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Coming Undone


Email: Pixiestyx
Pairing: Doyle/Xander
Rating: PG - 13
Archive: My site, list archives. Anywhere else just ask.
Summary: Doyle finds Xander on his road trip.

Part 1

Xander was free. At least he had been. But of course, something was destined to go wrong. His car, his piece of shit car was in the shop and he was stranded in Oxnard, California. Now you’re probably thinking he could have called Giles or one of the girls but no his pride wouldn’t let him. It wasn't that bad really but the only work he could get was at a strip club. He had started out as a dishwasher until one of the dancers called in sick. His boss not having anywhere else to turn asked Xander if he wanted to do it. He hadn’t wanted to but hey he’d try anything once. That was a week ago. He’d made a pretty good impression on the crowd and his boss wanted him to stay.

It was Tuesday when he met Doyle. He’d been up on stage dancing when he’d noticed a man staring at him. Xander shrugged it off easily. Every one stared at him. He forgot about the man and kept dancing. After his segment he went to his dressing room to change. 


Doyle walked to the backstage area. He knew that the boy on stage was the one he’d been sent to help. But did he have to be gorgeous? Looking around Doyle spotted the young man walk into a dressing room. He decided to wait for the man out side. He’d been leaning on the door for about ten minutes when the door was flung back. Not having a chance to gain his balance Doyle hit the floor.

He looked up and saw the boy he’d been waiting for. He scrambled to his feet since amused curiosity radiated from the boy. The boy took one look at Doyle and asked,

"Have a nice fall?"

Not expecting that reply Doyle stood there staring at the god before him.


Xander looked at the man standing across form him. {Great another pervert coming to ask if I’ll have sex with them.} Did he look like a whore? He didn’t think so.

"So are you just gonna stare at me the whole night or was there a purpose to standing outside my dressing room?" He asked folding his arms across his chest.

That seemed to snap the other man out of his stupor.

"Um yeah I was sent here."

{Hmm. Vague much?} Xander thought.

"Oookk. Do you have a name? Mine’s Xander. Do you wanna come in?" Oh look Xander that didn’t sound like a proposition at all. The little voice in Xander’s head snickered. Shut up. " To sit and talk." He clarified.

"I ‘m Doyle. Sitting ‘ould be fine." Doyle said walking past the boy, no man, Xander. Xander followed plunking down on the couch. Doyle took a chair opposite him. Xander was getting curious by now and said, 

"So who sent you here and why?"

"The Powers That Be sent me. I’m to protect you from something evil. Look I’m gonna tell you some stuff that may sound crazy but it’s not. See not only humans exist in this world. There’s also Demons…"

"Ya I know all about demons. Why’d they send you?" Xander interrupted. Doyle was taken aback for a few seconds and shrugged it off.

"They sent me here to protect you. A demon is going to try to kill you either tonight or tomorrow. I’ve got to prevent that."

"Okay. Do you have a place to stay while we wait for this mysterious demon?"

"Umm. No" Doyle admitted sheepishly. Xander chuckled.

"Why don’t you come back to my motel room. You are supposed to be protecting me aren’t you?"

"Umm. Okay that sounds good. 

Part 2

Xander unlocked the door to his room and stepped aside. Doyle noticed that he didn’t invite him in. He stepped through the door and turned to the other man. 

"See I’m not a Vampire." Xander laughs at him and steps past going to the bed and flopping down. Doyle follows sitting on a chair.

"So. Do you know what type of demon it was that was going to attack me? It might help figure out how to kill it." Xander asked. Doyle fidgeted in his seat. Xander giggled at him. Doyle shot him a glare. {He looks so cute like that.} Xander though to himself. He’d accepted that he was gay long ago. Having Larry around had seen to that. Xander grew somber at the thought of his dead lover. Doyle immediately noticed the change.

"What’s wrong Xander? You look down." He asked scooting closer to the other man. Xander looked at him and smiled slightly.

"It’s nothing really. Just remembering an old boyfriend." Xander responded. Doyle perks up at the mention of a boyfriend.

"Yeah? What happened between the two of you?" He questioned trying to find out more about the beautiful man next to him. 

Xander’s smile fell as he thought about graduation. "He was killed." He said simply. Doyle frowned and put his arm around Xander.

"I’m sorry Xander. I didn’t know or I would’ve never asked."

A small smile fought its way on to Xander’s face as he replied "No it’s ok. Like you said you didn’t know. Why don’t we get some sleep and tomorrow we can go look for the demon that’s supposed to kill me."

"Ok. That sounds like a good idea. Um I’ll sleep on the floor." Doyle says fidgeting in his chair. Xander smiles at him. {He looks so cute like that.} Xander thinks as he gets up and goes over to Doyle’s chair.

Pulling him up he says, "Nonsense. The bed’s big enough for two." Doyle looks at Xander’s innocent face.

"Ok." He agrees. {Yes!} Xander shouts to himself. The two men pull back the covers and situate themselves on the bed pull the covers over themselves and drift off to sleep. Doyle rolls over throwing his arm over Xander. Xander snuggles back with a smile on his face. 

Part 3

Waking up the next morning was something new for Doyle. Upon waking up he started cataloging the differences. Firstly he was warm; secondly he was in bed snuggled up to someone. His memories of the night before came back to him and he grinned. The kid was cute and under any other circumstances he might have pursued him but now he was just an innocent to protect. {I mean it’s not like the kid wasn’t gay. He told me he had a boyfriend} Doyle thought.

Realizing that he needed to visit the bathroom Doyle tried to get out of bed only to find out that the arm around his waist wouldn’t let him. Rolling his eyes he tried to shake Xander awake. Xander batted his arm away and mumbled, "leave me alone."

Rolling his eyes again Doyle shook him harder. Xander sat up with a glare. "What?" he growled. Doyle just smiled, said thank you and hurried to the bathroom. Xander pouted in the bed after him.

From the bathroom Doyle yelled, "Now that your awake get up. I’m hungry." He turned on the shower and got in not hearing Xander’s grumbles.

Xander got up out of bed and walked into the bathroom half asleep. Leaving his stuff on the toilet he turned to get in the shower. Pulling back the curtain he stepped sleepily in, reaching for the so-.

" Xander! Get out of here!" Doyle yelped when he noticed Xander trying to take a shower with him. Xander came awake with a start, noticed the naked man in the shower with him, blushed and jumped out. Doyle finished his shower quickly and walked into the room. He noticed that while Xander had gotten dressed he was still blushing. He walked over to Xander and said, "It’s okay Xander. You were asleep."

Xander blushes and mumbles something.

Doyle looked at him funny for a minute. Then with a puzzled look on his face he inquired to Xander, "What did you say?"

Xander blushed redder and mumbled "youhvancbdy."

" Come again?" Doyle inquired again not understanding Xander.

Xander blushed some more and enunciated this time. "You have a nice body."

Doyle joined Xander in blushing and sputtered out "Thanks I… think."

By now Xander looks like a tomato and can’t look at Doyle in the face. He clears his throat and decided now would be a good time to figure out why Doyle was here.

"So Doyle? What kind of danger was I in?" Xander asked.

"There was a demon coming here soon. I saw it in a vision I had." Doyle replied.

Xander nodded. "Yeah it seems I’m some sort of demon magnet."

"That’s odd. I’ve never heard of a human that could attract demons. I’ve heard of demons that could do it. Are you sure that you’re human?"

"I’m not sure. I was adopted so I don’t know who my real parents are."

"Well, you could at least be half human like I am."

"Really? You’re not human? What kind of demon are you?"

"I’m half Bracken. I have green skin and spines that run along my body."

"That’s cool. So any way what did this demon look like?"

"It was blue, had hor…" Doyle’s interrupted by the door caving in. A hulking blue demon stands where the door used to be.

Xander not losing his sense of humor asks Doyle, "Do you think that could be the demon in your vision?"

"Um, yeah."

The demon starts to stalk towards Xander. "You Sadha are coming with me." It announces.

Xander looks behind him. "Who me?" he asks. He grabs a letter opener on the desk behind him and throws it at the demon. It catches the demon in the throat. The demon hits the floor with a thump dead.

Doyle turns to him and asks, "How did you know how to kill it?"

"I don’t know. And why did it call me Sadha?"

"If I correct that’s a type of demon. That could have been what your parents or parent was. They’re very peaceful so you don’t have to worry about being evil and trying to take over the world."

"That’s a relief. Say I’m hungry. Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Sure. Let’s go." Doyle agrees.


The two men sat down in a booth at the local diner. The waitress came over, took their order, then left them alone. They talked about anything and everything just getting to know each other.

The waitress brought their food and they dug in. They ate their fill and then sat in silence. The silence was comfortable; so neither one of them felt the need to break it.

Xander had a thought that he just had to voice. "Doyle? Now that the demon you came here to protect me from is dead, what are you going to do?"

Doyle thought for a moment. "Well, I guess I need to get to LA. The Powers have sent me visions of a souled vampire that needs my help with redemption. So I guess I’ll go there."

Xander looked shocked. "Is the vampire’s name Angel?"

Doyle looked up startled. "Yeah, how did you know?"

Xander laughed. "He dated my best friend. I’ve got nothing to do here, need a travel partner?"

"Yeah I’d like that. But only if you go out to dinner with me sometime."

"Sure. I’d love to."

They paid the check and headed back to Xander’s motel room.


‘Several months later’

Xander looked up from his studies when his lover came into their room. Doyle was even more handsome than he’d been when they first met. He noticed Doyle rolling something around between his fingers and his curiosity got the better of him.

"What do you got there sweetie?" he asked. 

Doyle seemed startled that Xander was in the room. "Um, nothing Xander. It’s nothing."

Xander grinned. "It doesn’t seem like nothing. Come on let me see what it is."

Seeming to make up his mind about something he threw the small box at Xander. Xander caught it and opened it up.

What was inside the box took his breath away. It was a small gold ring. He turned to look at Doyle and asked breathlessly,

"Doyle? What is this?"

Doyle smiled gently at him. "It’s a wedding ring love."

Xander’s face fell. "So you’re leaving me?"

"No no Xander! It’s for you! I want you to marry me!"

"Really?" Xander looked hopeful.

Doyle nods. "Really Xander."

"Then yes! Yes I’ll marry you!" He got up from his chair and threw his arms around Doyle’s neck. He pulled Doyle’s mouth to his and claimed it in a kiss. 


Doyle drew Xander’s head into a kiss. The Kiss. It would be their first kiss as a married couple and something that Doyle would never get tired of.

Because now, for the rest of his life their would be a shining half human boy by his side. And he knew that he would be able to tackle anything with Xander standing by him.

The End

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