

"Ducks, you've come back to me?"

"Of course, my sweet bird," the psychotic bloodsucker answered, "I love you..."

"But why, Dru?" Spike asked, "Not that I'm complaining, but why did you come back now?"

"Because, my darling, the Master is coming back...The stars told me so..."

"The Master?" Spike asked skepticly, "That bald moron?"

"No, my darling..." Dru responded dreamily, "The True Master. The Old One. The First..."

"Do you mean?"

"Yes, him..."

"Then I have a feeling that we, my lovely one, are going to have one hell of a time..."


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