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Clear Perceptions

Lady Bard

E-mail: ladybard@shellworld.net
Archive: Yes
Rating: Anywhere from pg to R
Type: Adventure/Drama/X-over/AU
Fandoms: The Sentinel and The Rowan series
Pairings: Jim/Blair, others
Disclaimers: These characters do not belong to me. The major crimes gang belong to Petfly and the Roan characters belong to Ann McCaffrey. I intend neither infringement or money. I write this for the entertainment of myself and those who read it.
Warnings: This work will include references to homosexuality; while not the only type of relationship depicted in this work, I know that it might be distasteful to some. If you find that offensive do not read this. There will also be bad language and mild violence. If any of this bothers you, again please do not read. One more thing gang, Jim is homophobic through a large part of this story. He will be fighting attraction to a certain Anthropologist. I hope to deal with his phobia realistically so buckle up but don't worry too much, I'm a romantic kind of gal.
Authors note: For those of you familiar with the Rowan series; these events take place right after Damia's children and will hopefully integrate events from Lyon's pride and go beyond them. I don't think you will have to read the roan books to understand what is going on here. I will try to explain references from the series within my work..
While I'll gladly accept constructive criticism I will not respond kindly to flames but I will respond. After I'm done responding to them, I'll pass them around to my friends so there.
Dedication to Bigbucks our list mum for constant encouragement to us all. Hope you like this.
Telepathy will be indicated by /
Sentinel meets guide under duress. Can they work their differences out before the fate of two peoples rests in their hands?



"You. will. do. as. I. say. You still are under contract."

"Damn it Symon! I will not work with some freak."

Jim Ellison was ready to climb the walls. He'd taken the job out of desperation. He'd been tossed out of the navel forces for medical reasons and now found himself working as a type of policeman.

He was afraid of everything. He was loosing control of himself. He had moments where the slightest sound sent agony tearing through him. There were times when the light was so bright that he wanted to claw his eyes out to shut it out A shiver ran through him as he thought about his other senses.

It was the fault of his demandable senses he'd been thrown out of the navy. He didn't understand what had happened! One moment he'd been perfectly fine, the next he'd awakened being treated by a doctor. It was getting progressively worse. Sometimes hours would pass and he'd be completely captivated by a smell, or sound, or object.

It was amazing to him that with all the medical technology they could not find out what was wrong with him. Symon's solution had been to partner him with a fagot. Life just wasn't fair. This guy was supposed to study obscure tribes and according to his friend understood what was wrong and was more than willing to lend a hand. He wondered when Symon would stop talking. He absently stared at the swirl of colours right above his friend's head.

"Jim, old friend please be reasonable. Will you at least talk to him? and for the love of... homosexuality is not a freakish thing to be. You must be one of the only few to still think that in this day and age. Jim, Jim, Jim!?? Oh hell, Symon suddenly noticed his friend's eyes were fixed blankly somewhere above his head.

/Zara get me sandburg and hurry./

Symon banks was not a very strong telepath but his courage and knowledge of crowd control had landed him in a position to get very well aquatinted with the Gwyn/Ravens and their huge extended family. He'd thought to help his friend out by getting him a job here. It turned out to have been a huge mistake.

Earth, while for the most part a peaceful society, was upset over some of the decisions handed down concerning the hivers. The hivers... The thought of that oh so Alien rase sent a chill along his spine. Ruled by queens they were utterly destructive thinking only of themselves wiping all life off whatever planet suited their needs. A bee-like society, they had no discernable emotions and were very much feared.

The Hivers had been discovered fifteen years earlier The Rowan and Jeff Raven, now Earth prime and her husband had lead a double-pronged attack, saving Deneb from being destroyed by the Hive, with out human loss.

/What's wrong?/

/He's done it again./

/oh, I wish I could figure out what is going on./


Jeff Raven heard the frustration and fear in his granddaughter's voice and responded with out hesitation.

/What is it Zara?/

/The new T1 that you and grandmother found, he's gone just gone. I need you to get me Blair Sandburg ported here ASAP. Apparently he's been studying these types of phenomenon where people just loose touch with things around them./

"How long have you known him Mr. Banks?

"Years Zara Years."

She knelt beside Jim gently calling his name. When that had no effect she reached out with her mind, and was thrown out. She hoped this sandburg guy could help. Symon was a good friend of her family's and she could feel his roiling emotions.

There were so many things going on with the capture of the hype queen and her discovery that they had been slowly killing her that this just seemed like one more oddity. In her 14 years of life she'd seen a lot of things being a member of the most prestigious family in the federated world's that nothing much surprised her for long.

A figure suddenly charged in dropping to the floor next to Jim. He took a second to look at Symon and Zara to say:

"Hi, I'm Blair Sandburg." Then all that attention focused on Jim.

"Come on Jim. Come on back. Listen to the sound of my voice. Jim listen to me. Here me. Come back..."

For over a half hour that low melodic voice spoke coaxing Jim slowly back to them. When Jim's eyes opened they stared into his future and he didn't even know it.

"Hi I'm Blair, Blair Sandburg."

"I'm Jim Ellison. I suppose now that you're here I can't get rid of you?"

"I'm here to help you in anyway I can. I know how you must feel right now, but you aren't loosing your mind. I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for what's happened to you. I've been looking for you my entire educational career. Jim, You are a sentinel."


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