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Cordelia couldn’t believe it. Alex had been with them through so much in the short period of time. He had only been with them for four months, but he was already a good influence on the employees at Angel investigations. Like, he had mothered and bullied Angel till he was social and went out, and he had forced Doyle to give up drinking.

They hadn’t known why Alex wanted Doyle to stop drinking and he couldn’t tell them with his memories gone. Doyle had refused saying that drinking was the only way to combat the visions. Alex hadn’t believed that and put his foot down. No matter what Doyle did Alex wouldn’t go out with him until he gave up the drinking. Naturally Doyle stopped drinking.

That had not come as a shock to Angel or Cordelia. Doyle tried everything to get Alex to go out with him. He tried candies, flowers, and even serenaded him, but nothing had worked. For Doyle Alex was his one love; he just had to convince Alex of that. Not that Alex wasn’t interested.

Cordelia had to laugh at the two of them. They had their own brand of flirting where Doyle would ask Alex on a date and Alex would either turn him down gently or avoid the question. She knew it frustrated Doyle.

She had asked Alex once why he did it and the reply he had given her had been because it was fun toying with Doyle’s mind. She knew she would never understand them.


Alex was walking in the door of Angle Investigations when he saw Doyle collapse to the floor. He rushed to Doyle’s side and took him into his arms. He cooed soft comforting words and stroked Doyle’s forehead trying to ease the pain. Doyle struggled in his arms to get vision out of his head.

Cordelia and Angel came running from the inner office. "What did you see?" Angel asked Doyle.

"Sunnydale, a big blue demon, slaughter." He managed to gasp out.

"Okay. Here’s what we do. Cordelia you go search for anything like this. Alex, you tend to Doyle. I’m going to call Sunnydale." Angel says taking charge. He stalks to his office to make the phone call.

Alex helped Doyle up and over to the couch. "Is there anything you need right now Doyle? I hate seeing you in pain."

Doyle smiles. "Come sit by me. You make the pain go away."

Alex smiled back. "Okay, I can do that." He sits on the couch and pulls Doyle into his arms. Kissing Doyle on the forehead he asks, "So, what did you do today?"

"Organized the books mostly. Oh and I missed you." Doyle answered leaning up and placing a kiss on Alex’s mouth. Alex responds by deepening the kiss. They are deep in a make out session when Angel interrupts them.

"Ahem. As happy as I am that you two have gotten together we need you in the office."

The two get up and follow Angel into the office.

Cordelia looks up from her searching long enough to say " I’m not going back to Sunnydale with you and you’ll need someone here just in case so that’ll be me."

Angel says, "The guys in Sunnydale are willing to let us come so you two need to go home and pack some clothes. We leave at dusk."

Alex and Doyle nod and walk out into the lobby where they part ways.

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