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"Being in part a disclosure of the dread powers of chaos, and in the main illustration of said powers' followers and daemons and other diverse abominations, especially those damned warriors and heretics that compose the traitor legions, and wherein is conducted an examination of the most lamentable extent of chaos to be found in the realm of man; and a further discussion of the daemons, mortals and sundry creatures who worship, serve, follow and venerate the dark powers of the unholy within the ungodly regions of existence both hell and earth."

"Giles, have a look at this." Wesley while still reading gestures to Giles to look into the heavy gilded volume.

"These are the writings of Grand Inquisitor Peter Dorsey, it seems that he had a vision that explained to him what was happening to an arch-duke in a situation very similar to Xander's." Wesley hands the book to Giles and starts looking for another cross-reference in other books about the Inquisition.

"Yes, so it seems." Giles was idly chewing on his glasses.

"But still, the Inquisitors were by no means tolerant of the supernatural. We have to be careful, what this man may have said is very biased. At that point in time, anything beyond the normal was considered demonic."

"Yes, but Giles, this will at least tell us what we can expect from Xander in the next few hours. I going to cross reference this with the histories the Watchers council has to see if this has occurred anywhere else." 

"Well, from what this says, Xander is going to be calm and sedated, but that in the end he will become a "daemon most foul" whatever that may be. It isn't remarkably helpful"

"Look, here it says that "his breast was afflicted with mark and glyph most foul, and dark, hell marks him for possession." I can't figure what this is." Giles looked down at the illustration seeing a multi-pointed smear of black and red on a mans chest.

Wesley looked over into Giles's book and became interested," Giles, in Angels exploits in L.A. he procured a prophetic scroll." Wesley reached into his bag pulling out a golden tube. "That symbol appears once on it..." He unrolled the scroll and started scanning over it.

"There it is... all right we are going to have to translate this passage." Wesley pulled out a pen and paper, quickly scrawling down symbols.

"Alright, you translate that, I'm going to double check the Codexes of the Inquisition." Once again Giles started sifting off through stacks of books brought out from every storage space in his house.

* * *

Riley ducked quickly and lost his footing falling onto his stomach and sliding down towards the edge of the room.

"Damn soldier boys, watch for the little ones, stupid blokes" Riley slid and was hanging form the edge while listening to Spike yell at the ex-initiative boys.

The ugly demon-spider beast crossed over to the edge and stooped down to claw off Riley's hands. From what he could tell the other two must be going to the skylight.

"Heads up!" he yelled just before quickly going hand over hand so that he was hanging off the gutter facing away from the house. He then swung his legs up and hooked the demons midsection. with a quick yank he and the demon ended up free-falling just about 2 and a half stories. The demon falling head-first, with his legs wrapped around its midsection and his arms around its disgusting abdomen and legs. Just as they were about to hit the Demons silk stringy thing went taut and they swayed about ten feet off the ground.

"Pudu GREEEKXIE" It screeched at him in a shrill roar

"Squad 1, give up the blasters, we need more stakes and holy water" Even as he was giving orders he shifted around the Demons body and stuffed a knife into the base of its head. He pulled the knife out and stuck it in its teeth. It is gross, he thought that these spider-demons blood, ichor stuff was actually pretty tasty. With the knife held in his mouth, pirate style he started climbing back to the roof on the dead demons web.

He felt that he had a handle on the demons on the roof, but the vampires were getting out of hand. They were everywhere. A little while ago the police had arrived, the fire department. They are all dead now. He doesn't know what is next, should he be expecting the National Guard the FBI, who knows. He was glad though that the large demons were thinning out.

Reaching the top, he saw the skylight open, and a long, pike looking weapon was jutting out of it near the two spider-demons. He saw a pair of feminine hands wielding it, somewhat awkwardly.

"Go away you icky, jerk things!" He remembered the voice from recent introduction, it was Cordelia.

He threw himself into on of the demons and though it had greater mass, he managed to knock it off the roof. As he turned to face the other he heard a gratifying crunch sound. It must not have had a safety line like its brother he had just killed.

Below Spike was a whirling dervish of death, offing vampires left and right. He had taken up a wooden quarter staff with both ends sharpened. Though he used it with no martial arts mastery or finesse he was still quite capable with it.

"Look lads, you have to be better than that." He yelled to Graham nearby.

"See, these are some seasoned fighting folk, they have only had an eternity to learn how to fight..." He stopped instantly when interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Spike, Miss Edith want you to stop all this inappropriate fighting." Spike almost dropped his staff, looking over at Drusilla, who was walking towards him from the street. She was dressed decadently all in black with her doll called Miss Edith draped over her arm and held against her stomach.

"You really shouldn't empty out mothers nest like this, it hurts my feelings. I spent lots of time rebuilding and now your killing them all"

"Dru... why are you here." Spike was frozen the battle still whirling around him, but he was focused entirely on Drusilla.

"I'm back here for the cute little boy that the slayer keeps all to herself."

"Now, look Dru I hate it when you rub this Angel thing in my face, sod off!"

"No silly, my Angel is dead, I want the boy, Xander." She drew closer and ran her fingers across Spikes shoulder." Help me love." Her voice was so cute and wonderful. "I saw, and he came to me, The Keeper of Secrets, The Changer of Ways, he said that the boy will be our friend and we will have wondrous fun." She was staring off into the sky while slowly dancing with subdued ecstasy and excitement. Swaying and drifting around, enticing Spike more that he could believe.

"I'm sorry Dru, but I'm protecting this boy, the brainy, research guys, you know the watchers, say he will slay stuff and rot the world and that. Also the soldier guys said the would remove this chip when we're done... I'm sorry baby" He drew back into a fighting stance, and lifted the pole. She hissed like an angry cat and brought her arms up on either side of her head.

"Now Spike, not again." As her features snarled into her "game face" he noticed that blood was running down her cheeks, like she was crying tears of blood.

"The Great Keeper told me to and you wont stop me!"

Spike realized that she had become larger and stronger, she must have received a blessing from some dark god. She looked much scarier and definitely the sexiest ever.

"I'm sorry pet"

They started to fight, the centre point in a large and bloody battle. You couldn't even see the ground anymore beneath all the dead demons, dismembered humans, and dusted vampire remains.

* * *

"Tara, look at this." Willow handed a blood read book with black iron working on it to her pointing to the page.

"Willow, why are you looking in a book about blood ritual spells." Tara looked at Willow with eyes of concern. Willow noticed how nice it was that Tara was actually making eye contact while speaking.

"We need, any help we can get. Look on that page, the battle spell of Kaella Mensha Khaine."

Tare looked down read the page, then looked back up at Willow in fear.

"You want to summon the minions of a god of war and sacrifice! Willow we cannot handle summoning and control magic! The demons will run wild and join the fight against us." Tara looked very concerned and scared.

"We have to and we can control then, and the Initiative boys will not even remember it. We have to, look they are losing terribly out there. Three of ours are down and Riley is barely holding them off."

"I really don't think we should, but Ill do it." Tara sounded defeated

"Lets get Cordelia we need three for this spell." Willow started reading the spell over more carefully.

* * *

"Alright, we have to set up on the roof." Willow was carrying a bag of supplies and some books. Cordelia was poking at something outside the window with a berdiche' long handled axe.

"Go away you icky, jerk things!" Cordelia yelled at them.

Tara peeked out the window and saw the terrible looking spider-demons just as one was thrown off the roof. The rushed out into the roof while Riley started knife fighting with the other demon.

"Tara, we need the symbols painted, Cordelia start putting the candles around a circle on the flat part of the roof over there." Willow her self started chanting and throwing bone splinters around. Tara started painting with goats blood on white strips of cloth.

"Alright, put these on." Tara handed out the strips and Willow hung hers around her neck like a priests shawl. The dripping marking glinting with magical power.

"Oh, yuck" Cordelia grimaced and hung hers on. She held the sides of it away from her so as to avoid getting the blood anywhere near her.

"Hurry, we have to be quick." Willow motioned for them to sit at opposite points on the triangle from her, with groups of three candles in the empty spaces between them on the pentagram.

They began chanting, the spirit quickly overtaking them. Their head slowly leaned back and as they chanted blood red mist drifted up from their mouths. It started swirling around them with faces and spirits forming within it. The wind picked up and unearthly light glowed along the lines of the pentagram. Their shawls flapped around, the blood on them boiling. Sounds started generating from it, cracks of thunder and insane cackles. Their chanting intensified and arcs of yellow and blue light connected them between their outstretched limbs. Their voices started echoing and twisting, almost as if being repeated by a chorus of otherworldly beings. The mists sifted out and down in among the embattled initiative members, around Riley as he was still wrestling with the spider-demon, around Spike also. They started seizering and flailing about. Red mist eddying and causing them to burn as the were reborn. Their skin bulged and puckered, splitting open and revealing their new demonic embodiments. Their skin, heavy leathery and red, with black horns curling goat-like from their scalps. Long sharp and harsh teeth and claws, their legs buckled and snapped backwards, become birdlike legs that bent in the opposite directions of humankinds. The screamed and roared, vomiting forth the demonic words "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!"

The girls quickly snapped their attention backup onto the roof as they saw what was happening to Riley. His face as pushing outwards and his muscles bulging. He snapped upwards into the air and remained suspended there and started raining blood down onto the ground. His skin blackened and curled off him into ashes. He started swelling in size, and a brutal wolfen snout burst through his face. Two long horns goatlike and twisted, two straight horns black and pointy, rows on rows of pointed teeth. Two immense bat-like wings unfurled from his back and as the ashy skin flaked off revealing his stacked muscles under the creepy red, leathery skin, he seemed to regain control of his actions. He swung forward and started tearing into the terrified and frozen spider-demon in front of him with inhuman roars and howls. Willow, Tara and Cordelia grabbed their books and ran back inside through the sky-light. They slammed the glass back into place and stared at the carnage outside. Nothing but hollowed out bones and ichor covered wads of flesh were left of the spider demon. The beast Riley had become rose up upon it hooves and howled into the moon, his arms outstretched and dripping with blood and goo. He then snarled and leapt off the roof into the fray below.

"My god, what did we do..." Willow anted to cry, she as holding on to Tara and thankfully Tara was holding her too.

"Cordelia was staring at them, "Did I miss something?" She said in a confused and disturbed voice.

* * *

Part 5

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