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Mage Winds Background


Background info the Lackey's Mage Winds trilogy.

Kal'enel, the Star-Eyed, (so called because her eyes have neither whites or pupils, but are black with sparks of light.) is the Goddess of the Tayledras (Hawkbrothers), the Shin'a'in and the Kaled'a'in.

They were once one people, but a war between two mages that ended in a mage storm of such ferocity that magic was forever changed, caused them to split.

The Kaled'a'in had used a gate to escape the storm and were believed lost for hundreds of years. When they left through the gate, they took the Gryphons with them. The Gryphons were constructs of the Mage of Silence, Uthro. He loved the Gryphons so much he considered them his children.

The Shin'a'in wanted nothing to do with magic ever again after the storm. One Elder of each clan sacrificed themselves to her to beg for her help. She granted their request and cleansed the plains where they lived of the tainted magic. She also helped them start a breeding program for their horses. They ended up with the Shin'a'in Battle Mares. Extremely intelligent animals with incredible stamina. They are capable of fighting with an unconscious rider on their back and getting them both out alive.

The Tayledras, or Hawkbrothers, live in the Peligris Forest. They wanted to use magic to heal the land of the tainted magic. Kal'enel showed them how to store power in a large stone set in the bedrock. These became known as a "Heartstones". The Heartstone provides the power for the shields which protect their Vales, control the weather inside the Vale, heal injuries and provide power for various workings by the mages in the Vale.

She also gave them bondbirds. Raptors much larger than normal and with greater intelligence. They also have the ability to use mindspeech. Each of these birds bond to one person when the birds are still young. They help hunt, guard their bondmate's back and provide companionship.

When the echo of the original Mage Storm returned through time, several Hawkbrother mages, Heralds of Valdemar, Priests of the Karsite Sun God Vkandis, warriors of the Shin'a'in and the descendants of the Kaled'a'in clans worked together to stop the destruction. They succeeded, but a lot of damage had already been done.

Some areas had been so warped by the storm that anyone or anything entering the area was changed. Usually for the worst. Groups of mages, scouts and warriors now travel throughout the land seeking these areas and anything changed by them. If they are dangerous, they are destroyed. Harmless creatures are sent back to the Vales to be cared for.

Wintermoon, because he is bonded to two owls, hunts at night for these changed creatures. It was on one of these expeditions that he met Xander.

Hope this explains a little, but I heartily recommended reading all of the connected series by Mercedes Lackey. I don't nearly come close to doing her characters or creations justice.

Check out the Mage Winds trilogy, The Last Herald Mage trilogy, The Heralds of Valdemar trilogy, and the Mage Storm trilogy. They're really worth it.

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