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Unexpected Aka Necromancer's Beginnings


"Lord and Lady, help that child. He's a good boy...let him find his father in that old drunk. Let him find a family again..."


Xander looked back at the glass door that his newly discovered uncle had just pushed him out of. Gerard was still at the door, staring after him with such a look on his face, Xander couldn't even describe it. It was something between sadness and hope. The young animator switched that large case to his one hand and waved. His uncle, looking a bit distracted, waved back.

It was then, as he headed back to his car, that he started to wonder what the case was. Gerard had taken it out after Xander had nearly fainted, and had been fingering it nervously during the rest of the conversation. Despite it's size, Xander found it to be quite light, and he had no problem carrying it to his car.

As soon as he loaded everything in, Xander started up the car and drove home. He still had a couple hours till he was supposed to start his job, and he wanted to examine the case, and whatever it held, in privacy.

He entered his little abode and plopped down on the bed with the large case. He'd noticed it had a slight tingle to it. Xander didn't know why but he planned to find out. Still on the bed, he flipped open the clasps and pulled open the case.

He figured out what the tingling was as soon as he opened it. It had to be some sort of spell to make the case light, because, with the amount of heavy items in there, there was no way it could be as light as it was. The entire left side was covered in little compartments, filled with all sorts of labeled ingredients for who knows what. The other side was like a little shelf, and it was filled with at least twenty small leather-bound books.

Xander didn't want to mess with whatever was in the containers, but the books were definitely what Xander wanted. He pulled the one on the top left and looked it over. The little book was about 5 inches tall, an inch thick, and covered in black leather. Gold engraving told him the name of the volume.

"The Arts of Necromancy" Xander read with a smile. This was exactly what he needed. His mind went back to his uncle in the store. He hadn't even charged him. Xander made a mental note to thank Uncle Gerard next time he went in for Willow or, he thought with a smile, himself. But thoughts of the kind man reminded him of what had been said about his own father. Xander's mind boggled at the very idea of talking to his father. The only thing he did know was that he had to surprise his old man, and make sure he was strong enough to take anything the old bastard threw at him, magic, punches, or cutting comments.

And with a zeal born of desperation, Xander began to read the books.


"Yes...yes...yes, I understand...yes." Riley said into the cell phone as Buffy watched anxiously.

"What? You understand what?" Buffy asked apprehensively. She didn't get Slayer dreams very often, and usually they meant trouble. Real trouble.

"Well" Riley said as he closed the cell phone and tucked it into his pocket, "We have three names that match the blue eyes, black hair, and the right graduation class."


"Myra Robbins."

"Not. The voice I heard was distinctly male..."

"Why didn't you tell me that before?" Riley asked, more than a little aggravated. At Buffy's shrug of apology, he said the next name.

"Nicholas Addams."

"Maybe. He was awful weird all year. It's a possibility..."

"And Alexander Harris."

"Do I even have to dignify that with an answer? I mean, think of it... Xander, animator of the dead. Doesn't work in your mind either, does it?" Buffy said with a smile.

"Not really," Riley answered, "But sometimes, people can surprise you."

"Xander?" Buffy asked with something close to shock, "Not Xander. Xander is Xander is Xander. I've seen paper towels with more complication to them..."

"I'm just saying..." Riley argued, "Sometimes people are a lot more complicated and bizarre than anyone could ever guess. I mean, ever in your wildest dreams did you think that I was working for the Initiative before that day in the clock tower?"

"No" Buffy admitted, "But you're you...and Xander is Xander. I've known him since I came here, and Willow has known him since they were three."

"Just don't count someone out too quickly" Riley said, "And never judge a book by it's cover..."

"Sorry, Riley. With Xander, what you see is what you got..."

Part 8

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