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Incarnation of Night


Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena: Warrior Princess and Incarnations of Immortality xover
Pairing: Xander/Ares, Willow/Angel, Oz/Giles
Rating: PG/NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine. (If they were I'd be selling the videos)
Notes: I don't have a beta reader so any mistakes are completely my own. Also any thing bracket by like this: ~It was pitch black~ means dreaming. Italics means telepathy.
Feedback: Please, drop me a line letting me know if I should quit while trying to be a writer or if I should continue.
To find the challenge and information on this universe go here.

Xander sighed and moaned in his sleep while in the grips of a dream. ~He opened his eyes and looked around him, then closed them again with a groan. It was that dream again. The same dream he had been having for the last two months. It was pitch black except for the stars of the night time sky. He was floating in space as if he was floating on his back in a swimming pool. His eyes snapped open again as gently warmth was spread on to him by invisible hands, first into his hair and scalp then on to his face, his neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, chest and back. He More hands were added as a new part of his body was touched. Strangely he felt safe and comfortable. Xander closed his eyes and sighed as fingers from one invisible hand brushed across his lips and moaned as two others squeezed and rubbed his nipples and down his spine. He heard a voice in his mind whispering to him.

"Let go Xander. Join me, embrace me, become me. Become what you are meant to be. Become your true self." And still more hands were added. Xander tried to fight to keep his mind clear and not give into the warmth but soon he felt hands massaging stomach and hips and finally he gave in like had done many times before while in the grips of this dream.

It was getting harder and harder to resist the warmth of the Night. For that's what it was. He had realized it two weeks ago that the Night sky that surrounded him was trying to make love to him. But before now he could always resist just enough so that he could wake up be for the Night had a change to do more than a little foreplay.

More hands on his hips, lower back and to the globes of his ass cheeks then down his crack he wantonly thrust back his hips spreading his legs. Then the Night ran the tip of one warm finger teasingly around the entrance to Xander's body. Xander let out a low moan and pushed back against the finger, trying desperately to impale himself. This seemed to pleas the Night because the soothing warmth that was being caressed in to his body got warmer. And the Night pushed the warm finger in past the tight ring of muscles. Xander moaned in pleasure and flexed his internal muscles, caressing the Nights invisible finger in a promise of what was to come.

At the same time legs and down onto his feet and toes more hands caressed him. His could feel a comforting warmth being spread on to his entire nude body like heated message oil by dozens upon dozens of caressing invisible hands until he was shivering from pleasure to lost to be able to even cry out. He could only moan. Then the Night wrapped a large hand around Xander's weeping cock. Three tight firm strokes was all it took and Xander exploded with over the edge into orgasm.

He felt as if he was sinking into the water like substance he was floating on just moments before. Like he was melting, spreading becoming the starry sky that surrounded him. He was becoming the Night. Suddenly griped by fear he awoke.~

He sat up and put his head into his hands and thought it was time to tell Giles what was going on with him. This had been going on for two months and each time he had the dream it was harder and harder to wake-up. Xander knew he could no longer pretend it was just a dream. He had to face facts, he live a Hellmouth, if something strange happens to you it could be deadly to try and ignore it.

He glanced at the alarm clock by his bed it was three o'clock in the morning. He gave a brief thought to waiting until he went to school and stopping in to the library at lunch to tell Giles. But even as he thought that the shadows in his room seemed to reach out and cares him with unseen hands. At the first touch Xander jumped out of bed. Hastily wiped of his come smeared stomach and legs and got dressed. Grabbed a cross and a steak and quietly creeped out of his house careful not to wake his parents. Once he was out side he took off running.

As he ran he could feel the eyes of Sunnydale's patrons of the Hellmouth night life watching him. And ran faster. He felt the night time darkness around him reach out to him and cover him like a cloak.


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