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Unexpected Aka Necromancer's Beginnigns


Back in the non-romantic world, Xander was sitting in his car, wondering just what was going to happen, not to mention what he was going to do about it. Should he tell the Scooby gang? How would he keep it from them anyway? And Anya...Would she understand or would she turn and run from him. He knew next to nothing about what he was, other than what he'd experienced and what Spike had told him, so how would he know what would give him away and what wouldn't? He couldn't go around raising corpses accidentally and have everyone look at him weird. Besides, he'd lose his job if he, or the pizzas, smelled like a dead body.

So, he figured, I have to figure out how to control these...powers. Xander hadn't the slightest idea where to start, but soon came up with something. Giles, he guessed, had to have something on what he was. But, Xander reflected, he couldn't think of one way to get a book from the Watcher's library without incriminating himself. Then he remembered the majik shop which he had often driven Willow during their high school times. The man had been friendly, kind, and above all, quiet. He couldn't see that benevolent old man telling anyone anything, if there wasn't a good reason. Besides, the man had always been especially nice to him, asking him if he wanted anything and throwing in something extra whenever he picked up something for the Scooby's witch-in-training. It seemed Xander's best bet. He had a bit of time before he had to be at work, and he knew the shop was open, so he decided to stop by.

When he walked in, the first thing he noticed was the strong aroma of spice in the air. Willow had told him long ago that the owner was rather partial to incense, some kind of wood, she'd said. Well, whatever it was, it made Xander feel a little bit better. The young man, though still a smidge nervous, waved at the old gentleman at the corner, then proceeded to the back, where he knew the books were. The older gentleman followed Xander with his eyes, then put down the duster he had been using on the counter and did it physically.

Xander didn't see anything, at least not anything relevant. Not a single thing on what he wanted. So he was not unhappy to see the owner standing right behind him with a large grin on his face. Xander smiled back at him, then stood straight up.

"I, uh, can't seem to find anything about the, er...topic which I need" Xander asked nervously.

The old man looked into his eyes then, staring deep and hard, as if he was taking a measure of Xander's soul with that look. His face went blank for a moment, then the smile returned.

"Looking for something on...animation?"

"Ani-Oh, yeah...Animation. Yeah, you know me. Love Disney!" Xander said with a fake smile.

"Don't worry, young man. I knew who and what you were the moment you walked into my store with young Willow. I haven't said anything in all that time and won't say anything now that you seem to know. No need to worry. I'm an old friend of yours, though I doubt Ambrose has said anything about it..."

"You...You know my dad?" Xander asked, surprise written plainly on his face. Why would his dad know anyone like this man? His father hated anything remotely illogical or occult. The math in his head wasn't working out.

"Yes, I know Ambrose. He's become quite a wreck these days. Drunk more than not. Not much of a father, I know..." The old man looked pained as he said it. He looked into Xander's eyes with such compassion and concern, "Ambrose is not one to deal with such things, at least not anymore..."

Xander wanted to speak up. He wanted to defend his father against this old man who was saying things about his father. But the words stuck in his throat. They would be lies. His father was a bum. An alcoholic, abusive bum who didn't give a damn about anything, especially his son.

"Yes, I knew Ambrose when he was a bright young man in love. He had such joy. He couldn't wait to be a father. His green eyes would shine at the site of your mother, her belly round with child, her brown eyes sparkling in the sun behind a few strands of blonde hair. They were both so happy, so excited...Excited about you, Alexander..."

"Bull" Xander said coldly in a coarse whisper. He knew his parents didn't give a damn about him, and this old man was making him start to believe the lies. The lies that would come to him at night, as he lay in his bed and dreamed of happier times that didn't exist and probably never would. The lies that told him his parents really did love him, that they were just...he didn't even remember all the excuses he had made up.

The old man gave him a strange look, and then stared at him full in the face. "No, Xander. There was a time when you were the most precious thing in the world to them. They loved you more then their own lives. You know that Ambrose gave up a good job at an ad agency in L.A. so he could raise his family in a 'clean environment'? It was only when..."

"When what? When he saw what a colossal mistake I was, THEN he started to drink like a madman and beat my mother and I?" Xander asked angrily. He could feel his anger rising again, and familiar tickle he wouldn't have recognized unless he'd had it before told him that his fingers were flickering with blue fire.

The old man blinked, then looked down at Xander's hand. Xander didn't look at it, though. He kept his eyes on the man.

"When you were four, you probably don't even remember..."


"You raised your dog from the dead..."

"What?" Xander asked in total shock. Every trace of anger had left him. What the man had said had been too surprising to allow him to hold the anger.

"Your dog, Checkers, got hit by a car. He died on the way to the vet. You buried him in the backyard that day. It started to rain, but you stayed out there with Checkers. You were so young, but he was your friend. I don't know what was going on with you, but the next moment, a little nose appeared in the dirt. Then out came Checkers. You were so happy that you completely forgot the fact that he had been DEAD. You brought him in to your parents, smiling like you always did. Your mother began to scold you for being out in the rain, but then she started to scream when she saw the dog. Ambrose came then, and took Checkers. You never saw him again. You never remembered..."

Xander stood in total shock while the memories came rushing back to him. How could he forgotten? How could he forget that? He'd been so young... "How-how do you know all that?"

The old man looked near to tears. This poor boy had gone through so much, so very much for one so young. And it wasn't even his fault. It was something none of them, Ambrose, himself, Marie, Xander, could control. He put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Because, my young man, I am your Uncle Gerard..."

"Uncle?" Xander asked. He had gotten too many surprises today, and they had taken their toll. The boy was close to fainting.

Part 6

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