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Christina Melani

Sponsored to the list by: Bigbucks
Email: Christina
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Angelus/Xander/Spike

Summary: It's based earlier in the Buffy show, but with events switched around. Spike's been dumped, and Angelus is still Angelus. They kidnap Xander.

It was after a concert at the Bronze. The Scooby Gang had helped Dingoes Ate My Baby out by playing insane groupies dancing in the background as the band jammed onstage. It was supposed to get the audience into the whole garage-band vibe, promoting mindless thrashing and rocking. Buffy and Xander had tried to outdo each other's outfit, but Xander won by a landslide. The crowd enjoyed the kooky sideshow, hooting especially loud for Xander's attire, and the whole set had been heavily cheered.

Oz was great, despite his profession to lack of talent. His band was pretty good, too. They had finished the concert, and the three closest friends in Sunnydale had begun their walks home through the darkened streets of Californian suburbia. No one had bothered to change out of their 'groupie' clothes. Willow felt comfortable in her faded Sex Pistols t-shirt and Buffy liked her loose button-up shirt and oversize skater pants. And they wouldn't let Xander change, despite his protests. Buffy insisted.

"It'll scare away any would-be vamp attackers," she laughed. Xander went along with it. It wasn't everyday that they paid him this much attention. He usually lagged in the shadows of the girls, but tonight, his knee length skirt, knee high socks, tight white blouse and overall Catholic schoolgirl look was everyone's focus. The fact that the skirt was easy to walk in was a plus.

"Just very chilly," he explained. He'd lent his jacket to Willow, and was somewhat regretting it. "Xander's going dra-ag. Xander's going dra-ag," Willow crooned in a sing-song voice.

"Cut it out, poseur." Xander threatened.

"I am not a poseur!" Willow cried, indignantly.

"Oh really? When did you start liking the Sex Pistols?" Willow huffed and scrunched her face up at him. Buffy giggled.

"You're still in drag," Willow said after a moment, bopping Xander on the head with her hand and then dashing a few yards away.

"Why you little--" Xander followed her and they began a game of chase. Xander hoped someone was watching. This had to be the most embarassing thing he'd ever endured; anyone watching would get a huge kick. Buffy clicked her tongue like a disapproving mother.

"Hey, you two. Don't make me ground you both." Willow returned to Buffy's side sheepishly.

"Yes, mom." Xander, grinning at nothing in particular, joined his friends and they continued their peaceful, albeit anxious, stroll down the street. They still had four blocks until they got to their neighborhoods. The street-lamps cast an orange-tint to everything near them and the silence of the night air gave all three a lulling sense of security.

Maybe they would make it home without meeting Angelus.. A voice broke the calm and all hopes of a quiet evening vanished into the thick of the sky.

"Hey Buffy," Angelus appeared in front of the trio, seemingly from nowhere. He was smirking malevolently at his former friends. "You know, I never did thank you for returning my soul." he said, as the humans froze in shock. Buffy got her wits back first and drew out a stake the length of her forearm from her canvas Slayer-bag. Her dark eyes glittered at her ex-lover and she smiled grimly. 

"Why don't you tell it to Mr. Pointy, here." she said, inching forward, in full Slayer mode. Angelus gave cold laugh and stepped backwards.

"I think I'd rather just snap your neck and save my breath," he whispered to her, amused at her seriousness.

"God, you're an asshole. I can't believe you two did the nasty," Xander said suddenly, standing next to Willow, who was digging in her own bag for her lucky cross. He wanted to aid Buffy, but she'd claimed Angel earlier. She wanted to be the one to stake him, if it came down to that. Suddenly, Angelus flashed narrowed eyes of glittering black at Xander. And then he winked, before returning his attention to the approaching Slayer. Xander wondered if he'd imagined the look in Angelus' eyes. "Come on, Will," he urged. 

Willow shuffled through the contents of her bag frantically, aware of the sounds of battle coming a few yards away. Suddenly, her face broke out in a triumphant smile and she whipped out an ivory cross. But, before she could turn to face Angelus, it was knocked out of her hand, and in one fast movement, Spike backhanded her so hard she flew to the ground.

Xander began to react, but Spike was a vampire and therefore much quicker and he was in front of Xander and advancing before he could open his mouth. Xander felt a hand clamp across his lips and then Spike whirled behind him, squeezing his arm around Xander's neck and dragging him away. Xander heard Willow yell to Buffy. "Xander!" he heard both of them shout. Oh that helps, he thought absently, struggling against Spike as the pair delved deeper and deeper into the pervading darkness. 

"Stop it," Spike ordered. Then, "Well, actually, you can struggle all you like. You'll just pass out sooner." His arm tightened around the boy's windpipe until Xander couldn't inhale the slightest breath. His head began to feel as if it were swelling and he imagined his eyes bursting out of his skull. Pressure, pressure, pressure.. His whole head was a huge balloon of pressure. The world was watercolors, running all smeary. He couldn't breathe. He tried to claw his way out of Spike's grip, but to no avail. There was a vise around his neck for all he could do. 

Nonononononononono he begged mentally, trying to voice the words. Black, everything was black. His head was pounding. He felt a dull aching pain all over his neglected respiratory system. And then, mercifully, the darkness swirled over his consciousness and he collapsed into a weightless freefall of nothingness. The boy slumped in his grip and Spike smiled.

"I told you," he whispered, picking Xander up in both arms so he could move faster. He heard Angelus still holding both girls at bay and began to make his way back to the Mansion. Angelus waited long enough for Spike to cover a good distance and then broke away from the fighting. He was holding onto Willow's hair and distracting Buffy from the emergency her male friend was in.

"Okay, sorry ladies, it's been a blast, but business calls." He announced suddenly, releasing Willow so violently that she spun into Buffy, knocking the girl down. And then, he was gone, following Spike and Xander. 

Buffy screamed into the night air, and ran blindly after the vampire. Willow sobbed in the street, grabbing her cross and clutching it tightly. Xander was gone. Xander was gone. She stood on wobbly legs and tried to follow Buffy, but her friend had disappeared into the night. So, she turned away from the shadows and ran as best she could towards Giles' house.

"Hey, sunshine," someone said above him. The words were slow and eery. He felt as if he were in a pool of water, listening to voices. He floated. And then something slapped him and his eyes flew open.

"Wha?" he croaked out, his throat raw and bruised. Spike smiled down at him.

"I'm delighted to see you so coherent." he whispered sarcastically. Xander shook his head, trying to clear out the last of the gummy cobwebs. Swallowing huge amounts of air made him feel better. Had he drowned? Was he dead? What was happening? Spike slapped him again and Xander yelped.

"Quit it!" he coughed. He was slapped again. His cheek was stinging.

"I'll bloody do what I like." Spike snapped at him, sneering. Xander glared at his captor, struggling to sit up. He still felt dizzy. He wondered where Buffy was-- Buffy! He had been out with Buffy. And then Angelus had showed up.. and Spike. Xander's eyes opened wide as he was finally struck with the situation. He scooted back against the floor, scrambling away from Spike.

Oh god, he was going to die. Going to die. At eighteen. What would the papers make of it? He scrambled wildly until his back struck a wall. And then he sat, cringing, his legs bent in front of him and his hands braced against the floor. He should have been saying flippant remarks and humiliating Spike with his searing witticisms, but now just didn't seem like a good time.

Any time didn't seem like a good time for that matter. Spike, a glorious vision of what black could do for bolstering someone's "evil-o-meter" stood with his hands behind his head, which was cocked backwards, and he looked at Xander over his nose. He was so damn arrogant. Vampire prick... A silent period passed by as Spike simply studied him, his vampiric pale face apathetic and emotionless, and Xander felt even more uneasy. What was he waiting for? 

"Alright, dude, first rule of thumb.. If you're gonna kill someone, it's a lot quicker to just snap their neck than to bore them to death.. Just lettin you know." Xander said suddenly, and then wished he hadn't said anything. Oh god.. that's good. Make the vampire with the swelled ego mad. That's just great. Spike sneered.

"I have all the time in the world, nancy boy." Xander looked puzzled at the term. Spike sighed, exasperated, and turned away, towards a particularly medieval-looking altar that just happened to be in the center of the floor. Altar? 

"You look very pretty in that skirt, Xander." He turned and looked over his shoulder. "Just lettin you know. Angelus has always liked the Catholic look." Xander swallowed the bile that threatened to rise. He prayed Spike was being facetious. Another bit of silence passed by. Xander eventually realized that he was in a church. An enormous, underground church. It was positively stunning. How could he not have noticed before?

The stained glass on the walls obviously didn't get much sunning time, being underground and all, but the place was beautiful. Scallops and filigree and jewel-embedded statues. Religious designs and saint motifs. The front of the large room was open, for preaching and communion-type purposes, and the rest of the room was ornately carved pews. Rows and rows.

"Hey, why aren't you scared of all these crosses?" Xander asked absently, hoping that maybe he could use the sanctity of the building to his advantage. "Because--" Spike drawled, turning around and gesturing at a particularly large crucifix. 

"They've been modified." Xander squinted and looked at the crucifix. Oh.. They'd basically made them all into addition signs. He sighed. Vampires.. How tacky could they get? "You know, I don't know why I can't just kill you.. It's not as if you're doing anyone much good being alive and all." Spike turned to face Xander, crossed his arms, the leather jacket making soft rustling noises.

"You're pathetic. You're a bloody worm and all your friends know it," the vampire's voice was a low whisper, harsh and dry. "You sod off and act like a wanker and fuck around with all your female friends, so no one can know who bloody pathetic you are. It's almost painful, watching you. You are nothing but a prancing donut-boy, and you'll never be anything to anyone."

There was a moment of dead silence. Time stopped. Xander felt his chest tighten and a red flush rose to his cheeks. He placed his elbows on his knees and glared a hole into Spike's head, his face drawn and set in animosity.

"Oh, not even a 'fuck you, Spike'?" Spike mimicked Xander in a squealy girl-voice. Xander said nothing. He knew, deep down, that Spike was right. Well, not factually accurate, but generally correct. He knew Xander's insecurities. His fears. He feared being nothing to his friends. He was terrified they'd only see him as the donut-boy. But, he knew Spike was only trying to get under his skin; to provoke him. He opened his mouth for a reply.

"You are so wrong, Spike." he began. The vampire snorted in contempt. Xander continued, his voice quiet and quivering with emotion. "I may not be much help when Buffy's kicking your ass, but my she and Willow and Cordelia don't need that much help. Girl power. It's in. I think you of all people should know, I mean, Drusilla showed you how much she needed you, didn't she?"

Spike's eyes narrowed and he stalked forward with a growl. He lunged for Xander's throat and raised the boy off the floor with one hand. Xander squirmed and gasped.

"See? It's easy to insult someone--" Spike sneered, his game-face rippling below the surface of his skin. He growled again, his teeth elongating and sharpening; turning into vamp-teeth. The rest of his visage remained human. He breathed on Xander; dry, dusty, overwhelming. Xander gagged, turned his face

"You know," Spike said almost thoughtfully after a pause. "I can see why Angelus wants you. You're all firey and naive. I almost don't want to hit you." Xander's face twisted in pain, his throat aching again. "But it doesn't mean I won't." And with that, he cocked his fist back to punch Xander, square in the nose. Xander gasped and closed his eyes, struggling.

However, the blow never came. He opened his eyelids to find Angelus standing behind Spike, holding the blond vampire's fist in his own hand. Xander's heart pounded. As always, an air of complete malevolence emanated from the older vampire.

"What did I say Spike?" Angelus whispered, his voice thick with carefully controlled anger. The younger vampire smiled at Xander, and then backed away from both of them, ripping his fist from his Sire's grip. Angelus watched him pace angrily to the second row of pews, where he sat down and placed his legs up on top of the pew-back in front of him.

"Sorry, boss," Spike spat out sarcastically, finally breaking the silence. Angelus grinned at him.

"You're such a pain-in-the-ass, Spike. I swear I'll stake you one of these days." He said it with a smile on his face, but there was dead seriousness in his voice. Xander shivered. Spike made a tsk tsk noise and then spread his arms, placing them behind his head again. He sat, watching. And then Angelus turned towards Xander.

The vampire loomed closer and closer, and Xander trembled, his doe-eyes wide and swirling with fear. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath until Angelus stepped up against him, and he exhaled in a sharp, frightened gasp. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



"No, I-- ack.." Xander gagged as Angelus squeezed his abused throat with his strong left hand. The boy's face was twisted to the side, his eyes closed and his mouth open in pain. Angelus was pressing himself into the lean body, his right cheek resting against Xander's left. His free hand was entwined in the boy's hair, and he also closed his eyes, enjoying the wafts of pure terror coming from the human. 

"Why do think you're here?" Angelus asked again. 

"I don't know! Cuz you're a pervo vampire who can't get laid?" Xander hissed. Angelus smiled, tightened his grip on Xander's bruised neck. His right hand was petting the boy's hair and he rubbed himself languidly against the warm, fleshy body. 

"Bingo! Except I can get laid.. I just want you right now. Really love that schoolgirl look." Xander sobbed, tried to push the vampire away, but it was no use. 

Spike watched the scene in front of him and shifted uncomfortably. His growing erection was being squashed in his tight black jeans. God, Xander was a hottie for being such a twit. And Angelus, all hot and bothered, was really getting into it. There was so much sexual tension in the room, Spike felt as if he would burst. He scratched absently at his crotch and waited. Xander grabbed the vampire's hand through the thin fabric of the skirt, cursing himself for wearing the stupid thing, and trying not to feel so humiliated.

"Stop it, you.. fucking asshole.." Xander spoke brokenly, fighting against the larger man. Angelus laced his fingers through Xan's hair and yanked his head back, bringing his lips to Xander's adam's apple. "I always knew you were a perv. Undead perv!"

Angelus laughed against his prey, his left hand further exploring the sacred region between Xander's thighs. Spike shifted again. He was so hard it fucking hurt. Living in the night, he hadn't been physically hot in years, but now, he was sweating, his stomach full of warm soupy anxiety and tension. He'd never been this horny, watching Angelus and Dru.

He dropped his feet and crossed his arms over the pew-back in front of him. He rested his chin on his forearms and swallowed.

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