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They had only been waiting for a few hours when the call came from the Gryphons searching for the demon. Valdemar.

Xander checked the Spear riding across his back and gave Wintermoon and Ghost a kiss goodbye. Then he was airborne. He saw a shadow to his right and turned to see Tarlac gliding along beside him.

/Tarlac, go back. You can't help with this./ Xander sent.

/I will show you the thermals that run to Valdemar, it will save you hours from your journey. And time is running out for the Star-Eyed./

Xander felt tears sting his eyes as he thought about the Goddess. Her skin had taken on a sickly gray color and her eyes had dimmed. She couldn't even find the strength to talk anymore. Vkandis wasn't in much better shape. The Sun God stayed with Kal'enel, holding her against his chest, trying to keep her warm.

Xander felt an incoherent rage sweep over him. They were part of his family, the parents of his new life. Next to Ghost and Wintermoon they were the ones he loved the most. And some low down slimy demon was trying to destroy them. /Where's the thermal, Tarlac? I want that bastard, and I want him *now*. He's gonna learn a thing or two about fucking with me and my family./

/Your anger is worthy of a Gryphon, NightHawk. But take care it does not control you./

The tone of Xander's mindvoice was colder than the breath of an Icedrake. /No problem, Tarlac. Nothing is gonna stop me. I take him out or die trying./

'That's what I'm afraid of', but Tarlac had enough sense to keep that thought to himself.


Firesong threw another bolt of energy at the 'thing' hovering above the Palace, but it, like the others, was merely absorbed by the creature. Darkwind and Elspeth were busy wrapping shield after shield around the Heartstone, but they wouldn't be able to keep it up for long.

Firesong felt a momentary shiver of fear run down his spine, they might have finally met their match. He threw up glowing hands in time to deflect the mage lightening the creature hurled at him, the strength of the blow knocking him to his knees. He panted, struggling to regain his breath, long white hair dripping with sweat clung to his face. He heard an evil chuckle and raised his eyes to see the beast, hovering directly above him.

"Well, human," it snarled is a gravelly voice, "are you ready to surrender?" One huge gray hand stroked the equally huge erect cock rising up between massive thighs, "Maybe I'll let you live, if I find you entertaining enough. But probably not. Humans usually die screaming the first time I fuck them. Why don't we see how long you last, Mage."

Firesong scrambled backwards, trying to stay out of reach of those grasping hands, but the creature managed to get a hold on his hair. He pulled him closer, laughing at his struggles to free himself, he started pulling in all of his remaining power. A Final Strike might not kill the creature, but it would prevent what was about to happen.

Firesong raised icy silver blue eyes and stared the creature in the face, a small smile curved his lips when the unexpected occurred.

"Hey, you! Yeah you! The fucking ugly one! Why don't you let him go and try me on for size?"

The creature dropped Firesong and whirled in mid air to confront the foolish being who dared to speak to him so. Firesong saw a streak of black plummeting out of the sky hit the beast in the center of it's chest. The entangled pair slammed into the solid stone roof with the creature on the bottom.

/Darkwind! Elspeth! Come here! Quickly!/


Darkwind and Elspeth completed the last shield and ran for the roof, fearing what lay ahead. The sight that met their eyes left their mouths gaping open in shock.


Firesong saw the pair bound up the stairs and moved to join them. They watched as a fight the likes of which they had never seen took place before them.


Xander saw the demon grab a man by the hair and start to pull him closer. The man was obviously a Hawkbrother mage, and that made him one of the pack. Xander tucked in his wings and dove for the demon, screaming insults at the top of his lungs. The ploy worked. The demon dropped the mage and turned just in time for Xander to hit him in the center of the chest.

They hit the stones with crushing force, Xander still on top. He extended his claws and racked through the demon's wings, shredding them down to the bone. He felt the blows hammering into his chest and back but ignored them, they were healing as fast as they happened. Something else to thank his parents for.

Xander grinned down at the demon, letting his canines show in a display of dominance, "You fucked with the wrong people asshole." He began pounded the demon, puncturing tough gray skin with his talons, each blow puncuating the steady stream of curses coming from his mouth.

"Fucking jerk. The Star-Eyed is my mom you dickweed. And you *hurt* her. And you hurt my dad. I'm gonna rip your heart out and make you eat it you low-life slimy piece of shit!"

The demon was no longer concerned with taking over this world, he just wanted to get away. Thick black blood ran in steady streams from his tattered wings and the tears in his chest. And still the blows continued. His struggles were getting weaker, but his assailant never slowed.

"I hope you had fun while it lasted asshole. You're toast!!!" Xander ripped the Spear out of it's quiver and slammed the point into the demon's chest. He felt it's heart quivering against the point and savagely twisted the shaft. He ducked away from the fountain of blood that erupted from the jagged maw.

Keeping one hand tightly clenched around the shaft, he used the other to rip open the front of his shirt, letting his medallion fall free. He raised his face to the sun and called out to his father. "Vkandis!! It is finished!!"

The medallion and the Spear both began to glow, steadily growing brighter until even he couldn't look at them. There was a sound like lightening striking and a wave of heat. It was over. Finally.

Xander staggered to his feet, grimacing at the greasy smear on the stones that used to be a demon. "That's fairly gross. I hope they don't expect me to clean that up. Eeewww."

He carefully checked the Spear, pleased to see it was as golden as always. He put it back into the quiver and jumped when a voice spoke directly behind him.

"Who are you?"

"Geez, scare me half to death why don't you? Couldn't you give a guy a little warning before you sneak up on him?"

Firesong and Darkwind exchanged confused looks while Elspeth tried not to giggle at the stunned expressions on their faces.

Their savior, tall, huge black wings and eyes just like the Star-Eyed was just a young man. A very young man. Elspeth moved past the two men and extended her hand in welcome. "Hello. I'm Elspeth." Pointing at the others she said, "The two statues of idiots are my mate, Darkwind, and our friend, the Healing Adept, Firesong. Thank you for arriving when you did."

Xander blushed, "No problem. I would have been here sooner but Kal'enel couldn't pinpoint the demon's location. Is everybody all right?"

A sudden gust of wind made everyone turn to see a strange Gryphon landing on the parapet. "NightHawk! I am impresssed! You are truly worthy to be Champion of the People."

Firesong turned to the 'boy' standing next to him, "You're the Champion?"

Xander felt his face get redder, "Yeah, well, that's what Mom says."

"Mom?" Darkwind asked.

"Kal'enel. You know, The Star-Eyed? She brought me here and changed me, so she's kinda my Mom now. And Vkandis is Dad. The Spirit that helps Valdemar changed me some too, so I guess it's my Uncle or something."

Hawkbrothers and Herald alike just stood and stared, they'd been told to aid the Champion, but they obviously hadn't been told everything.

Xander stopped talking and looked curiously at Darkwind, "You're Wintermoon's brother, right?"

Darkwind nodded his head, still unable to get his mind and mouth to work together.

"Cool. How fast can you get to K'Sheyna Vale?"

"I. I don't know. Why? Is something wrong with my brother?"

"No. He's fine. But he's getting married. I'm sure he'd like you to be there. All of you."

"Married? Wintermoon is getting married? Are you sure we're talking about the same man."

"Yep. The ceremony is in a few days. You better hurry. He'll be going on an extended honeymoon afterwards." Xander casually moved to the edge of the roof and prepared to fly home to his family.

"Wait! Who is he marrying?" Darkwind called.

Xander turned and gave him a huge smile, canines and all, "That's easy. He's marrying me."


Xander was about to follow Tarlac off of the roof when Darkwind managed to get his mouth to work in conjunction with his brain. "Wait! Please!"

Xander turned to look at his lover's younger brother, "Yeah?"

Darkwind walked closer to him and held out a hand in entreaty, "Please, stay for a while." Seeing that the young man was about to refuse he quickly added "Just until we can get ready to go. I know we'll slow you down, but I'd really like to be there for the ceremony and traveling together will give us the chance to get to know each other."

Xander's desire to get back to his family warred with the need to make sure Darkwind made it to the Vale safely. He saw Tarlac circling above and told him to head back to the Vale, he'd be following later. Then he put out a call to his daughter, knowing she would be waiting to hear from him. /Ghost? You listening?/

His daughter's reply was interposed with giggles. /Yes, Daddy, I'm listening. You said bad words, Daddy./ Ghost's giggles made Xander turn red and he squirmed at the thought of what he'd said, he quickly moved to distract his daughter.

/I'm here with Wintermoon's brother and his wife, can you broadcast to them too?/

/Sure Daddy. Hang on a second, let me get Wintermoon and the others./

Xander waited impatiently for his daughter, he hated waiting. He didn't bother to hide his grin at the shock on the other's faces when Ghost's mindvoice rang out so clearly.

/Okay, Daddy, we're ready. I'll send for Wintermoon and Kal'enel too./ Xander could feel her frown when she sent /I think I can boost everyone so we can all hear. Is that what you wanted, Daddy?/

/That'd be great baby. Kal'enel, how are you and Vkandis doing?/

The Goddess' thoughts were weak but clear. /Much better now Xander. I am still recovering but I heal quickly and so does your father. We should be completely well by the time you return./

Xander's relief was obvious to everyone in the link, /That's good Mom, really good. I was getting worried./

/We felt the demon die, are you all right?/

/Yeah, no problem. He wasn't that tough./

Overtones of irritation colored Kal'enel's reply, /Tough enough Xander. Your father and I could not defeat him, and we aren't exactly weak./

Xander back tracked quickly, very quickly. /Of course you're not. But you guys probably tried to use magic right? Well I didn't. I just tackled him and beat him into submission, then I fried him with Dad's Spear. I told you he was toast./

Kal'enel read her child's memories of his encounter with the demon that had almost cost her her life. She became almost incoherent with anger, /You dive bombed him and fought him with YOUR BARE HANDS! Are you INSANE! You could have been KILLED! You will never, NEVER do such a thing again! Do you hear me Alexander?!/

Darkwind, Elspeth and Firesong winced at the Star-Eyed's thoughts, but Xander merely smiled. /Don't be such a Mom, Mom. I'm fine. Not even any bruises. Thanks for that by the way./

/Thanks for what Xander? I did nothing. And since you have chosen me to be your mother I will *be* your mother. And as your mother I have every right to tell you not to do something so dangerous./

/Okay, okay, whatever you say Mom. But if you didn't heal me, who did?/

/I do not know Xander, we will discuss it when you return./

Wintermoon suddenly jumped into the conversation, his mind voice wistful, /Speaking of your return, are you coming home now?/

Xander grinned at Darkwind's impersonation of a fish out of water, /Soon, but I met your brother and he wants to come to the ceremony so I'll be traveling back with him and Elspeth. I just wanted to let you know I'll be a little later than I'd planned. Is that all right?/

/Of course A'shke, I would love to have them here to attend our bonding. But I wish I didn't have to wait./

/Yeah, me too. But I'll make it up to you. Promise./

/I don't mean to intrude,/ Firesong sent, /but I would also like an invitation./

/Firesong, is that you?/

/Yes Wintermoon. I must say, I approve of your choice of a mate./

/I'm *so* glad Firesong./ Wintermoon's mind voice fairly dripped with false sincerity, causing Ghost and Xander to laugh, /Please, do come Firesong. I would like to see you again, it has been a long time. And besides, it wouldn't be a party without you./

Firesong sniffed indignantly, but then he smiled, /I wouldn't miss this for the world. I never thought I'd see the day when you married./

/Neither did I./

Ghost finally grew impatient and interrupted, /Daddy, how long will you be gone? I miss you. And everything is ready now./

/Soon honey. We'll leave in the morning and move as fast as we can okay? We'll talk everyday and you can keep track all right?/

/Okay Daddy. Love you./

/Love you too Ghost. Be good and I'll talk to you tomorrow./


Xander followed the older trio down the stairs and out into the courtyard. He fought the urge to fly away when he came face to face with what appeared to be hundreds of people. Most of them armed with crossbows, all aimed right at him.

Firesong, Darkwind and Elspeth stepped in front of him, blocking their aim. Elspeth's voice rang with the authority she'd been born to, "Stand down. This is the Champion of The Star-Eyed. He killed the creature and saved us all." Her eyes glinted dangerously when her command wasn't immediately obeyed, "I said STAND DOWN!"

One of the guards in the front row unthinkingly said what was on all of their minds, "But he isn't human! He's a creature too!"

Up to this point Xander hadn't really considered how his appearance would make people look at him. He glanced down at his extended talons then over his shoulder at his wings. He'd never once thought people would see him as a monster now too. He swallowed down the pain the comment caused and spoke quietly to Darkwind, "I'm going to go. Being here is making these guys really nervous and I'd rather not see if my ability to heal can handle getting shot with an arrow. I'll wait for you outside of the city, but I won't wait much past dawn. I want to go home."

He launched himself straight up was quickly lost to sight before Darkwind had a chance to say a word.


Darkwind watched as Xander faded from sight. He turned back to face the crowd in time to see Queen Selenay and Talia push their way to the front.

The Queen hugged her daughter to her for a moment and then held her at arm's length. "Elspeth, are you all right?"

"Physically yes. But the Guards just managed to insult the Champion of the Star-Eyed so much I'll be surprised if he ever comes to help us again."

Selenay frowned, "I heard. And I saw him leave. It is unfortunate, but I don't see how we could possibly make it up to him. We may not have a problem with his appearance, but the common people will. You know as well as I do that no matter what we say or do they'll continue to think what they want."

"I know that Mother, but I don't have to like it. Darkwind, Firesong and I will be leaving shortly. Darkwind's brother is getting married and we want to be there."

"Of course dear. I wish I could go too. Will you be back soon?"

"She may well be," Firesong said in a loud voice, making sure everyone in the vicinity could hear him. "But I will not. I will never willingly return to this land again."

Shocked murmurs could be heard racing through the crowd and the members of the Council who'd just arrived demanded an explanation for Firesong's statement.

"You *demand* an explanation from me?" Firesong said incredulously. "I owe you nothing. This is not my land and you are not my people. I have put up with you for far too long. But when you insult my Goddess, you go to far."

He looked at the crowd, his distaste evident even through the mask he wore. "You have no idea what that young man has been through. No idea at all. And still you judge him on his appearance."

Firesong pulled off the mask and let everyone see the scars that warped his once beautiful face. "I got these preventing the final Mage Storm, do you judge me unfit because of them?"

Only Talia could meet his eyes. Darkwind and Elspeth stood behind him, resting their hands on his shoulder, giving him their support. "If the Star-Eyed were not the compassionate Goddess that she is, this insult would be enough to declare war upon you. There may yet be consequences to this."

Firesong put his mask back in place and tried to move through the crowd. One of the Councillors grabbed his arm, "What do you mean consequences? Are you threatening us?"

Firesong plucked the man's fat fingers from his sleeve and glared at him. "The Star-Eyed considers the Champion NightHawk to be her son." Firesong waved an elegant hand at the cluster of people surrounding them, "These people insulted him, they *threatened* him. And by proxy; her. If I were she, there would definitely be consequences to this."

Firesong strolled through the crowd, head high and eyes forward. He would not miss this place or these people. Not at all.

Darkwind started after Firesong, stopping only long enough to look Selenay in the eye, "If it were not for the love I have for your daughter, I, too, would refuse to return to this place."

Selenay stared after the two mages who had saved her kingdom and wondered what this meant for her and her people. She shook those thoughts aside and went back to her duty. Protect her people, even from themselves if necessary.

Talia pulled Elspeth to one side and hugged her, "Are you all right Catling?"

"Not really." Elspeth scrubbed angry tears from her face, "Talia; Xander, NightHawk the Champion, whatever you call him, he's so young, hardly more than a boy really. How can I make this up to him? He saved us. He took that creature apart with his bare hands and destroyed it. We couldn't even slow it down. And what did he get in return? He got his feelings hurt, badly. He looked so lost. How can we make this better?"

Talia shook her head, "I don't know Catling, I don't know."


Karal and Altra were waiting for Firesong when he got back to his ekele.

"Firesong, Altra and I would like to come with you. We want to meet Vkandis' child and thank him personally for his help."

"Do you know what happened?"

"Yes. Altra was watching the whole thing." Karal brushed his hand through the Firecat's cream colored fur, "Firesong, Altra thinks Vkandis might call me home because of this."

Altra rumbled a purr and rubbed his head against Karal's chest, /He will be angry Firesong. Very angry. He may well call all Karsites home. And the people of Iftel too. I have seen him angered before. And lived to speak of it. Others have not been so fortunate. It is possible he may decide to close the borders to our lands again. We came so close. So close to real peace, only to have some idiot ruin everything./

Firesong let go of his own anger long enough to consider what this could lead to. The war between Valdemar and Karse wasn't so long ago that it couldn't be easily rekindled. Against his nature and his own need for revenge against the insult to his Goddess, Firesong said the one thing Karal never expected.

"Let's talk to the Champion. Maybe we can stop this before it goes any farther. I may not really care for these people, but I have no wish for another war to break out."


Ghost heard and felt everything. Her tiny body vibrated with anger. Those people hurt her Daddy! She stomped her way over to the cluster of people surrounding the Star-Eyed and rudely pushed her way through to where the Goddess sat on the mossy ground.

Ghost crawled into her lap and took the Goddess' face in her grubby little hands. /Those people are *bad*. They hurt Daddy./

/They hurt Xander? How?/

/They said he wasn't human, that's he's a creature just like the demon. And they pointed their arrows at him. He went away./

Kal'enel was by nature peace loving. The fury that raced through her being was new to her. As was the desire to wreck retribution on the heads of the mortals foolish enough to hurt her son.

She centered herself, reaching for the calm needed to decipher the direction her thoughts were taking. The reason behind her emotions quickly became clear. Xander was *her* son. No matter that she hadn't carried him in her body. At the moment of his transformation she had given him a piece of herself. As had Vkandis. Between them they had taken a human, gifted beyond all others but still mortal, and changed him. He was neither mortal or God now, but something between.

But knowing the reasons behind her rage did not ease it. Any mother would react in the same way when her child was hurt. And this wounding would not go unpunished. Not by her, and certainly not by Vkandis.

She rose gracefully to her feet and set Ghost aside. She looked into the child's heart and mind. She saw the same fury that raced through her veins glaring from her dark brown eyes. Quickly making a decision, she scooped Ghost up into her arms and vanished. Leaving the people of K'Sheyna Vale and especially Wintermoon wondering just what in her name was going on.


Kal'enel appeared on the Moon Paths with Ghost still clutched in her arms. She sent her awareness out into the void seeking her mate. He appeared before them in seconds.

"Kal'enel, what is wrong?"

Words could not convey her anger or sorrow so she linked her mind with his and let him see what had occurred.

To say he was displeased was a vast understatement. Only the presence of the child kept him from venting his feelings.

"How shall we punish them for their impertinence my love?"

"We should go to Valdemar first Vkandis. We need to speak to the Spirit of the Companions before we act."

"Agreed. I cannot imagine it pleased with the people it has chosen to protect."


Rolan stood in the center of the grove in silent communication. His father had at times in the past become angry with the people but Rolan had never seen him like this before. He nodded once in acknowledgment of his orders and left the grove to find his companion. His siblings followed. All of them hating what they had to do.


Karal, Altra and Firesong met up with Darkwind on the path outside the ekele. The younger Hawkbrother was clearly distressed.

"Firesong, I..." Darkwind shook his head in disgust and then shrugged, unable to put his feelings into words.

"I know Darkwind." Firesong heaved a sigh and straightened his shoulders. "We'll talk to NightHawk, maybe we can prevent a catastrophe from occurring. But I am still leaving."

Darkwind hugged his friend for a moment and then stepped back. "Let's go find him. Hopefully he didn't go far."

The small group was headed towards the palace gate when they heard yelling and screaming. They ran towards the sound and stopped in dismay. Firesong put their feelings into words. "It appears we may be too late."

The Hawkbrothers headed for the crowd and the Gods who had just appeared, Karal stayed behind for a moment and spoke to Altra. The cat purred in approval and led his friend to Vkandis' side before disappearing.


Kal'enel and Vkandis held a three way conference with the Spirit. It was as angry as they were, but not for the same reasons. /I am sorry your child was treated badly. It was uncalled for. But if they have a problem with him, what do they think of MY children? Most of them were human once. They voluntarily took the form of animals to aid the mortals who call this their home. But the people here seem to think they are better than my children. I would prove them wrong./

Kal'enel and Vkandis paused to consider what the Spirit had said. It was true, the mortals here held themselves above others who did not appear as human. It was time that they learned a lesson.

The three discussed their plans, but Ghost came up with the solution. /They're bad. They should be spanked and sent to bed./

The Gods and the Spirit stared at the child and them at each other. Grins slowly took over the angry faces and a plan was reached. Kal'enel, Ghost and Vkandis went to the humans while the Spirit spoke to his own children.


Selenay and Talia were frantically trying to restore order to the crowd when the Star-Eyed, Vkandis and a small child appeared in the middle of the melee. The child immediately slid out of the Star-Eyed's arm and stomped over to the guard who had insulted the Champion.

She glared up at him for a moment, then kicked him in the shin as hard as she could. The man yelped and bent down to clutch his injured leg. As soon as his face got into her reach she slapped him across the mouth. Her mindvoice was so loud it drove many to their knees.

/You're BAD!!! You hurt my Daddy!/

The guard was reaching for the brat that had kicked him when inhumanly strong hands grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him off his feet. He stared into the blazing eyes of the Karsite Sun God and gulped.

Vkandis shook the mortal like a dog with a bone. His voice boomed out over the crowd. "You dare to touch my Granddaughter? Human, you're life could end here and now."

Ghost giggled and buried her face against Vkandis' leg. Her family was getting bigger all the time.

Karal laid a quiet hand on his God's arm, hoping to prevent the man's sudden demise. "Sunlord. Please."

Vkandis looked down into the sightless eyes of his youngest priest. He slowly set the human back on his feet and released him. "Karal. They deserve to be punished. What they did is inexcusable."

"I know that Sunlord. But it was a single man, not the multitude."

Ghost tugged on the pretty man's shirt. She frowned when she realized he was blind and couldn't see her. /The man said it, but they were all thinking it. They think Daddy is a monster. That he'll turn on them and destroy them. Right now most of them think that Grandmother and Grandfather made him to take over. They say Grandpa Vkandis and Grandma Kal'enel are savages and can't be trusted./

Karal reached out a hand and the little girl grabbed it, how he wished he could see her. "I know they aren't very grateful, but most people fear new things. The same way a child will fear the darkness under the bed. They must be proven wrong, but if they are destroyed they will never learn."

Ghost tilted her head and let her mind slip into the man's thoughts. He honestly believed what he was saying. Ghost immediately liked him and made a decision on the spot. He would be part of her family too.


The Star-Eyed gazed impassionately at the Queen of Valdemar. Her voice was quiet but her anger was clear. "My son risked his life to help your people. He received no thanks. Only threats and insults. Tell me why I should let this pass unchallenged?"

Selenay looked to Talia for help but her young advisor didn't know what to say. The two women turned back to the Goddess and Selenay tried to reason with her. "We are very sorry. The situation is unfortunate but surely you wouldn't punish an entire people for one man's mistake."

"If he had insulted the son of a king you would be preparing for war. Instead, he insulted the son of the Gods." Kal'enel drew her power around her and passed judgment. "From this day forward, my people and yours are enemies. We will not aid you against the darkness and will destroy any that come into our lands. All of my people will be called home. Never to return to this place."

Selenay gasped in dismay, this could very well mean the end of her kingdom.

Darkwind heard the Star-Eyed's proclamation and felt his heart sink. He turned pleading eyes to his mate and something in him died when she stepped closer to her mother and slowly pulled the feather from her hair. She looked at the symbol of their union and let it fall from her hand to drift silently to the ground.

Firesong heard a pained gasp and looked at Darkwind. His face was pale. Firesong followed his friend's gaze and saw Elspeth break all of her vows to Darkwind. He looked at his former student with cold eyes. She paled at the strength of the hatred in his eyes and knew this would never be forgiven.

Elspeth staggered from a hard shove in the middle of her back. Her Companion stood behind, misery in every line of her gleaming white body. /Chosen. What have you done?/

/The Star-Eyed has called her people home. He can't stay and I can't leave. What else was I supposed to do?/

/You gave up too easily. There may still be a chance to prevent a war. But I'm afraid no one will be able to save your marriage. You shame me Chosen. And as much as it pains me, it will also make it easier./

/Make what easier?/ Rolan's mindvoice rang through every head in the courtyard. /Because of your actions here today, it has been decided that you no longer deserve us. All Companions across the land will refute their Chosen. Come my siblings, it is time to go home./


All of the Heralds across the land fell to their knees. Most begging their Companions not to leave them. Talia was overwhelmed by the sudden rush of anguish. She felt a strangely warm sensation on her face and raised a hand to it. It came away bloody. The ringing in her mind became stronger and blackness overtook her. Strong arms caught her limp form and carefully lowered it to the ground. Star speckled eyes looked up at the suddenly quiet crowd and a harsh voice said, "What the FUCK is going on here?"


Xander sat on a stump in the center of the clearing. He was just far enough outside the city to avoid people. He mindlessly snapped a stick into ever smaller pieces while his thoughts ran around in circles.

'Okay. People think I'm some kind of freak. I guess the wings and fangs are a little much.' He began the slide into total depression when his daughter's face rose up in his memories. The look of wonder and awe when she saw his wings and her rapt fascination with the softness of the feathers. He got warm inside at the memory of her voice, husky and soft, 'Daddy. You're beautiful.'

Xander purposefully went over Wintermoon's reaction to his transformation. The hot look of lust and desire tempered by love. And the intimate shiver when his wings had wrapped around his lover.

Other memories came then. The Gryphon's delight. The Hertasi scrambling to redesign his robes for the ceremony they were certain would still take place. The Dyheli Stag King's quiet comment, 'Now you will be able to see your enemies from above. Any advantage you can take in protecting your herd is an excellent thing.'

And the sheer reverence of the people of K'Sheyna Vale. They saw him as the Champion, the son of their Goddess, Ghost's father and Wintermoon's mate. They didn't see a freak or a monster.

Xander finally made peace with himself and his transformation. He relaxed and settled in to enjoy the quiet when the biggest cat he had ever seen suddenly popped into existence at his feet.

Xander jumped to his feet and scrambled backwards. "Whoa. Hey Kitty. Where'd you come from?"

Altra sniffed in disdain, /I am Altra. Not 'Hey Kitty'. I am of Fire Cat. I serve the Sun Lord Vkandis./

Xander immediately grew concerned, "Is Dad all right? I thought he was getting better after I destroyed the demon."

Altra sat down on his haunches, poise and calm radiating from every line in his body. /Your 'Father' is in excellent shape. But I can not say the same for the people of Valdemar./

"Valdemar? What's happened now?"

/Your parent's happened. They are extremely upset with the people who chose to insult and threaten their child. I believe your daughter is also there./

"Ghost?! What's she doing in Valdemar?"

Altra purred a laugh, /She was kicking a Guardsman and telling him he was 'bad' for hurting her Daddy. Vkandis was on the verge of reducing the man to ashes when I came to find you./

Xander groaned and buried his head in his hands, "I wanted a family. I 'asked' for a family. Guess it's true."

/What's true?/ Altra asked curiously.

"Be careful what you wish for. You might get it."

Xander rose to his feet and stretched his wings, "Well, come on Altra. Let's go see if we can prevent the 'rents from wrecking havoc on the mortals."


Xander caught the same thermal he'd rode on earlier and quickly made his way back to the palace. His star filled eyes caught sight of a woman bleeding from her nose. He landed in time to catch her unconscious body before it fell to the ground. Even he could feel the pain coursing through her slim body. He raised angry eyes and said the first thing that came to his mind. "What the FUCK is going on here?"

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